Escape Game

: Chapter 53

Xie Chian still looked at him blankly.

When Jiang Kuo was about to continue eating the bunch of dark mushrooms, Xie Chian lowered his eyes and said, "Forget it."

"Huh?" Jiang Kuo paused.

"You have a unique taste." Xie Chi'an couldn't say whether it was a mockery or something. "If this is better than yours, you can't live by yourself?"

Eating dark dishes every day, is that a life for people?

"Yeah, so this isn't you? Great chef." Jiang Kuo gave Xie Chian a new name in a blink of an eye. The deep tone is very nice, "How can I live without you."

This man is flirting in one sentence.

"Throw it away." Xie Chian took a few mushrooms from the baggage and put them on skewers. The boy's tone was slightly cold, "I'll grill another skewer for you."

The tone was very calm, but it was really not good, as if he was troublesome.

Jiang Kuo was slightly surprised, and then pressed his fist to his lips, covering the corners of Wei Yang's lips.

How should I put it, the kid who speaks upright is a little cute.


After the meal, Jiang Kuo put out the fire, Xie Chian silently walked to his side and returned him the dagger.

Jiang Kuo hadn't asked him for it, but Xie Chi'an wouldn't let it go. He can see clearly that the long-term value brought by cooperation with Jiang Kuo is far better than a dagger.

Jiang Kuo took it casually, and put away the dagger: "In fact, it's good to keep it for you."

Xie Chi'an was noncommittal, and this kind of polite remarks really lost.

He plans to go to the nearby creek to fill up the water first, but the other two...

Xie Chian looked at Lin Qiao: "Can you go?"

Lin Qiao's sprain was not serious, and it was fine after treatment. But the pain cannot be avoided for a while, and it is still not suitable to walk around today.

Lin Qiao tried to get up, and fell back before standing still, frowning with pain.

Jiang Kuo said at the right time: "I look at her, you are busy with you."

Because of Lin Qiao's foot injury, they had to rest on the spot today. It's not impossible to memorize it, because it is not convenient to move, and it consumes energy and is not cost-effective.

Xie Chian didn't appreciate it.

He would not leave Lin Qiao under the care of a stranger.

Even though he had a meal together, Jiang Kuo was still just a stranger in Xie Chi'an's eyes...a stranger a little familiar.

Trust needs to be cultivated slowly.

Jiang Kuo read rejection from Xie Chi'an's silent attitude, and sat down under a tree carelessly. He can understand Xie Chi'an's alert, just as he doesn't trust Xie Chi'an completely.

...More than complete trust, there is simply no trust at all.

Even if the two seem to get along in harmony, only the simple-minded Lin Qiaohui really thinks so. Both Jiang Kuo and Xie Chian knew that they were never in the same camp.

No need to rush for irrigation. Xie Chian gave up the idea of ​​fetching water from the stream, sat down and took a piece of wood, and began to make a second wooden pot.

This one is for Lin Qiao.

Xie Chian has no hobby of sharing a jar with others. He is a little bit clean.

Jiang Kuo brought a lot of wood, except for the burned ones, there was still more than enough to burn again tonight.

Xie Chian took the short spear and cut through the wood, with a single stroke, very serious.

Under the tree, half of the cheek of the young man showed the silhouette of the leaves from the sun, and the lips were beautiful rose colors. The beautiful ten fingers clasped the wood and the short spear, bowing their heads intently to soften the cold eyebrows, like a layer of soft light, adding a layer of filters, making people forget the cruel environment they are currently in, and feel like a painting.

Jiang Kuo watched for a long while, then leaned in and said, "Master Ban, also do me a chant?"

...What kind of messy name this is. Sooner or later Xie Chi'an will become the number one in the three hundred and sixty lines in Jiang Kuo's mouth.

Xie Chian didn't raise his head: "This is not included in our cooperation."

He is only in charge of food.

"The contract can be changed at any time." Jiang Kuo said.

Xie Chian raised his eyes, looked at the handsome face of the young man, and slowly said, "The contract can also be terminated at any time."

Jiang Kuo: "..."

The negotiation failed and the chat ended.

Rejected, Jiang Kuo decided to do it himself.

He doesn't know how to do it. In addition to being handicapped in cooking, Mr. 1 is still very clever.

Just a little jealous.

Why does she have me or not, hum.

