Entertaining Children

Chapter 609: Two Newcomers Only One

The movie "127 Hours" is about Zhan Youcheng's experience during the earthquake in Wuyou County the year before last. Although it is set against the background of the earthquake and involves some plots and scenes of earthquake search and rescue, overall, this movie is not a disaster movie, but a biopic about personal experience.

What kind of experience is it to be buried underground for more than five days? What kind of experience is it like to be in a desperate situation and face the threat of death in despair? From this movie, the audience has a deep feeling.

The basement that is called heaven should not be called ineffective is a hurdle in Zhan Youcheng's life. Not everyone will have such an extremely unlucky experience, but on the road of life, everyone will encounter various setbacks. There are various hurdles in life. How to face it, many people have gained different degrees of insights from this movie and from Zhan Youcheng's experience.

For example, a certain viewer said in a comment under this movie on Tudou.com that after watching this movie, 99% of people can see hope from despair, and find a way to survive from despair. reason.

This is a very inspiring movie that brings positive energy such as hope and courage to people. It can be well developed in this regard, but Xiao Yao is not a person who likes to preach and sensationalize. After saying "I am honored to have Mr. Zhan Youcheng's deeds known to more and more people", Xiao Yao ended his acceptance speech and left the stage with the trophy.

After the best new actor was awarded, two technical awards for best costume and best special effects were presented next. In terms of these two items, "127 Hours" was not shortlisted for nominations, and it has nothing to do with the crew.

In many awards ceremonies, singing and dancing shows are indispensable. Although the "Golden Dragon Award" is a movie award, there were also many song and dance performances at the award ceremony, not just the one at the opening. After awarding three awards, the host did not continue to announce the name of the next award and invited the presenter, but introduced the name of the next show and the performing singer.

This show still doesn't have much to do with the crew of "127 Hours", but it has something to do with Xiao Yao.

"It's a pity that the "Golden Dragon Award" only has the best soundtrack award, but no best theme song award. Otherwise, you should be able to get at least one more nomination." Looking at the performers on the stage, Ye Jiaying whispered to Xiao Yao.

Ye Jiaying said this because the singer performing on the stage at the moment is A Zi, and the song that A Zi is singing now is the song "Let's Break Up" that Xiao Yao Xiao Yao helped her write.

Speaking of the theme songs of all the movies released last year, the one with the highest quality may not be the one, but the most popular and well-known one is definitely the song "Let's Break Up" written by Xiao Yao for A Zi. During the release of the movie at the end of last year, this song became popular all over the Internet. Even audiences who haven't watched the movie rarely don't know about this song.

This song will be so hot,

In fact, it is also the result of the interaction between the song itself and the movie.

First of all, this movie put a lot of effort into publicity before it was released. The trailer with this song as the background music has been played many times on the big screens of major video sites in China, even some TV stations, and some city landmark squares.

Secondly, after the film was released, some popular video clips related to the audience of the film appeared on several well-known video websites and mobile phone applications in China.

These video clips show an ordinary person sitting in a theater seat or crying on the street. The title and introduction of the video said that the reason why the protagonist in the picture lost his composure was because the movie "Old Love, New Love" about the ex reminded the audience of their past love experience and ex, so they did so after watching the movie. gaffe.

Regardless of whether this is a publicity strategy planned by the movie's propagandist behind the scenes, or some viewers actually have these behaviors after watching the movie, anyway, these short videos have successfully attracted the attention of netizens. These short video clips became popular, and the movie followed suit, achieving a bumper harvest at the box office.

In these popular video clips, the scenes are ordinary audiences crying bitterly, and the background music is a passage from the song "Be There or Be Square". So in addition to the popular movie box office, this song is also more popular with the help of these short videos.

The quality of this song is not bad, and it is so popular on the Internet. If the "Golden Dragon Award" has an award for the best theme song, at least getting nominated should not be a problem.

"Even if there is the Best Theme Song Award, the one who gets nominated and accepts the award is a singer, so it can't fall on my head?" Xiao Yao smiled and shook his head.

"That's right," Ye Jiaying nodded slightly, and continued, "Speaking of which, you wrote such a good movie theme song for others, but you didn't write a song for our own movie. This is your first time. It’s the first time I’m acting in a movie, and it’s also the first time I’m playing the leading role. I didn’t force you, but you can’t just sit by and watch my next movie. Come sing. The "Golden Dragon Award" does not have the best theme song award, but there are quite a few other awards for the best movie song or best theme song."

