Entertaining Children

Chapter 498: All Female Guests

The location of this performance is in Xi'an. Although not everyone in the audience is a native of Xi'an, the overall proportion is not small. When Xiao Yao sang this song "Painting", he still put on some Guanzhong accents, which gave the audience a big surprise when they heard this song for the first time.

Since the soundtrack of the live accompaniment of this performance is richer, especially the addition of the characteristic flute sound, this song has become much more expressive. Even those who have watched bar videos on the Internet before, listening to Xiao Yao singing this song now has a different feeling. As Xiao Yao said before, those who have heard it also have a different experience. For this part of the people, there is also a sense of surprise.

After the song "Painting" with a Guanzhong accent, the audience gave warm applause and cheers, and the atmosphere of the scene was completely heated up.

Xiao Yao's "Painting" is a song that has not yet been released, and it is barely considered a new song to most of the audience. After the opening of two consecutive new songs that have not yet been released, the following performances are all old songs that have been released before.

The following performances are basically performed by Xiao Yao in the previous performance, and they are still mainly folk songs, but the order of performance has changed a lot from the previous performance.

After each song was performed, the fans and audience at the scene had no idea what Xiao Yao would sing in the next song, and kept a sense of freshness and anticipation. In addition, Xiao Yao's interaction with the audience and the introduction of the song It is also a temporary response based on the situation on the spot, so the audience will not feel bored at all.

In the middle of the performance, that is, almost an hour after the performance started, Xiao Yao took the initiative to mention the change of the name of the performance on the poster at the entrance.

Xiao Yao explained to the audience that the reason for changing the name of the show was because he felt that the name of the song better expressed his heart. Similarly, the title of the song is also the voice of many singers to their fans.

Hearing Xiao Yao's last sentence, many viewers guessed that Xiao Yao was going to invite guests to perform.

Sure enough, next, Xiao Yao invited Azi again, and asked Azi to sing "Wake Up Your Ears" and "So Proud" for the audience, two songs she sang originally.

These two songs are not folk songs. Coupled with Xiao Yao's previous introduction, many audience members even speculated that Xiao Yao changed the name of the performance midway to let A Zi come out to perform alone, and sighed in their hearts that Xiao Yao's love for A Zi It can be said that no effort was spared in the promotion.

The two songs written by Xiao Yao for A Zi have already gained a lot of popularity. Many people in the audience have heard these two songs and thought that A Zi sang very well. Performances of these two songs are also very welcome.

Ah Zi did not lose the chain either. The live singing of these two songs performed very well, and the audience's response was also quite good.

The only guest tonight is Ah Zi. After Ah Zi sang two songs, Xiao Yao, who took a rest of more than ten minutes, also took over the task of performing again, and completed the next performance for nearly an hour.

"This is the end of tonight's performance! Thank you very much for coming tonight!" After singing the last song in the original repertoire, Xiao Yao announced to the audience with a smile as usual. But having said that, Xiao Yao didn't intend to get up and leave.

"Encore! Encore!"

Sure enough, as soon as Xiao Yao's words came out of his mouth, the audience in the audience shouted in unison.

"Hey~" Xiao Yao sighed deliberately, "I said that I have no problem with false comebacks, but you guys force me to come back every time! Is it okay if I don't come back?"


The audience shouted in unison.

"Yesterday there was an encore in Yanjing, why not today?"

Some audience members shouted sporadically.

"Okay," Xiao Yao nodded, "Since you mentioned the encore of last night's performance, let's invite a few friends to come on stage for tonight's encore.


"I will!" Immediately the audience raised their hands and said.

"What do you know?" Xiao Yao looked at the audience who raised their hands strangely and asked.

"Gesture dance of love!" shouted the dozen or so audience members who raised their hands.

"It seems that he came prepared!" Xiao Yao smiled and looked at the audience who raised their hands.

"Choose us!" A female audience held the male companion beside her with one hand, and shouted to Xiao Yao with the other hand raised high.

"But I didn't say that tonight's encore song is "I Love You"!" Xiao Yao said with a cheap smile.

"Ah?" The female audience shouted in disappointment, "I practiced it several times today to attract male votes!"

"Haha~" Many audience members laughed.

"I played once last night, so it's boring to continue playing like this tonight!" Xiao Yao said with a smile, "If you want to show off, go to "Yinchuang" to record a video, and then send it to me on Weibo , if you dance well, I'll give you a thumbs up."

"Okay," Xiao Yao said, waving his hands, "Last night's Encore asked someone to dance the "Love Gesture Dance". Tonight's Encore, let's play "Seve". The same rules, I will accompany you, and you will dance .Has anyone volunteered to dance? If not, there will be no encore tonight!"

"I'm coming!" Xiao Yao sat on the stage and waited for ten seconds, and finally a girl with long hair raised her hand and shouted.

"Okay, one!" Xiao Yao raised a finger, "Is there any more? I can also perform alone, but the overall visual effect of one person is a little bit worse, it is better to have more!"

