Entertaining Children

Chapter 699 Co-creation

The overseas release of "Wall-E" is done, and Fang Zhengran's first priority after returning to China is to help Xiao Yao set up his own studio.

In terms of registration, because the legal person Xiao Yao has not returned to China, it is not possible to proceed yet, but Fang can still prepare for other matters first.

Since it is a personal studio, it must first need an office location.

Regardless of whether Xiao Yao will return to Yanjing after graduation, he still has one year to graduate from Shenxi, at least the next year will still be mainly in Shencheng. Xiao Yao is now opening a personal studio, and the location is set in Shencheng.

In Shencheng, Xiao Yao's closest cooperation relationship is Yin Xi's studio and Tong Luo's animation special effects company. Yin Xi's studio also has an office and a recording studio that Xiao Yao often uses. The two companies are in the same creative park, and for convenience, Fang still chose Xiao Yao's personal studio here as well.

The occupancy rate of this creative park is relatively high, but it is far from full. Whether renting or buying, you can find more suitable units in this park. Xiao Yao didn't want to be so troublesome about paying the rent, so Fang Yiran simply chose the unit closest to Yin Xi's studio and bought it.

The buildings in the park are prepared for enterprises, not residences, so a certain degree of decoration has been carried out after completion. After buying the unit used as a studio office, Fang still did not approach Chen Beila to slowly do the decoration design like Xiao Yao did when he built the loft, but directly found a very well-known decoration design company in Shanghai. Responsible for the fine decoration and layout of the office.

In addition to the location of starting a company, the most important thing is to have people. Shanghai is a super-first-tier city, and it is relatively easy to recruit talents. However, Fang still didn't plan to go out to conduct recruitment interviews one by one in person, but was going to hand over this matter to the headhunting company and the heads of various departments to complete by themselves.

For the person in charge of each department, Fang Yiran must find capable and experienced professionals in the industry, but she herself is not particularly professional in these aspects, so Fang Yiran's approach is to directly place an order with a headhunting company and let the headhunting company Look for some professionals who meet the conditions she set out and who may change jobs as candidates.

After Xiao Yao returns to China, Fang Yiran and Xiao Yao will interview the candidates recommended by the headhunting company together. After determining the heads of each department, they will let the department heads form their own teams. As for whether to still poach people through headhunting companies or open recruitment, it is up to them to decide.

Although the various certificates and licenses for Xiao Yao's personal studio have not yet been processed, there is no doubt about the list given by the headhunting company.

The Chinese box office of "Wall-E" reached more than two billion yuan, and some media analysis on the Internet said that Xiao Yao's share income from it reached several hundred million yuan.

With such a large amount of income, coupled with Xiao Yao's reputation and the development potential he has shown, it is a matter of course for him to open his own studio.

Although it was Fang who came forward to place the order, it was still not Xiao Yao, but Fang was still the agent of a celebrity who had appeared on TV. It is well known that he is Xiao Yao's agent. She said that Xiao Yao wanted to open a personal studio, so there would be no fakes. What Fang still wanted was a person in charge who could act independently. He had a lot of demands, and the amount of remuneration promised when placing the order was not small, which was not a small order for a headhunting company. After receiving Fang Yiran's order, the headhunting company was very active in working on this matter.

When Xiao Yao returned to China, the office of the personal studio was already messed up, and several well-known headhunting companies that Fang still placed orders had also contacted some suitable candidates, waiting for the two to make an appointment to meet and interview . After Xiao Yao returned to China, in addition to going to school, the most important thing was to interview and decide the heads of various departments in his personal studio.

Since Xiao Yao took out his personal documents and information to find an agency to help him with the company registration procedures after returning to China, so when Xiao Yao and Fang still interviewed the person in charge of the studio, the company's documents and licenses were still not available. down. However, the headhunting company had already introduced this situation to those candidates, and those candidates had no doubts about Xiao Yao's statement that the office was still being renovated and the license was being processed, and they still conducted interviews with Xiao Yao and Fang Yiran very seriously. comminicate.