Before the filming of this movie started, Ye Jiaying once proposed to let Xiao Yao participate in the script creation, but Xiao Yao did not agree. Xiao Yao also directly explained the reason to Ye Jiaying at the time, that is, this is the first film directed by Ye Jiaying, and Xiao Yao has been a director and made short films before. Joint works, so not only the script writing in the early stage, but also the editing, soundtrack, theme song, interlude and ending song are not involved in anything.

Although Ye Jiaying felt that Xiao Yao's idea was awkward, she did not force Xiao Yao. Now that Ye Jiaying has been nominated for the best directorial debut, no matter whether she wins or not in the end, it is equivalent to gaining professional recognition in her new role as a director. In the future, no one will think that she is relying on her. The help of others is a joint work with others.

"No problem," Xiao Yao immediately agreed, "Whether it's acting or writing songs, as long as time permits, I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Writing songs probably doesn't require you to spend too much time and energy, but acting?" Ye Jiaying said with a smile, "You have become a director yourself, do you still have time to act in my movies in the future? I'm afraid I can't even invite you. Bar?"

"That's not true," Xiao Yao said, "Learning to be a director is just a hobby. I don't plan to just be a director and not an actor in the future, and I don't plan to direct and act in every future movie, or I will act in other directors' plays." , as long as the director’s ability is strong enough and the script is good enough. Of course, I recognize your director’s ability, so as long as you find a good script, I’m definitely willing to act.”

"Okay, that's what you said." Ye Jiaying smiled, and continued, "But you don't have to worry that I will ask you to make a movie recently. Even if I transform, I am not a prolific director, and this movie is finished. Afterwards, I found that I still have a lot to learn. The next film, no matter what, will take a few years to start preparations."

When the two chatted here, A Zi on the stage just finished his performance and bowed to call the curtain. The two ended the topic and gave A Zi a burst of applause.

After Ah Zi's performance ended, the next award was a genre film award, the best opera film award. This type of film is unique to China, and this award is also unique to the "Golden Dragon Award". Of course, this award has nothing to do with Xiao Yao and Ye Jiaying.

After the best opera film, two more technical awards were awarded, and then there was the best directorial debut award related to Ye Jiaying. When the host announced that the award would be presented next, Xiao Yao and Ye Jiaying unconsciously sat upright.

The award presenters for this award are also a man and a woman. The man is called Xing Wenbin and the woman is called Yue Hong. They are both senior directors in the Chinese film industry. After the two award presenters came on stage, they chatted briefly, and then directed the audience to look at the list of nominations played on the big screen.

There are a total of six works that have been nominated for the best director's debut, which means that there are six directors competing for this award, which means the best new director, which is more intense than Xiao Yao's competition for the best new actor.

Although Ye Jiaying has won the Best Actress Award, has also won the Best Actress Award, has experienced many award ceremonies, and seen many big scenes, but it is the first time to participate in the award competition as a director. For the first time in life, the meaning is always different, and some tension is inevitable.

When the movie clips of the nominees began to be played on the big screen at the scene, Xiao Yao obviously felt the tension of Ye Jiaying beside him, so he stretched out his left hand calmly, and held her right hand on her knee.

Ye Jiaying felt that someone was holding her right hand suddenly, she first glanced down, then turned to look at Xiao Yao beside her. Xiao Yao also smiled and looked at Ye Jiaying at this time. Seemingly gaining strength from Xiao Yao's movements and eyes, Ye Jiaying's whole body relaxed a lot when she turned around, and her smile became a lot more natural.

After the list of nominations was played on the big screen at the scene, the Yue Hong who was holding the envelope opened the envelope, pulled out the card inside, lowered his head slightly and read into the microphone: "The 53rd "Golden Dragon Award" Best Director's First Film The winner of the award is…”

Xiao Yao obviously felt that Ye Jiaying's hand holding her had increased a little more strength, and she also put a little more strength into her hand.

At this time, the screens of the six nominated directors were also cut out on the big screen. However, since one of them did not come to the scene tonight, his photo was used instead. Judging from the expressions of the five nominees sitting in the auditorium, Ye Jiaying's expressions were relatively natural, and it was not at all obvious that she and Xiao Yao were "competing" with hands where the camera could not capture them.

