Entertaining Children

Chapter 692 The Crew's Ambulance

There was no official publicity plan for the film during filming, and there was no press conference to launch it. A group of American staff and a group of young people filmed in the United States, and there were no complicated start-up ceremonies such as "burning incense and worshiping gods" like domestic film crews. After all the staff arrived on the day of the shooting, the two directors Mu Ying and Xiao Yao announced the start of the filming, and everyone started working directly. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The shooting of film and television works does not necessarily follow the sequence of the plot. Shooting according to the sequence of the plot is undoubtedly better for the performance of the actors, and helps the actors enter the role and maintain the same state and emotion as the characters in the play. However, due to cost, time, equipment and other considerations, it is more difficult to shoot. In many cases, the filming is not done in the order of the plot. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Shooting scenes of the same scene together can reduce the number of venue rentals and the trouble of repeatedly arranging scenes, especially for action scenes that require hanging wires or security measures. It takes a lot of time to do it once, so many film shoots Not in the order of the plot but in the order of the plot. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Mu Ying made a plan for the filming plan in advance. Since this movie does not have particularly high requirements for actors in terms of performance, when making a plan for the filming plan, Muying's idea was not to shoot in the order of the plot, but to separate the literary drama from the action drama, and the same scene The action scenes in the film should be shot together as much as possible, which saves time, money and effort. Specifically, the literary drama is followed by the action drama. Whether it is a literary drama or an action drama, it is also a gradual process from easy to difficult. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Regarding Mu Ying's shooting plan, everyone basically agrees, except that Xiao Yao has some objections to the arrangement for the first day of the filming. On the first day of filming, Xiao Yao wanted to set a tone for the whole shoot. After discussing with everyone, everyone agreed with Xiao Yao's idea and adjusted the shooting plan for the first day. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The first scene shot after the crew turned on the film was the scene where seven people gathered to discuss the target building at the beginning of the movie. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The specific content of this scene is that seven people came to the basement of a building one after another. The character played by Xiao Yao spread out a picture on the table, and then identified a building as the target on the picture with the seven people, and then left the basement one after another. That's it. \u00261t;/p\u003e

When determining the target, the seven people didn't quarrel. The character played by Xiao Yao pointed out a building, and the six people excitedly nodded in agreement, without many lines. This play is a literary play,

And it doesn't look difficult, even in a literary play, it is a relatively simple scene, but under the strict requirements of Xiao Yao and Mu Ying, everyone took four shots to pass. \u00261t;/p\u003e

There are not many lines in this scene, and Xiao Yao has the most lines. There is no problem with what everyone said, but both Mu Ying and Xiao Yao are not satisfied with the expressions of the actors in the previous few lines. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Xiao Yao starred in this scene, and Mu Ying was the only director sitting behind the monitor. During the filming, Mu Ying called out before the first two were completely finished, and after Mu Ying waited for the whole film to be called out, another director, Xiao Yao, went to watch and release, and discussed with Mu Ying. After a while, everyone took a fourth shot. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Climbing stairs with bare hands is a very dangerous and cool thing. Just from this incident, it can be shown that this team should have a very cool and fearless character. Therefore, when discussing this kind of thing, in addition to being excited, you should also show the cool and unruly temperament of this team member who is not afraid of anything. This kind of temperament is not expressed through lines in this scene, but should be expressed from their expressions, demeanor and even temperament. And every time before filming starts again, Mu Ying and Xiao Yao guide the actors in this aspect. \u00261t;/p\u003e

There are seven protagonists in this movie. In addition to Xiao Yao and other four Chinese and ethnic Chinese, the other three leading actors are not all Americans. The white actor is British, the black actor is French, only the Latino actor is American. However, apart from their good parkour skills, these three people are all real actors, but they are not very well-known and have never played the leading role. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The financial conditions of these three are good. Being an actor is more about interest than life. Maybe it's because they are not popular, they don't receive many jobs, and they don't have the pressure of life, so they have free time to play parkour. The British actor and the French actor saw the news of the crew's recruitment on the film's official website. Later, I flew to the United States to audition. These three people are parkour enthusiasts, and they came to participate in the film purely because the veteran team of parkour is the main creator and starring, and the movie is about parkour. Whether it's coming to an audition or making a movie, it's inevitable to have some fun mentality. \u00261t;/p\u003e