——Just because you are not his teammate.

Another voice in his heart answered calmly.

Jiang Kuo glanced at Lin Qiao, lazily used a dagger to cut the wood in his hand, and cut it down cleanly.

Lin Qiao looked horrified.

How did she think that Uncle Jiang was cutting the wood as her?


It was calm all afternoon.

Xie Chian finished the wooden jar in his hand and glanced at Jiang Kuo inadvertently-this guy carved a little pig Peppa on the wood.

...What's wrong.

Jiang Kuo is also finished. The jar is beautifully made, flat and smooth, and has a lid to ensure that it will not leak, but the pattern of the little pig Peppa is a bit strange.

"How is it?" Jiang Kuo asked Xie Chian holding up Peppa Pig.

"..." Xie Chian objectively commented, "It's quite childlike."

Jiang Kuo said: "Life must have a sense of ceremony."

God **** sense of ritual.

Xie Chian felt that Jiang Kuo was really a talent.

"You made this jar for children, right." Jiang Kuo looked at the jar in Xie Chian's hand in a declarative tone.

In the end, Xie Chi'an didn't use a dagger, he was chiseled with a short spear, so the bottom surface was a bit rough, not as good as Jiang Kuo's.

Xie Chian asked subconsciously: "Which kid?"

"Puff." Jiang Kuo laughed. "Brother, do you admit that you are a kid?"

Xie Chian wanted to hit him with a can.

"I have a name, don't bark."

"Call him by name and have more points." Jiang Kuo said, "Which one of us and whom."

Xie Chian:? ? ?

No, you make it clear, who are we with whom? Are you familiar?

Xie Chian asked: "Are we related?"

Jiang Kuo looked at him: "A friend of life and death who has eaten a meal."

Xie Chian sneered: "If you eat the food you cook, it is indeed a life and death."

He was stunned when he said this, because he hadn't eaten Jiang Kuo's cooking, but he said so naturally.

Jiang Kuo paused for a moment: "Brother, you laughed."

The words have also changed, and they will be stunned.

Xie Chi'an was startled slightly, and then he realized that he was smiling, unconsciously, slightly, and pleasantly, instead of the usual faint smile, even the arc.

He closed his lips: "...childish."

Jiang Kuo but smiled silently.

He really wants to tell the children that you are like a proud little princess now.

But he held it back, lest the little princess would become angry and terminate the contract.

Holding Peppa Pig, Jiang Kuo walked over to Lin Qiao and squatted down, and asked in a coaxing tone: "My kid, do you think this little pig is cute?"

Lin Qiao, who has never watched a cartoon, said timidly: "Isn't this a hair dryer?"

Jiang Kuo repeated without changing his face, "Do you think this little hair dryer is cute?"

The young man squatted in front of her, still much taller than her sitting. Lin Qiao looked timidly at this handsome guy who tried his best to be gentle and couldn't stop the sharp sharp eyebrows. He really didn't dare to say such words as unlovable.

"Yes, cute." Lin Qiao said without conscience.

In fact, Jiang Kuo's sculpture is very lifelike, but it is a pity that Lin Qiao has never seen the prototype of Peppa. She was not allowed to watch TV at home, and her imagination was relatively lacking. She only thought that this thing was just a hair dryer.

Who would think a hair dryer is cute?

The reluctant ghost on Lin Qiao's face can be seen, but the river is so wide that she can't see it, and she is happy to say, "Then I can change it with you, OK?"

Change, what? Lin Qiao nodded without thinking, wanting this uncle to stay away from herself.

Although the uncle is very handsome and polite, but that aura is really not anyone can hold.

Jiang Kuo got the answer and immediately put Peppa Pig into Lin Qiao's arms and got up. Lin Qiao breathed a sigh of relief silently, feeling that a big rock had fallen to the ground.

Jiang Kuo walked towards Xie Chi'an empty-handed, and raised his chin slightly: "The kid said that she changed with me, and the one in your hand is mine."

Xie Chian was speechless.

Jiang Kuo's purpose in carving Peppa Pig, isn't it just for this...

It's really possible.

It's just a jar, just give it. Besides, this can only be said to be defective.

Jiang Kuo seemed to have gotten a trophy, the corners of his eyes and brows were triumphant, a little childish. This kind of expression made by a heroic man is quite cute.