The equity of a model agency, the equity of a two-person fashion brand, the equity of a musical instrument company registered in the United States, the copyright of a bunch of songs and MVs, the full ownership of a short film, and the majority ownership of an animated film, that Full ownership of the character image copyright in the movie, and then a partial ownership of a live-action movie that has been filmed but has not yet been released. As soon as these things were presented, not to mention those professionals in the film and television industry, even those professionals from multinational conglomerates and Fortune 500 companies were shocked by Xiao Yao's net worth.

All these things will be integrated into Xiao Yao's personal studio. In addition, Xiao Yao plans to invest in a film and television production company with Zhao Rui and others. After disclosing these two pieces of information, the relevant people recruited by the headhunting company became more interested in Xiao Yao's small studio.

The headhunting company is responsible for identifying candidates and persuading candidates to participate in the interview. It does not necessarily guarantee that the two parties can reach an agreement. The interview is a two-way selection process. The more interested the other party is, the wider the range of choices Xiao Yao can make.

After interviewing all the candidates recommended by headhunting companies, Xiao Yao has several candidates for each position that he is satisfied with in all aspects. After selecting the best from the best, Xiao Yao and Fang Yiran finally decided on a very satisfactory candidate.

Headhunting company is a common name for "senior executive recruitment agency", which is mainly a recruitment service organization that helps companies or organizations search for senior management talents and talents for key technical positions. The people they recommend are not necessarily all in-service personnel, but basically they are mainly helping to find in-service personnel.

The candidates selected by Xiao Yao are basically in-service personnel. After the two parties reach an agreement, those people will have to resign from the original company and deal with some resignation procedures, and they cannot start working immediately. However, although all the formalities of Xiao Yao's personal studio have been completed at this time, and the licenses and other documents have been obtained, the decoration of the office has not yet been completed, and those people cannot work normally when they come, so Xiao Yao and Fang still didn't care about it.

Of course, just because it doesn't work doesn't mean it doesn't work at all. Since the two parties had reached an agreement, Xiao Yao and Fang still promised to delegate power to them to form their own departmental team. When those people were dealing with the resignation procedures of the original company, they also began to look for members of the studio's own team in advance.

Youfang still kept an eye on the decoration and materials of the office, and the person in charge of the agreed logistics department would come to help take a look when he was free. After the main frame of the studio staff was settled, Xiao Yao let it go. After that, Xiao Yao recruited Sun Tingting to Shanghai. In his spare time, he basically spent time with Sun Tingting in his office and recording studio in Yin Xi's studio, doing music together for the debut of their music group. preparation.

On the second day after the premiere of "Wall-E" in China, Xiao Yao once proposed to Sun Tingting to form a two-person performance group. Although Xiao Yao was on a whim, since Sun Tingting agreed and both of them agreed, they had to take it seriously. At that time, Xiao Yao also said that if there is nothing to do in the second half of the year, the two of them will hold another concert tour together. Regardless of whether the concert will be successful in the second half of the year, it is always right to prepare some pieces first.

Sun Tingting returned to China earlier than Fang Yiran after visiting a class in the United States. After returning, Sun Tingting mainly dealt with some of her own affairs.

No matter what happens in the future, Sun Tingting will definitely not give up on music. After receiving the diploma from Chambers, Sun Tingting has several choices, such as continuing to study, applying for a musician in an orchestra, and entering a private music academy as a teacher. After those four concerts, Sun Tingting has gained a little reputation in the domestic classical music circle. It doesn't seem to be very suitable for her to go to an ordinary music art college or join an orchestra as an ordinary musician. . Sun Tingting is not very interested in entering a private music academy as a violin teacher. She felt that although she was good at learning and teaching, she might not be able to teach well.

After thinking about it, Sun Tingting decided to continue her studies, and at the same time, if she had the opportunity, she would slowly develop into the entertainment industry.

Sun Tingting's further study is not to go to Huaxia or some other conservatory abroad to study, but to find two master musicians as apprentices. Of these two musicians, one is the internationally renowned violinist Lu Siyuan, who is her neighbor and the music director of her four concerts, and the other is a very famous composer in China. Sun Tingting plans to continue honing her violin playing skills with Lu Siyuan, and at the same time continue to learn composition and arrangement with that composer.

There must be nothing wrong with Lu Siyuan. In addition, the composer had heard Sun Tingting's concert live, and he recognized Chambers very much. The student Sun Tingting was dismissed.