They all met with Xiao Yao and others before starting the film. In their eyes, Xiao Yao, the big Chinese star, boss and director, not only had a very friendly attitude, but even asked them not to call him director in the crew, but asked them to call him directly. Yang, like friends, they are more relaxed when they are happy. But I didn’t expect the two directors to ask to reshoot such a simple scene as the first scene when they started working, and they even came here to give them individual guidance before each filming. This serious look It also made them unconsciously put away their playing mentality. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Fortunately, this film is not an award-winning literary film. There is nothing particularly advanced in the performance level of literary dramas. Muying and Xiao Yao have requirements for their performances, but the requirements are not so high as to be strict. So after filming the fourth article, both Muying and Xiao Yao expressed their satisfaction. \u00261t;/p\u003e

After the first scene was filmed, Mu Ying signaled everyone to rest for a few minutes, and then moved to the shooting location of the second scene. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The continuous shooting of four scenes in the first scene surprised the actors and crew, but when everyone moved to the shooting location of the second scene, the leading actors were taken aback. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The second scene was shot in the second act of the main film, where seven people climbed the stairs with their bare hands. Since the shooting plan is given to the actors in advance, the actors know in advance which scenes and shots will be shot today. The actors were not surprised that the second scene was filmed outside a high-rise residential building, but what surprised them was that there was an ambulance parked next to that building. \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Jan, why is there an ambulance there? Was someone sick or had an accident in this building? Will our filming be affected?" The black French actor named John Diawara found Xiao Yao, pointing to the ambulance and asked. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The building they were going to climb had more than a dozen floors, and there were more than a hundred households in it. It was impossible for the crew to clear out all the people in the building when they were filming. They just said hello to the residents on the side they were filming. window, so as not to appear in the lens and cause gouging. Now that an ambulance is parked here, it probably means that someone inside has suffered an emergency or was accidentally injured. This coming in and out, it is very likely that unrelated people will appear in the camera and affect the shooting. \u00261t;/p\u003e

"No, no one in the building is sick or injured," Xiao Yao replied with a smile, "This ambulance and the medicines inside are spare vehicles rented by our crew from the hospital, and there are two real first responders inside. We also specially paid for them. They didn't come for the people in the building, but the crew prepared for us!"\u00261t;/p\u003e

"What?" Diawara's face changed when Xiao Yao said this, and he called out to Xiao Yao, "Yang, are you going to kill us?"\u00261t;/p\u003e

"What's wrong?" Diawara called out, and the other two actors ran over curiously. \u00261t;/p\u003e

"That's a real ambulance," Diawara pointed to the emergency driveway parked next to the building, "Jan said it was for us!"\u00261t;/p\u003e

"You mean we all have to go to the hospital after filming this scene?" The other two also looked at Xiao Yao in surprise and said. \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Hey," Xiao Yao said helplessly to Diawara, "I said it was prepared for us, including myself! What do you mean I plan to kill you?" \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Of course I don't want anyone to be injured and go to the hospital during filming," Xiao Yao said to the other two, "But the scene we are going to film next is dangerous, and you all have read the script, so you should know it. Although we will take safety measures when shooting, but there are many shots to be shot in such a tall building, the shooting time will be very long, and there will inevitably be accidents. We called an ambulance in advance to stand by. Provide better protection. Once any unexpected situation occurs, professional medical personnel are present, and they can immediately make correct and effective treatment in a timely manner!"\u00261t;/p\u003e

The three of them nodded unconsciously after hearing this, but still looked at Xiao Yao in surprise and said, "Yang, this is the first time we encountered a situation where an ambulance was parked and stood by while filming." /p\u003e

"Have you heard of Mike Zhou?" Xiao Yao asked with a smile, "When I was in Huaxia, I heard people say that when he was young and filming in Hong Kong Island of Huaxia, he called an ambulance to stop beside him." \u00261t;/p\u003e

"Mike Zhou?" Diawara made a Kung Fu gesture, "That Chinese Kung Fu superstar who is very famous in Hollywood?"\u00261t;/p\u003e

"Yes!" Xiao Yao nodded, "He is a kung fu superstar, and he shoots action movies. No matter how dangerous the action is, he always goes into battle in person, never uses a substitute, and is never afraid of being too dangerous because the action is too dangerous. If he gets injured, he will lower the difficulty of the movements and lower the requirements on himself. Some of his movements are very dangerous, and the possibility of injury is very high. He also suffered a lot of injuries during filming, so the crew rented an ambulance for him to stop when he was filming. In the filming location, any injury can be treated at any time."\u00261t;/p\u003e