"I'm coming!" Several girls raised their hands and said. With the lead, it's easier for others to raise their hands.

"Okay!" Xiao Yao smiled and nodded, "Come on!"

Unlike the last stop, this encore had been planned by Xiao Yao long ago. While Xiao Yao was communicating with the audience, the staff moved a DJ booth to the stage. After several girls walked onto the stage, Xiao Yao also took off his guitar, removed the chairs and microphone stand in front of the stage, and walked to the DJ stage behind.

The dance "Seve" appeared and became popular much earlier than the "Gesture Dance of Love", and there are quite a few people who know it. There are cameras filming the scene of the performance, and it will definitely be projected on the big screen behind. Those who dare to volunteer to come on stage also have considerable confidence in themselves.

The few girls who came on stage were all in good shape, not to mention how they danced. Although not everyone is dressed in short skirts or shorts, the few who came up did not wear long skirts, and the trousers are also the kind that are more close-fitting and show off the leg lines. Just stand on the stage like this, with a row of long legs It's very eye-catching.

And when Xiao Yao started to play the accompaniment and several girls danced to the music, everyone found that these girls danced very well. Although the uniformity is a little bit worse, but the steps are light and rhythmic, which is very interesting to watch. Coupled with the good looks and figures of several girls, it also caused the audience below to scream.

The second stop of Xiao Yao's tour also ended in a very joyous and enthusiastic atmosphere.

After the performance in Xi'an, Xiao Yao, the band, and his team members also rushed to the airport non-stop, and went to the next city for the tour.

Starting from that night, various videos of Xiao Yao's second performance taken by the audience soon appeared on the Internet. Netizens also quickly learned about the changes in Xiao Yao's second tour. The name of the show was changed, guest performances were added, the order of his own performances changed, and of course there was the final encore. After the last show where the audience danced on stage, Xiao Yao gathered a few more people this time. The beautiful audience went up to dance "Seve".

These things are also very topical and worthy of discussion by netizens and fans. After these videos were released on the Internet, Xiao Yao's tour continued to become a hot topic on the Internet.

Although Xiao Yao did want to help promote Azi during this tour, after all, this is his own tour, not Azi's, so Xiao Yao didn't let Azi be a guest in the middle of every stop.

The third stop of the tour is Rongcheng, the capital city of Sichuan Province. Rongcheng is the hometown of Yiyi, one of the three major female anchors of Youyu. For this tour, the guest invited by Xiao Yao is Yiyi, one of the three major female anchors of Youyu.

Xiao Yao's performance is a very good live broadcast content. Yiyi is a network anchor, of course she doesn't want to miss it, so she wants to live broadcast Xiao Yao's tour on Youyu. Xiao Yao had no objection to Yiyi's request for a live broadcast, and agreed to her request for a live broadcast. But this is not the live broadcast of the official cooperation between Xiao Yao and Youyu. Xiao Yao did not provide Yiyi with the high-definition video signal captured by the camera and the clear audio signal recorded by the audio system. Yiyi can only stand in the audience and use her mobile phone to broadcast live , the picture quality and sound effects are relatively average, and the effects of the performance videos posted on the Internet by the audience in the previous two performances are not much different.

At the beginning, Xiao Yao and A Zi still sang "I Want to Sing Me to You". This is the only track in the fixed order of this tour. After that, the order of songs performed by Xiao Yao was different from the previous two performances.

In the middle of the performance, Yiyi paused the live broadcast. Xiao Yao invited Yiyi to the stage and sang two songs for the audience as a guest performer. Among the three songs written by Xiao Yao for Yiyi, two of them are not suitable for this performance occasion. So Yiyi just sang "I Just Met You" that she originally sang, and the other performance was a song "The Biggest Star in the Night Sky" that she sang a lot of times in the live broadcast. Bright Star". Judging from the reaction of the audience, the effect is still very good.

After the performance, Xiao Yao and the whole team did not rush to the next tour city overnight, but went to a famous supper shop in Rongcheng to have a supper under the leadership of Yiyi, a foodie landlord. After eating supper, Xiao Yao and others rested in Rongcheng for one night, and then set off for the next city early the next morning.

The fourth stop of the tour is still Sichuan province geographically, but not administratively. Like Chongqing in the previous life, the mountain city in this life is also a municipality directly under the Central Government. The fourth stop of Xiao Yao's tour is Shancheng. Shancheng is the hometown of another female anchor of Youyu, so Xiao Yao invited Chen Beila, another female anchor of Youyu, as the guest of this tour.

Chen Beila also started a live broadcast when participating in Xiao Yao's performance, but it didn't live broadcast the whole process. She just launched a live broadcast to introduce the venue of Xiao Yao's performance to the water friends before the performance, and let the water friends see the preparation work and the audience entering the stage. After the performance started, Chen Beila turned off the live broadcast, and stayed in the background to watch Xiao Yao's performance intently.