""127 Hours", Ye Jiaying!" Yue Hong did not put the card between the two of them like the previous award presenters did, but directly announced loudly.

"Congratulations Ye Jiaying!" Xing Wenbin said with a smile.

"YES!" Xiao Yao pulled Ye Jiaying to jump up and cheered happily.

The star guests who have been nominated are all sitting in the front row of the auditorium, not far from the stage. Yue Hong on the stage looked at the excited Xiao Yao in the audience, and couldn't help laughing and teasing: "Ye Jiaying won the award, I think Xiao Yao is happier than he himself won the award!"

"It doesn't seem like it," Xing Wenbin continued with a smile, "Xiao Yao has already won the award just now! He is indeed more excited now than when he won the award just now!"

"However, when Xiao Yao won the award just now, Jiaying was happier than when she won the award now. They are a family, which is quite normal!" Yue Hong continued with a smile, "A pair of mother and son are in the same class" "Golden Dragon Award" together, this is a rare sight, very rare!"

"What's even more rare is that these two won the Best Newcomer, one is the Best Newcomer Director, and the other is the Best Newcomer Actor," Xing Wenbin said with a smile, "Don't talk about Huaxia, this is the best newcomer in the world film industry." On the altar, I am afraid that there is only one copy."

When the two award presenters on the stage went from teasing to emotion, Ye Jiaying in the audience also finished hugging and interacting with Xiao Yao and other members of the crew next to her, and walked onto the stage.

Seeing that Ye Jiaying had already come on stage, the two award presenters stopped feeling emotional and walked forward to hug and shake hands with Ye Jiaying. After Ye Jiaying and Yue Hong hugged, Xing Wenbin picked up the trophy from the tray held by the Miss Etiquette behind him and handed it to Ye Jiaying, then took a step back with Yue Hong.

Holding the golden dragon on the trophy with one hand, Ye Jiaying stood in front of the microphone with the trophy base in the other hand to deliver her acceptance speech, still looking a little excited. Her voice trembled when she spoke, and her eyes were a little red. But after all, she has experienced many big scenes, and Ye Jiaying was not so excited that she could speak incoherently. When she gave her acceptance speech, she was very organized and articulate.

Ye Jiaying's acceptance speech did not have too many special features. The most important thing was to thank the judges, thank the organizers, thank the crew, thank the fans and audience, thank her family, and finally expressed some thoughts and experiences of transforming into a director. Said that he will continue to learn on the road of directing, and will continue to persevere.

Amid the applause of the audience, Ye Jiaying left the stage after finishing her acceptance speech, and the host began to introduce the next award to be presented and the presenters.

The movie "127 Hours" received a total of five nominations at this year's "Golden Dragon Awards". In addition to Xiao Yao's best new actor, best actor and Ye Jiaying's best directorial debut, the other two nominations were best Adapted Screenplay and Best Editing. However, judging from the analysis and prediction articles published by some media and experts before, among the five nominations, only the two nominations of Xiao Yao and Ye Jiaying have the chance to win the award, and the other three nominations are basically a fate to accompany them.

Facts have also proved the accuracy of these analysis and prediction articles.

Afterwards, the awards were awarded one after another, and the crew of "127 Hours" no longer entered the account. The screenwriter of the film failed to win the best adapted screenplay, and the editor also missed the award for best editing. In the eyes of some people, it is already a miracle for Xiao Yao, who is in his early twenties, to be nominated as Best Actor, and winning the award is a miracle among miracles. This miracle of miracles did not happen, and this year's "Golden Dragon Award" actor was finally won by a middle-aged actor in his forties.

Judging from the performance of the actor who won the best actor in the movie, Ye Jiaying and Xiao Yao were convinced of him being the best actor, so when the result was announced, the two who had been psychologically prepared did not appear too disappointed. They all stood up sincerely and applauded the actor.

Best actor and best actress are among the four most watched awards, and are usually scheduled to be awarded at a later time. In these two awards, the best actor is usually awarded first, followed by the best actor, and the best director and best film are awarded after the best actor.

"127 Hours" did not receive nominations for Best Director and Best Picture, and the last two awards had nothing to do with them, so they all spent the last period of this awards ceremony in a completely relaxed mood.

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