"He was able to go from China's Hong Kong Island to Hollywood, and still achieve such a great success in Hollywood, and become a world-renowned Kung Fu superstar. It's because of his hard work!" Xiao Yao finally said. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The three reshoots of the first literary scene today were not designed and arranged by Xiao Yao and Muying in advance, but their normal requirements for shooting based on the quality of the film. However, the ambulance next to the shooting location of the second action scene, It was deliberately arranged by Xiao Yao, Mu Ying and others. This ambulance is an attitude expressed by Xiao Yao, which is what he calls a tone for filming. \u00261t;/p\u003e

But what Xiao Yao said just now is nonsense. Others Xiao Yao didn't know Mike Zhou, that is, Zhou Hu, a kung fu superstar in China Hong Kong Island, and he didn't hear about Zhou Hu's deeds from other people. However, Xiao Yao vaguely remembered reading a report introducing Jackie Chan in his previous life, so he did the same thing, and even made nonsense and settled on Zhou Hu, who was more similar to Jackie Chan in this world in his previous life. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Zhou Hu in this world is also very dedicated and works hard in filming. Even if he didn't ask the ambulance to stop by the side while filming, this is not a statement to discredit him, but to praise him for his dedication. Don't talk about whether these foreigners will pass these words to Zhou Hu's ears, even if Zhou Hu finds out later, when Xiao Yao asks about this matter, at most Xiao Yao will honestly admit that he fabricated it for the purpose of making it up. It was to use his name to stimulate a few foreign youths to act well, and Zhou Hu would not have any objection to his approach. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Sure enough, after hearing Xiao Yao say that Zhou Hu did the same thing, the expressions of several foreign actors became serious, and they no longer had any thoughts about Xiao Yao arranging an ambulance to park nearby. They turned around and started to work seriously. warm-up activities. Although they suddenly felt a sacred sense of being serious about filming, no one wanted to have an accident during filming and lie down in the ambulance. \u00261t;/p\u003e

None of the actors in this play had doubles, and the seven of them had to actually climb up the outer wall of this building. Even if they didn't have to actually climb from the first floor to the top of the building, they still had to shoot several floors for all the shots. Climbing stairs from the outer wall with bare hands is not a common behavior in parkour. Even if it happens, it is a jump from the first floor to the second floor and the third floor. No one has the experience of climbing in the middle of the outer wall of a dozen-story building. In order for the three of them to avoid accidents, apart from being careful, they really need to prepare physically, warm up, and move their hands and feet. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Zhao Rui, Xu Fei and Zhou Jingyi knew about the existence of the ambulance in advance. When Xiao Yao explained to the three of them, they were also preparing for warm-up. The four of them also had no experience of climbing up and down the outer walls of a dozen-story building. After explaining to the three foreign actors, Xiao Yao also joined the warm-up team. \u00261t;/p\u003e

After the rest of the crew was ready, the second scene started shooting. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The first shot shows several people on the ground rushing towards the outer wall of the building and starting to climb up. This part was carried out on the ground and the first and second floors. It was not difficult or dangerous for the seven real parkour masters. The wall-climbing action was shot with the backs of several people, and it was completed smoothly. up. \u00261t;/p\u003e

After the bottom shot is completed, the next shot will be transferred to the outside of the six or seven-story building. At this time, some safety protection measures need to be taken for the actors. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Xiao Yao, Zhao Rui and Xu Fei are all action directors of this movie, but they are not responsible for the specific safety measures during the shooting of action scenes. All three of them have filmed action scenes, and they have experience in hanging wire, but they are not professional martial arts, so their action director is only responsible for designing actions, and the crew specially hired a person who is quite experienced in this field A professional team is responsible for the safety measures during shooting. \u00261t;/p\u003e

In this regard, the crew spent a lot of money. This security team is a relatively well-known team in Hollywood. It is not only experienced, but also uses advanced equipment. Once these safety measures were put on the body, the seven people also felt quite safe, and basically it did not affect their movements. \u00261t;/p\u003e

Although there are good safety measures, it is inevitable that you will be nervous when you are in mid-air. This scene is basically a shot of climbing the wall, and the shooting time is not short. In addition to the physical exertion of climbing, the seven people were also under a lot of psychological pressure, so they were more likely to get tired. Fortunately, none of the seven people had any accidents such as slippery hands and feet during the filming process, and the special ambulance was not really used. \u00261t;/p\u003e

The seven actors were a bit tired, but overall, the first day of filming went relatively smoothly. \u00261t;/p\u003e

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