Entertainment World: The Wild God of Gourmet

Chapter Four Hundred and Eleven

(Chapter 408 was blocked. It was blocked for the first time. It was a bit square. I didn’t write anything. It was full of positive energy....The editor happened to be on vacation. Anyway, I will solve it as soon as possible. Please bear with me.)


It has been a week since the last live broadcast, and disaster relief has become the main theme in this week.

Due to various reasons, the casualty loss of this earthquake is the smallest among earthquakes of the same magnitude, and it is also the only time that an earthquake has been successfully predicted in advance since recorded records. Although the person involved, Chen Ergou, hadn't made any appearances these days, during the entire disaster relief period, he was almost mentioned directly or indirectly in many media news broadcasts.

Because this is a topical character, and he did such a big thing by coincidence, it will naturally be spread more and more. In addition, this trip to the Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon with Hu Ge is almost full of high energy. Whether it is wrestling with snow leopards, fighting tigers on snowy nights, or hot air balloons grabbing ropes to save people and other small promotional videos, they are all in Widespread on the web.

It also played a wave of advertisements for "Wild Eater" invisibly, which made many people look forward to the new episode of the show.

Foreigners seem to be more fond of this kind of extreme adventure, and several small videos spread even more on the Internet, and more and more people know such a magical Chinese wilderness adventurer. Especially this time, the earthquake was successfully predicted? !

Not to mention anything else, at least the popularity has greatly increased.

But this kind of fame has both advantages and disadvantages, especially the reputation based on casualties. Chen Ergou firmly denied it and dared not take credit. But once the national disaster relief fever is over, except for the disaster-stricken areas, the common people across the country will still perform and dance, and do business as usual.

So what is Chen Ergou doing these days?

In addition to organizing his own "Reservoir Dogs Charity Foundation" to provide relief to the disaster-stricken areas and do his best, he is recuperating at home with peace of mind. Occasionally hang out with "Mu Yi Xiaomi" or "Principal Wang" and "Lin Xiaoxin" to practice their heroes.

Also do some restorative training to prepare yourself for your next adventure.

Ever since Chen Ergou announced with great fanfare that he would choose Mount Everest as the recording location for the last episode of the first season of "Wild God of Cookery", the topic of climbing Mount Everest has been very hot.

Maybe Mount Everest doesn't seem to have much to do with food, but you can't ignore the charm of Mount Everest. If he succeeds and can solve some shooting technical problems, then this trip to Mount Everest will be the first time in human history that the whole process of climbing Mount Everest will be broadcast live.

There are not a few people who are interested, and many Chinese and foreign Everest teams have sent team invitations, but he has not made a clear statement yet.


As the number of people who have successfully climbed Mount Everest in China is gradually increasing, Mount Everest has become the goal that more and more people want to conquer. With the intervention of commercial companies, it is not difficult to climb Mount Everest now. According to incomplete statistics, nearly 4,000 climbers have successfully climbed to the summit of Mount Everest.

The sacred mountain that was once unattainable has now been climbed by so many people. As the originator of wilderness adventures, Chen Ergou, known as "Master Dog", should be in no danger?

But in fact, Chen Ergou is still making all kinds of meticulous preparations, and no mistakes are allowed.

Wilderness adventure, the worst thing is the idea of ​​invincibility.

Not to mention facing Mount Everest! ?

Then the question comes, "If ordinary people want to climb Mount Everest, what conditions do they need to meet?"

This is also Chen Ergou's latest Weibo topic. Attached is a set of Jiugongge photos of running and exercising with J-20 and Rengar at night.

A group of photos can be regarded as a solution to the urgent needs of the media. Looking at the photos, Chen Ergou is in good condition.

Countless fans came out to support their idols, some made a special trip to see J-Twenty and Rengar, and some expressed their impulsive feelings.

There are also many people who are interested in the question raised by Chen Ergou, and all the great gods have come forward to give him advice.

His current Weibo followers have exceeded 30 million, all accumulated in a short period of time, and the proportion of active fans is even larger. 4 hours after this Weibo was posted,

It has already broken the record of tens of millions of likes, and it is said that it also caused the background data of Weibo to be busy!

After the news was reported, it was even more shocking.

"Excellent, my brother."

"My big dog soared into the sky, there's nothing wrong with it!"

The "dog master army" is even more honorable. This popularity is so strong that I don't know how many celebrities are envious!

Back to business.

If you want to climb Mount Everest, first of all, you must have a certain financial capacity, at least 10,000 to 00,000 yuan.

For many mountaineering enthusiasts with average income, 00,000 yuan is not a small amount. I couldn't afford the money and didn't want to give up, so I had to sneak in. Of course, if you are more generous, a few million yuan is not much. When Wang Shi climbed Mount Everest, he spent more than 100,000 yuan.

Moreover, due to many factors such as the weather, there is no guarantee that every time you spend money, you will be able to reach the summit successfully. Therefore, for amateur climbers, they must have a certain economic foundation.

The second, of course, is to have a good physical fitness.

Asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure and other diseases, it is best not to participate in mountaineering activities. But there are no absolutes. Someone with a hand or foot disability can successfully climb Mount Everest, because that is a stage to challenge the limit and create miracles.

If you have a certain financial foundation and your health is good, then you can go to the next step: preparing for climbing Mount Everest. Don't think it's easy, it takes at least ~4 years for the average person to prepare for this process.

Even if you meet these requirements, you can't just climb if you want to. There are so many people in the world, there are many people who are not afraid of death, and there are not a few who want to climb Mount Everest. If people rush to climb, wouldn't it become the same crowded situation as other tourist attractions in China?