However, Xie Chian couldn't get to this kind of cuteness, only thought that Jiang Kuo might be really sick.

While thinking about this, the corners of his mouth rose uncontrollably.

The feeling that the things I made are cherished by others are still... pretty good.


There were no lives until the night, and the always noisy broadcast was as quiet as a chicken. Xie Chian felt a little uncomfortable.

He didn't know if it was a good thing.

On the one hand, Xie Chian didn't want anyone to die, and on the other hand, he felt that those enemies would die early and overtake their lives.

Such contradictory thoughts left Xie Chian at a loss for a moment.

He respects life very much. The former Xie Chian was a person who would not harm even small animals. Other children first mastered tree climbing skills because of digging out bird nests, but Xie Chian was to send chicks that fell on the ground back to the tree.

Xie Chi'an has a balance in his heart. Even if he is in hell, he will remain clear, and will not let his heart be swallowed by evil, eroded by viciousness, and surrounded by darkness, without seeing the sun.

But since participating in this game, there have been many involuntary people. Xie Chian didn't want to die, and he couldn't abandon himself to perfect others, and now it's even more because his brother wants to live desperately.

And to survive, you have to kill.

Kill one person, two people, one hundred people and one thousand people. If the game continues, if he can live to the end, will he still be the original him? Is it Xie Chi'an that survived, or was it a crazy killer?

Is he still qualified to say that his heart has never been soaked in darkness?

"Brother, if you stay in a daze, this bunch of mushrooms will be scorched again." The deep voice fell into his ears, making Xie Chian wake up in time.

Xie Chian saw that the bunch in his hand had a tendency to burn, so he turned over.

"What are you thinking about?" Jiang Kuo looked at him, "Brother, you are so young, why are you always thinking about it."

"I didn't think about it." Xie Chian whispered, "I'm just in a daze."

Jiang Kuo raised his eyebrows: "Are you treating me as a fool or blind?"

Xie Chian is inexplicably irritable: "Can you stop talking so much."

"You are thinking, if you keep playing the game, will you become very bad and become the type of person you hate the most?" Jiang Kuo said suddenly.

Xie Chian looked at him unexpectedly.

Is this person still reliable?

Jiang Kuo knew that he had guessed right when he saw Xie Chi'an's expression, and said loudly: "How about you are a younger brother? Come, let your brother enlighten you."

Jiang Kuo moved his body, next to Xie Chian: "Give me the mushrooms."

Xie Chian wanted to see what medicine he sold in the gourd, so he gave him the mushrooms that were almost roasted.

"I like the outer focus and the inner tenderness, do you know why not?" Jiang Kuo said, "Mushrooms are the same as people. People living in the world cannot be innocent and innocent for a lifetime, or they will be taught by society to be human sooner or later—— Raw mushrooms are hard to swallow. There is always some disguise as a protective color. Some people are white and black, and they look human on the outside. Who knows what the heart is black, this kind of mushroom can only gnaw outside. , Who would dare to see it inside. Some people are dark inside and out. There is nothing to say about this. People’s prison welcomes him. Black mushrooms inside and out are more terrifying than poisonous mushrooms. And it's like you."

Jiang Kuo said, "Brother, you look cold and arrogant, stiff, and ice-like, and your heart is soft. The ice is frozen at most. If you really want you to pierce others, it will melt immediately, and there will be a puddle of water inside. ."

He said again: "No matter how dark the outside is roasted by fire, it is still white and soft when it is peeled off, stubbornly refusing to blacken it. I like this kind of charred outside and tender inside.

Xie Chian: "Did you forget that I killed someone."

It is impossible for a person who passes the first level to have never killed anyone.

Ice cubes can pierce people to death.

Jiang Kuo just smiled: "It's different, brother."

As for the difference, he didn't say anything.

Xie Chi'an actually didn't listen too clearly, and seemed to have an epiphany. Not to mention Daigo empowerment, at least it makes the heart feel better.

"How is it? Have you listened to what I said, better than reading ten years?" Jiang Kuo turned his head and asked.

Xie Chian's heart softened a little, and his mouth was not forgiving: "Is that why you grilled this bunch of mushrooms so badly?"

Jiang Kuo: "..."

"Eat it for me." Xie Chian curled his lips, "Don't waste it."

Jiang Kuo: "..."

Too ruthless.

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