The songs written by Xiao Yao for Chen Bella are more suitable for this occasion, but Chen Bella didn't sing too much. In the middle of the performance, Chen Bei, who was invited by Xiao Yao as a guest performer, also performed two songs for the audience. One is "Li Li Wan Xiang", which has a more folk flavor, and the other is her personal favorite "Grandma Says".

After this performance, Xiao Yao didn't let Chen Bella take him for supper. The whole team set off for the next city overnight again.

The fifth stop of the tour is Jiangcheng, the capital city of Hubei Province.

At this stop, the guest Xiao Yao invited was singer Fan Linxuan from his own studio. Fan Linxuan was not originally on Xiao Yao's tour guest list, but was added when Xiao Yao made adjustments after his first performance. After receiving Xiao Yao's invitation, Fan Linxuan did not go to the previous performances with Xiao Yao, but arrived in Jiangcheng ahead of schedule to wait for Xiao Yao.

Of course, although Yiyi and Chen Beila in the first two stations were the guests originally scheduled by Xiao Yao, they did not go to the previous performances with Xiao Yao, and they all met Xiao Yao in the city where they were guests. of. Xiao Yao's invitation of guests for this tour was arranged according to the singer's hometown as much as possible, and it also gave them a chance to go home and reunite with their relatives while working outside for a long time.

Fan Linxuan's hometown is not Jiangcheng, but Jiangcheng is Xiao Yao's hometown in his previous life. After waking up the next day, Xiao Yao didn't stay in the hotel all morning like he did in the previous stops, but took advantage of his free time in the morning to go out for a stroll.

This tour was very hard, and Xiao Yao didn't plan to call the rest of the team, so he planned to go out for a stroll by himself. Xiao Yao was the most tired in the whole team, followed by the musicians of the band, and then some staff members. Although Ah Zi participated in every performance, but only sang three songs in one performance, and the rest of the time it was just the opening song of the collaboration, and the overall state of the person was still very good. Fan Linxuan also arrived ahead of time, her physical strength and spirit are very good. Hearing that Xiao Yao was going to go shopping, A Zi and Fan Linxuan also asked to go with him.

Xiao Yao's greatest feeling as a human being in two lifetimes is that things are right and people are different. Although the people are different, the scenic spots, environment, and buildings are not much different from the previous life. As his hometown in his previous life, Xiao Yao was still very familiar with Jiangcheng, so he acted as a tour guide and took the two of them for a stroll around Jiangcheng.

The half day of leisure passed quickly, the afternoon was still a rehearsal, and the evening was still a performance. As a well-known singer who has released albums, Fan Linxuan has a lot of original works, but Fan Linxuan still chose two songs written by Xiao Yao for her as her performance repertoire.

In fact, Xiao Yao did not stipulate the repertoire of the performers, and let them decide by themselves. But this is Xiao Yao's tour after all, and all the performers still chose Xiao Yao's song as the performance track. Although not all of them were originally sung by Xiao Yao, all of them were composed by Xiao Yao. This can be regarded as a call for Xiao Yao, a music creation genius, in action.

The audience in Jiangcheng was very enthusiastic. From the perspective of fame, Fan Linxuan was also higher than Yiyi, Chen Beila, and even A Zi, and the atmosphere of the scene was even better than the previous two games.

The sixth stop of the tour is Yangcheng, the capital city of southern Guangdong. Xiao Yao's guest performer invited Gong Chen. Although Gong Chen is not from Yangcheng, she and Xiao Yao knew each other, and what made her truly known was the electronic music program recorded in Yangcheng that year. Yangcheng has some special meaning to Gong Chen, so Xiao Yao found Gong Chen at this stop.

At the seventh stop of the tour, the group traveled from south to east to Hangzhou, the capital city of eastern Zhejiang. Xiao Yao's guest performer at this stop is Xu Yuan. On the one hand, Xu Yuan made his debut through Zhedong Satellite TV's "The Voice", and on the other hand, it is also because Xu Yuan's hometown is in Hangzhou.

The eighth stop of the tour is Jinling, the capital city of Jiangsu Province. Xiao Yao's guest performer at this station has changed from a traditional singer to a network anchor. Xiao Yao invited Sissi, the last of the three female anchors of Youyu.

The last stop of the tour was Xiao Yao's current residence, Shanghai. This tour started from Yanjing, my birthplace, and ended in Shencheng, my current residence. Xiao Yao can go home and sleep after finishing the last tour, instead of going to the airport.

At this stop, Xiao Yao's guest performer is the most special, his student, the little girl Tang Jingjing who is still in junior high school. Letting Tang Jingjing be the guest at Shencheng Station is also because Tang Jingjing lives in Shencheng, so she doesn't have to work so hard for a little girl to fly for a performance.

In nine days, nine cities, and nine small LiveHouse performances, Xiao Yao's first solo tour has come to a successful and complete conclusion.

During the tour, there have been heated discussions on the Internet. After the tour was over, some netizens also made some summaries of Xiao Yao's tour.

Not much to say about those compliments, but one of the comments that attracted the most attention from netizens was: "Nine performances, eight guests are all female singers, is Xiao Yao's network in the music circle limited to women?"

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