Therefore, the current climbing of Mount Everest is regulated.

More than a dozen climbing routes have been discovered on Mount Everest, but there are two main climbing routes, namely the south slope climbing route in Nepal and the north slope climbing route in China.

Climbing Mount Everest from the north slope, there are several well-equipped roads leading directly to the base camp on the north slope of Mount Everest, and you can directly reach the foot of Mount Everest by car.

Fortunately, in order to climb Mount Everest, Chen Ergou had already submitted an application to the State Sports General Administration after returning from the "Sahara Desert" more than two months ago.

Nowadays, people who apply to climb Mount Everest every year have to make an appointment several months in advance, and they have to form a team to make the trip. Only about ten people make the trip each year, and more people climb Mount Everest from Nepal.

According to the "Domestic Mountaineering Management Measures", if you want to climb independent peaks over 5,000 meters in Tibetan areas and over 500 meters in other provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, you need to report to the provincial sports administrative department for approval one month in advance. For climbing peaks over 7,000 meters, one should apply to the State Sports General Administration for special approval three months in advance.

Climbing Mount Everest requires experience in climbing peaks over 8,000 meters.

Chen Ergou did not meet any of these conditions, and the application period was less than three months, but this application was still approved.

Sometimes, you have to admit, fame is a good thing.

Chen Ergou just accepted the signboard of the publicity ambassador of the "Shanghai World Expo", and the pass was approved immediately. Along with the pass, there are several valuable endorsement contracts. Including Tsingtao Beer, Red Bull Drinks, and even Adidas endorsement. However, Adidas was rejected by him, which clashed with his own "Knight" outdoor sports brand.

After Li Ning saw the commercial potential of the "Knight", he finally let go of his high head, and this time he found it "disgraced". Although the two parties had some feuds, Chen Ergou did not bite the bullet and play "slap in the face" in the face of Li Ning's overtures. He didn't refuse to cooperate, but the situation has changed a lot from time to time. Originally, "Li Ning" should take the initiative to cooperate, but this time it will be the dog who is in the water.

Xia Meng returned from the United States urgently, and together with Cai Yinong, helped to participate in the negotiation.

The two parties initially reached an agreement to jointly create an outdoor sports brand company named "Knight", and Chen Ergou will be responsible for investing 300 million yuan and occupying 60% of the shares. Li Ning invested 200 million yuan, occupying 40% of the shares. Reservoir Dogs is responsible for the clothing design and outdoor product design of the Cavaliers series, including throwing ropes, clothing, sleeping bags, field knives, signal transmitters, etc., which performed very well during the trip to the Grand Canyon.

The production and sales chain of all products is in charge of the Li Ning store, and the knight series brand will be attributed to Li Ning in name.

After the initial agreement was reached, Li Ning couldn't wait to announce the news of this cooperation. Not surprisingly, once it was announced, it immediately caused an uproar. The stock of "Li Ning" soared 8% that day. The media were stunned, no wonder they rejected Adidas' sky-high endorsement fee. These days, celebrities don't play endorsement and start a business. Does it mean that Chen Ergou is not taking the usual path again?

Because the specific shares have not been announced, the way of cooperation between the two parties was hailed by the domestic media as the creation of the Jordan brand by Nike. Maybe many years later, there will be another well-known sports brand in China that is not inferior to "Li Ning". If they knew that Chen Ergou was the shareholder of this new company, what would they do if they didn't know?

Anyway, Cai Yinong, who participated in the whole process, felt that he was a little out of date.

This is a later story, so I won't mention it for the time being.

However, Chen Ergou now also faces a choice...

Climbing to the top of Mount Everest is a very honorable thing. Sometimes, people's thinking is easy to go wrong.

For example, it is easy for people to equate "I climbed the highest mountain in the world" with "I am the number one in the world". Compared with the five mountains, Mount Everest is indeed very, very difficult; compared to people living at low altitudes, Mount Everest is indeed unattainable.

However, if you open your horizons and have some real knowledge, people will find that the traditional route on the north side of Mount Everest commercial mountaineering, among dozens of climbing routes in 14 8,000-meter high mountains, must rank first in difficulty. Within the bottom 10.

For example, the second highest peak in the world, "Kogri" (K), is 8,611 meters high, 1 meter shorter than Mount Everest. However, the climbing difficulty and danger of several K routes are much higher than the traditional routes on the north side used by Mount Everest commercial mountaineering.

In the international mountaineering circles, no one thinks that clients who reach the summit of Mount Everest through commercial mountaineering are mountaineers—because you are being served; but they basically recognize that those who have tried K self-climbing can be regarded as master mountaineers.

To expand our horizons, there are more than 1,000 snow-capped mountains over 5,000 meters in China, many of which are much more difficult than Mount Everest. From the perspective of human development, the more closed the information environment, the more prone to the phenomenon of "yelang arrogance".

As a mountaineering customer, if there is no Alpine cooperation to boil water and cook for you every day, if there is no Alpine cooperation to help you camp and make beds, if there is no alpine guide to open up all dangerous sections in advance, if there is no alpine guide to carry life-saving oxygen and take care of you As you move forward step by step, can you go up?

Can you come back safely?

What face do you have to put on a heroic appearance with a halo on your head, and say to the public, "I have realized my dream of conquering the world's highest peak"?

It’s good to be grateful, most of this dream is done for you by others.

So this time, is he going to climb the peak like a commercial nanny?

Halo and dream, which is more important?

And after the mountaineering notification email from Shengshan Company was sent, indicating the gathering time and place, this issue also became Chen Ergoucheng's consideration.


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