Escape From Konoha

Chapter 23: magic

The next day, in the outdoor class.

"Thousand-hand rope tree?"

Hearing this familiar and somewhat unfamiliar name from Bai Shi's mouth, Liu Li frowned.

"Yeah, I met him before the experimental class yesterday afternoon. He seems to be very interested in defeating you."

Shiraishi watched Liuli's facial expressions with interest to see how she reacted.

It's a pity that Shiraishi was disappointed. Liuli just nodded lightly. There were too many people who wanted to challenge her.

However, the other party is also the grandson of the first Hokage, so he must have some skills.

"What is his strength?"

"Maybe a little weaker than me."

"That is indeed a challenger that I have a little expectation for."

Ruri, who knew Shiroishi's full strength, lowered Joju's level a little bit. Although it was impossible to defeat him, he should be able to make himself a little happy.

"But I heard from Senior Shengshu that his teacher, Orochimaru Jōnin, who just returned to the village, is said to be a genius ninja that has not been encountered in decades. It is better to be careful then."

"Don't worry, the Jōnin who taught me is a well-known elder in the Uchiha clan. Although he has retired, his experience and understanding of ninjutsu can only be compared with the three generations of Hokage-sama in Konoha Village. What's more, I There are also Sharinyan and your scientific exercise method, give me two more years, and even if it is Shangnin, I can entangle."

Liuli said confidently.

She is only in the fourth grade now, and there are still two school years before graduation. She has enough time to promote herself to grow.

Senju Roshu's connections and resources are good, but the treatment she enjoys in the Uchiha clan may not be comparable.

Uchiha does not lack the powerful Joinin.

"I just want to remind you a little, I have full confidence in you. After all, no one knows if there will be any accident in the two years later, Senior Rope Tree will be in danger. The war has just ended, and it is still a little dangerous to carry out tasks outside."

Shiraishi is not cursing the rope tree, but when the war just ended, it might be even more dangerous than the time of the war. It is more dangerous to perform tasks outside, even if Sannin takes care of him.

"Speaking of which, Senior Rope Tree is the grandson of the first-generation Hokage-sama. Could he have inherited the first-generation Lord's Mudun? That is the bloodstained power to calm down the turbulent times of the Warring States period."

Shiraishi was thinking about this.

Hearing what Shiraishi said, Liuli said, "This kind of thing is impossible. According to the records of our Uchiha family's classics, among the Senju clan, only the first generation of ninjas has awakened Mudun."

Shiraishi raised his eyebrows: "That's really weird."


"Yeah, Mu Dun is the limit of blood, right? This ability will be passed on to the next generation, just like Uchiha's writing wheel eye and Hinata's white eye. If senior rope tree hadn't awakened Mu Dun, it wouldn't be very good. Is it strange? After all, Senior Shengshu is only one generation away from the source of Mu Dun’s blood, and his bloodline is very close to the first generation of adults.”

"As far as I know, Tsunade Junin can't use a wooden dung either."

Shiraishi was even more puzzled.

I didn't think so at first, but when I think about it seriously, it's understandable that the rest of the Qianshou clan did not inherit Mudun. Shiraishi could regard Mudun as the blood-successor limit created by the first Hokage Qianshouzhuma.

In other words, Mu Dun's blood will not awaken in other Qianshou tribesmen, but it will definitely appear in his immediate descendants.

Roshu didn't awaken Mu Dun, and it can be explained by his young age and lack of strength, but Tsunade is already a famous Shangnin in the village, and he is also a leader among Shangnin.

This kind of Jōnin didn't even awaken Mu Dun.

Could it be that Mu Dun is not a blood-successor boundary at all? Or to awaken Mu Dun, what special things do you need?

Shiraishi couldn't figure this out.

"I remember you once said that the first-generation adults still use something called fairy magic, right?"

"Ah, I did say, I also accidentally read it in the family's books, it is said that in nature, there is a special energy called 'natural energy', which seems to be related to fairy magic. I don't know the rest. Clear."

"Could this have something to do with Mu Dun?"

"Who knows, many things about the predecessors are difficult to verify. After all, I have never heard of anyone in Uchiha who has practiced immortality, otherwise there will definitely be related cultivation methods passed down."

Liuli is also interested in the magic, but she doesn't know how to obtain the power of the magic.

Compared with the kind of intangible and invisible things, the writing wheel eye made her feel real.

This is the source of the power of the Uchiha clan's ninjas.

"Natural energy, what does it look like?"

Shiraishi looked up at the sky with a puzzled expression, but there was a desire to explore in his eyes.

In order to understand the magic, one must first grasp the natural energy, and to grasp the natural energy must be based on the premise of discovering the natural energy and then accepting the natural energy.

Liuli could see that Shiraishi was also very interested in the so-called immortal arts. This was his common problem. Once he encountered something unknown, the other party's curiosity would become stronger than hers.

"I'll bring you the tome about immortality tomorrow."

"Huh? Is that okay? Those kind of books are precious, right?"

"Precious? That's not really precious, it's just a little bit of fur. It's like many people in the ninja world know about the existence of Mu Dun, but only the first-generation adults can use it. The same is true for immortal art. Knowing the existence of immortal art and learning to master it are the same Two different things."

After a Liuli gave Shiraishi some of Uchiha's books about celestial arts as promised.

Anyway, this thing is eaten in her house, and it has no effect at all.

Shiraishi is like a treasure.

Even if it is the skin information of immortality, he feels that this information is very precious.

After practicing with Liuli for a while at night, Shiraishi couldn't wait to go home and spread out the materials on immortality on the desk with the lamp on.

The scroll that recorded the immortality was very old, and there was some dust on it that couldn't be dusted off, and it was fixed on it.

Shiraishi didn't care, he opened the scroll and began to read the text on it.

The approximate information recorded on the scroll is that based on ordinary chakra, it absorbs the natural energy of the outside world and fuses it to form the so-called fairy chakra.

After creating the magic chakra, you can use the magic.

When using fairy spells, you must first enter the fairy mode.

A very brief introduction.

But here, the most important thing is the so-called natural energy.

Ordinary chakra can be produced by fusion of the ninja's own physical and mental energy.

Immortal chakra, adding natural energy in addition to the two energies, is celestial chakra.

And natural energy exists in the air and the earth.

In other words, natural energy is actually everywhere.

If you want to feel the energy of nature, you must be one with nature.

The recording is interrupted here.

There is no record of how to integrate with nature, not at all.

Integrate with nature, feel the natural energy, how to receive it, how much to receive, and what proportion of the three energies need to be used to balance, all of which are not recorded.

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