This kind of master-apprentice relationship is different from the teachers and students in the school. There is no specific curriculum, and Sun Tingting is an adult who has obtained a Chambers diploma. Supervise and stipulate the necessary practice time every day. Her study with the two teachers is more about consulting, communicating and discussing. The study time is not strictly stipulated, and it is relatively free. So after hearing that Xiao Yao had temporarily finished handling his personal studio affairs and was about to start composing a piece for the duo to play, Sun Tingting immediately flew to Shanghai.

Before Sun Tingting came to Shanghai, she thought it was Xiao Yao who had written the song, and wanted the two to practice together. Unexpectedly, after arriving, she found that Xiao Yao was pulling her to create together.

The name of Xiao Yao and Sun Tingting's music group was chosen by Sun Tingting, called "Secret Garden", and the English name is the same as a music group in the previous life. After Xiao Yao heard the name, he already thought of bringing over some works of this music group from his previous life.

However, although Sun Tingting said at the beginning that Xiao Yao was responsible for the creation of the division of labor between the two in the group, and she was only in charge of playing the violin, Xiao Yao did plan to come up with some works of the "Secret Garden" group in her previous life, but Xiao Yao can I didn't plan to let Sun Tingting really do nothing in terms of creation.

When Sun Tingting was at Chambers, she also studied composition and arrangement. The song "Faded", which she re-arranged by herself, added a very imposing brass instrument, which is not only very thoughtful, but also very effective. From this point of view, Xiao Yao feels that Sun Tingting's talent in this area is quite good.

Xiao Yao felt that maybe the classic songs he had brought from his previous life were too good, making Sun Tingting not very confident in this aspect, which made Sun Tingting less confident, so there was such a division of labor arrangement. And it's not difficult to convince Sun Tingting, as long as what I come up with is a semi-finished product, let Sun Tingting improve it with him and create together.

Art is actually a relatively subjective thing, and so is music. No one stipulates that the sound must be followed by that sound, as long as the combination is comfortable and pleasant, it does not mean that the melody and arrangement must be exactly the same as the original version of the previous life to be the only and best. For example, when Xiao Yao was four years old, he played part of the melody of the two songs "The Most Beautiful" and "The Night I Missed You" for Xiao Siqi. In the end, the two songs written by Xiao Siqi were not exactly the same as the original version of the previous life, but the effect was achieved. But it is the same.

Based on the current musical level of the two, such creative and discerning abilities are sufficient. Xiao Yao also doesn't require that the works of the two have to be exactly the same as those in the previous life, as long as the works produced by him and Sun Tingting are nice and comfortable enough.

Taking a ten thousand step back, Xiao Yao doesn't care even if the song they revised is not as good as the original version in the previous life. Anyway, their combination was created so that the two of them could work together in a legitimate way. The works were almost not, and the combination would not be popular if it wasn't popular. The two of them didn't just rely on the works and commercial performances of this combination to make a living.

For the joint creation of the two, Xiao Yao usually comes up with a melody first, and the two expand it together. After completing the melody of the whole song, they then arrange the melody together. This method is not as simple as Xiao Yao's direct copying of the original version of the previous life, nor is it as difficult as a completely original piece of music, the two of them played with relish.

When signing the distribution agreement for "Wall-E" in theaters in North America and Europe, Xiao Yao agreed to participate in some promotional activities. "Wall-E" will be released in the US in mid-October, and his promotional activities in the US will start in early October.

Xiao Yao returned to China in early September, and went to the United States to promote the release of "Wall-E" in early October, so he will only return to China for about a month. In the first half of the month, Xiao Yao mainly interviewed and determined the main framework of the personal studio, and in the second half of the month, he mainly worked with Sun Tingting on music creation.

In the past half a month, the two created a total of four pieces of music, plus the four pieces of music at Sun Tingting's previous concert, this combination can be regarded as having eight pieces of music.

In Xiao Yao's mind, the number of tracks in an album is at least ten. These eight tracks are obviously not enough for the group's first album, but the promotion period is coming soon, and the promotional activities negotiated in the contract cannot Absent, Xiao Yao could only put down the music creation of the group, and set off to fly to the United States again.

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