Entertainment From Divorce

Chapter 111 Everyone be quiet! (updated)

on Monday,

Entertainment channel, in the director's office.

Ma Wanli opened the window, lit a cigarette, took out one and threw it to Gao Quan who was sitting on the sofa.

Gao Quan took the cigarette with a wry smile, took out the lighter from his pocket and lit it.

Recently, he is quitting smoking, basically not smoking a single day, and the tigress at home keeps a close eye on him, and often smells the smell of smoke on his clothes.

Right now, though, he really needs a cigarette to relax.

The ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" was 16.18, a small increase from the previous issue.

With such a high ratings level now, every increase in the ratings is very difficult.

The ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" have risen so much this time, and he is under a lot of pressure.

Can "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" catch up with "Tree of Wisdom"?

Gao Quan took a puff of cigarette, exhaled slowly, the smoke drifted over his face, making him look a bit melancholy.

Picking up the phone to check the time, Gao Quan let out a sigh of relief.

Ma Wanli sat across from him, looked at Gao Quan with a smile and said, "This is the fourth time I've checked my phone, can't I just sit still?"

After the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" came out, they were immediately sent to the desks of the directors of each channel. In order to know the results as soon as possible, Gao Quan didn't sit in his office after work, so he came directly to Ma Wanli Waiting for news here.

Gao Quan sighed, and said, "The Children's Channel pushes "Tree of Wisdom" too hard."

Ma Wanli flicked the cigarette ash, shook his head and said, "We can't do this. At most, we can give some resources to "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show."

It is impossible to learn such a desperate approach like the Children's Channel.

Except for "Tree of Wisdom", the children's channel does not have a single program that can be played.

But the entertainment channel is different. In addition to "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", there is also "I Am a Singer" and other programs with very good ratings. It is impossible to break the pot like the children's channel.

Ma Wanli said: "I'm still very optimistic about "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show". Tan Yue gave me a big surprise!"

Ma Wanli opened his mouth to comfort Gao Quan, but in fact, he was also a little up and down in his heart.

After all, the ratings are something that no one can guarantee that it will continue to rise until the results are actually announced.

However, "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" has indeed given him a lot of confidence since it started broadcasting.

While the two were talking, there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

Ma Wanli raised his head, looked over, and said, "Come in."

The door of the meeting room was pushed open, and a female employee in uniform walked in. This was not from the entertainment channel, but from the ratings side.

The female staff member held a few forms in her hand, smelled the heavy smell of smoke in the office, frowned slightly, walked quickly to the coffee table, handed the ratings form to Ma Wanli with both hands, "Director Ma, this is A summary of the ratings of the entertainment channel's programs last week."

Ma Wanli took it over and thanked him.

The female staff member nodded, then turned around and left quickly. She really couldn't get used to the smell of the smoke.

Watching the female staff go out and close the door, Gao Quan couldn't sit still immediately, stood up from the sofa, walked to Ma Wanli, and said, "Director, please watch the episode of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show". Ratings."

Ma Wanli wanted to laugh at Gao Quan, but he was also nervous and looking forward to it. He stubbed out the cigarette butt, threw it into the ashtray, and picked up the ratings form to look at it.

Gao Quan's gaze immediately moved to the ratings summary table.

The ratings of each program group on the form have been arranged according to their rankings. The first one on the first page is "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show".

Gao Quan and Ma Wanli were not surprised that "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" won the first place in the channel's ratings. Not getting the first place would really scare them to death.

His eyes were serious, and he moved back slowly. When he saw the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show", Gao Quan suddenly let out a soft cry.


Ma Wanli also laughed out loud when he saw the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show".


Gao Quan and Ma Wanli looked at each other, and they both saw two words in each other's eyes.


Ma Wanli handed the rating form to Gao Quan, and said with a smile, "Okay, you should feel relieved now."

Gao Quan took the ratings summary form, nodded heavily, and then began to focus on the form.

"I originally thought that if "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" could have a score of around 15.8, we would hope to surpass "Tree of Wisdom" before the end of the year, but, I'm sure, the next issue will be over Time for The Tree of Wisdom."

Ma Wanli took out another cigarette and lit it up.

That cigarette just now is a smoke that relieves stress.

The current cigarette is a happy one.

Gao Quan nodded with a smile, and said, "That's right, the Children's Channel's promotion of "Tree of Wisdom" has not narrowed the gap with our "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show."

"Now we are chasing even tighter, and we are only one step away from catching up. "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" is better than I imagined!"

