Entertainment From Divorce

Chapter 125 Boss, will you sing us a song?

"Chen Ziyu."

Tan Yue looked at the tall woman downstairs holding an umbrella to catch the snow.

It took a long time until Zhang Peng patted him awake and told him that it was time to go to the conference room for a meeting. Tan Yue finally came to his senses and looked down through the glass window. There was no one there.

Although I really want to say, what Chen Ziyu did before made him very angry and made his impression of her extremely bad.

But in fact, when Tan Yue thought of the experience of being defeated by Chen Ziyu, not only was he not angry, but he found it quite interesting.

Tan Yue himself didn't realize that before, he always said how bad Chen Ziyu was, how much he hated Chen Ziyu, but it was just his comfort to himself.

Many men have a bad habit, they always want to say that what they can't get is very sour. Tan Yue thinks that he has a good mentality for two generations, but he still has no excuse for Chen Ziyu.

Sometimes I often see some reports about Chen Ziyu on the Internet. Obviously, that face is obviously different from that of his girlfriend Jiajia in the previous life. Why did he mistake it for Jiajia when he saw it for the first time?

Is it a profile look alike?

Withdrawing his gaze and adjusting his thoughts, Tan Yue smiled lightly and said to Zhang Peng, "Let's go to the meeting."

Zhang Peng noticed that something was wrong with Tan Yue, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he raised his legs and followed.

In the second conference room.

When Tan Yue and Zhang Peng arrived, most of them were already there.

"Teacher Tan."

"Teacher Tan, Director Zhang, you are here."

"There is a place here."

Tan Yue and Zhang Peng found two empty seats next to each other and sat down directly.

Within two minutes, Director Gao Quan hurried into the meeting room.

His face was flushed, his mouth couldn't close his smile, and he looked like a fool in joy.

Gao Quan sat down at the head of the conference table, looked at everyone, and said with a smile: "Everyone, how was your weekend? Did you all have a good time?"

The others didn't expect the director to care about him so much, so they nodded frequently.

"It was a good time."

"Very happy!"

"Director, is there something wrong?"

"Director, you are so happy. Did the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" break through 20%?"

Gao Quan waved his hands at everyone, and said, "Let me first read the ratings rankings of our channel's program groups last week."

In the meeting room, it quickly quieted down, looking at Gao Quan with a pair of eyes, waiting for the ratings of the program that Gao Quan was about to read.

"No. 1, "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", ratings 20.11."

"Second place, "I Am a Singer", ratings 13.65."


In fact, when Gao Quan read out the ratings of the first "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", everyone else was too shocked to react.

Even Wu Xuemin, the editor-director of "I Am a Singer", who ranked second, when he heard the news that the ratings of "Tonight's Talk Show After 80s" broke 20, his brain shut down instantly, and he didn't hear the news behind it. The ratings of their own programs.

Tan Yue and Zhang Peng looked at each other, and they could both see the surprise in each other's eyes!

Although both of them had a premonition that the ratings of this episode of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" would exceed 20%, but when they really saw the result, their hearts couldn't help but slow down!

With a ratings of 20%, no matter where the TV station is placed, it is the top ratings!

With this achievement in hand, Tan Yue and Zhang Peng, as the core creators of this program, will benefit a lot!

Especially Tan Yue, there will be many TV stations or entertainment companies who are destined to poach him in the future.

A pair of envious and shocked eyes looked at Tan Yue.

"20.11! This is really breaking twenty!"

"Really Jill horror!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, this is definitely an unsurpassable record. It has been more than ten years, and our station has never achieved such a result."

"too strong!"

"A fierce batch!"

The latest ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" swept across Jishui TV Station like a hurricane.

Breaking the 20% ratings!

This kind of achievement, no matter where it is placed, is an insurmountable peak, which can only make people look back and be amazed!

But now, everyone's attitude towards "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" is such an attitude of admiration.

Some staff members of the program group of the entertainment channel expressed admiration when they mentioned "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show".

Co-existing on the same channel, there must be competition, but other programs are rarely dissatisfied with the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show". If the gap between the two is small, it may make people feel bitter, but the gap When it reaches a certain level, it will be difficult for people to arouse the desire to compete.

When Tan Yue came out of the conference room, he saw a lot of people gathered around the "Talk Show of the Post-80s Tonight", obviously they all came to watch the excitement after hearing the ratings of the show.

Some people are still muttering.

"Where's Teacher Tan?"

"I still want to meet Mr. Tan. What kind of person does it take to bring the show to such a high ratings?"

"Look, Teacher Tan is back."

"Wow, even more handsome than on TV!"

Seeing so many people, Tan Yue couldn't help but smile a little.

Unknowingly, I rushed on the road of becoming a public figure.

Tan Yue didn't stop after he came back, he directly discussed with Zhang Peng, called a meeting with the partners in the group, and talked about the ratings by the way.

Those staff members who "came here for fame" also left one after another when they saw Tan Yue leaving again. After all, they had been staying in other departments, which seemed too idle.

At the meeting, the crowd was excited, and Tan Yue was also very happy.

After the meeting, everyone returned to their workstations and started working.

Today is Monday, nothing to do.

The filming of the show was not in a hurry. Tan Yue took a cup of hot coffee, watched the news for a while, and then turned to look at the snow scene outside the window for a while.

The morning's heavy snowfall has turned the city of Jishui into a piece of white flowers.

At eleven o'clock, Tan Yue was thinking about whether he should go to the cafeteria to eat today.

"Xiaojie, why did you carry the guitar back to work?"

The planner Xiaojie in the group came from the corridor, carrying a guitar on his back.

Xiaojie wiped his face and sighed: "I took half a day off and planned to go to Mudan Street to participate in a music event. I didn't expect that it was snowing heavily, and the event was canceled. The road is not easy to walk in snowy days. I am worried that I will turn back The family may not be able to come back in the afternoon, so I brought it directly to the unit."

Xiaojie patted the guitar a little depressed, then laughed again, and said, "However, the ratings of our show broke 20%, which is really great news."

Suddenly, Momo got up and walked over, looked at Xiaojie's guitar with wide eyes, turned to Tan Yue, who was drinking coffee with his legs crossed, and said, "Boss, can you sing us a song?"

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