"Besides, the children's channel only has so many audiences. The current performance of "Tree of Wisdom" has basically reached the ceiling. It will not be easy to go up in the future."

"But the ceiling of our channel is higher than that of the children's channel."

"There is still a lot to do after "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show"!"

Ma Wanli said with a smile: "One thing you said is wrong. Not only is "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" better than you and I imagined, but Teacher Tan Yue is also better than we imagined."

"As far as I know, when Mr. Tan is filming the show, there will be a little change in each episode, and new highlights will be added constantly."

"People like Mr. Tan are very suitable for this bowl of rice, and they will be great in the future."

Gao Quan clicked his tongue and said, "I see, it's Li Shutang again."

When Li Shutang was mentioned, Ma Wanli snorted and said, "No, I believe he is much stronger than Li Shutang."

Gao Quan laughed and said, "The director is so optimistic about Teacher Tan."

Ma Wanli said noncommittally: "If Li Shutang's ceiling is a third-tier public figure, then Tan Yue's is a second-tier public figure!"

The list of celebrities included in the list of public figures is based on many factors, two of which are influence and popularity. In this regard, actors and singers have more advantages than those behind the scenes.

Many well-known directors are only second-tier on the list of public figures.

But can you say that these great directors are inferior to top-tier singers and actors?

After the two of them said a few more words, Gao Quan was about to get up and leave. Today, on Monday, he will go to the regular meeting of the channel's program group.

"Director, I'm leaving first." Gao Quan took out a piece of gum from his pocket, threw it into his mouth and said, chewing.

Marwanli nodded.

Watching Gao Quan go out with the rating form, Ma Wanli shouted: "After copying it, send me a copy. I haven't read it properly yet."

"OK." Ma Wanli replied.

entertainment channel,

It was time for the regular meeting, and the directors and chief planners of each program group went to the No. 2 conference room for a meeting.

A very similar scene unfolded.

"Director Wang, come back quickly after the meeting and tell us about the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show"."

"Boss, remember the ratings of the talk show."

"Teacher Qi, post the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" to the group!"

In the No. 2 conference room, many chief planners and directors came here with important responsibilities in the group.

Even Wu Xuemin, the director of "I Am a Singer", was told by his old colleagues in the group to send back the ratings of "Tonight's Talk Show After 80s" when he came.

It made Wu Xuemin a little awkward.

Unknowingly, have these guys forgotten their past glory?

I forgot that we were also the number one program on the channel!

Wu Xuemin hated it, but he was also very curious about the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show".

The ratings of "Tree of Wisdom" have been released, 16.18%, a very high score, can "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" catch up?

In the meeting room, not too many people came, and some familiar directors and chief planners began to chat.

"How many ratings can "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" have?"

"According to its upward momentum in the past, it can at least reach a level of 15.8 or 15.9 this time."

"Haven't you thought about stretching your hips this time? Or the ratings didn't increase much?"

"I don't dare to think about it. If the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" drop, the director and the director will discuss it and do the same thing as the children's channel. We will really be screwed."

"What the hell? You mean to push all the resources to "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show"? No way?"

"If the ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" go up well, it won't. If you really hit the mark with your crow's mouth, it will really pull your hips, haha."

Talking and talking, I don't know who is talking about it. When it comes to whether the entertainment channel will be like the children's channel, doing weird things like using all the resources in the channel to promote a program.

Although this possibility is unlikely, what if? What if the leaders collectively convulse?

Afterwards, as Tan Yue and Zhang Peng entered the conference room, this kind of discussion gradually disappeared.

Everyone looked at Tan Yue and Zhang Peng with piercing eyes.

"Teacher Tan, come on!"

"The ratings of "Tonight's Post-80s Talk Show" will definitely surpass that of "Tree of Wisdom"!"

"Yes! The ratings will definitely not pull your hips!"

"Teacher Tan, Director Zhang, I believe you will do it!"

Tan Yue and Zhang Peng were a little confused by the big guy's enthusiasm.

What the hell is this?

Before the two of them figured out what was going on, they heard strong footsteps outside. Director Gao Quan strode into the conference room, sat down at the head of the conference table, and looked at everyone with a red face. Said: "Everyone be quiet first."

Everyone quieted down and looked at Gao Quan.

Gao Quan coughed lightly, picked up the form in his hand, and read, "Let me tell you about the ratings of our channel's programs last week."


The people below nodded frequently and took out their mobile phones at the same time, only waiting for Gao Quan to speak.

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