Endless Plunder in High School DxD

The Devil's High School: Endless Plunder Chapter 435

Patted Rias on the shoulder, Tian Luo said.

"Ah, I know!"

Taking a deep breath, Rias also tried to regain her composure.

Since communication doesn't work, let's fight!

"I dealt with the Mist, Rias dealt with the Reaper named Pruitt, and the others dealt with Hercules and the remaining Reapers."

"There are too many enemies, Zhu Nai and the others may be in danger."

Tianluo gave the order to fight, but Rias hesitated.

Tianluo also knew that Rias's worry was not unreasonable, and it was indeed dangerous for Akeno and the others to deal with so many enemies, so Tianluo set his sights on Orpheus:

"Opheus, can you help?"

"Yes, but the concubine is still unable to control the power at will, and will accidentally hurt you."

"Forget it then."

Is it really the sequelae left by Samael? Since Orpheus can't control the power well, she can't let her make a move. If it really hurts the people on his side, there is no place to cry.

After thinking for a while, Tianluo waved his hand, and then released the Joan of Arc team, the girls of Semelia, and his familiar, Queen Undine.

"Jeanne, Cemilia, Undine, please come and help me too."

"Yes, Lord Tianluo!"

"As you order, master villain."

Knowing what happened outside, Queen Undine nodded slightly, and the girls of Semelia replied respectfully. It was Joan who noticed Georg and Hercules on the side, and a few strange colors flashed in Tian Tian's lips and eyes.

Seeing Joan of Arc and Semelia who suddenly appeared, Rias and Akeno also gave someone a look of resentment. Although they also know that there are many other women in Tianluo's Holy Demon Palace, they are still a little jealous when they see it with their own eyes!

Tianluo was also a little embarrassed, but now is not the time to explain this. Although Joan of Arc and Semilia were also asked to help, the number of the enemy and us was still very large, and Tianluo activated the [Warcraft Creation] ability to summon hundreds of powerful monsters.

This time, he shouldn't lose to the opponent!


"The battle has begun, everyone!"

To be continued...

Chapter 0339 The Utopia in the Fog

Boom! ! Boom boom boom! ! !

In the different space, apart from Aisha who is in charge of supporting everyone in the enchantment and Orpheus who is on standby, Tianluo, the daughters of Rias and hundreds of monsters have already fought against the army of death.

The lowest of these gods of death almost have the strength of middle-level demons, and there are many existences comparable to upper-level demons and the highest-level demons. Powerful, and there is the Death Scythe that can harvest lifespan and vitality, even the daughters of Rias can't help but be cautious.

"Jeanne, have you betrayed the Scourge, and you have taken refuge with Shenye Tianluo?"

On the other side of the battlefield, Hercules asked, looking at Joan of Arc and the girls in uniform who surrounded him and a dozen former members of the Heroes faction.

"Hmph, who do you think is to blame for this? It's because you don't care about our lives and don't come to rescue us!"

Pulling out the holy magic sword bestowed upon her by her master from her waist, Joan picked out a sword flower and said with a sneer.

Thinking that she was played to death by that villainous master while these guys were enjoying themselves, Joan couldn't help feeling a strong resentment in her heart.

"It's unrealistic to save people from the hands of that Shen Yetianluo, and we also have various difficulties on our side. As a former member of us, you should be very clear."

Hercules was quite helpless - authentic.

"Stop making excuses, you are simply too lazy to save us, just give up on us!"

Ironically, Joan of Arc said in her heart that it is because I was one of you that I know your virtues!

"Ha... It's meaningless to say more about what has happened, as long as you come back now, you are still our companions."

Sighing, Hercules, who knew he was wrong, didn't want to get entangled in this issue any longer.

"Then there is no need, we are now the master's tools and slaves, and we cannot do without him."

"Okay, die, Hercules!"

The cold light flickered, and Joan of Arc didn't want to talk nonsense, so she and a dozen of her subordinates held the holy magic sword and surrounded and killed Hercules...


Boom boom boom! ! !

Several black blades slashed at Rias, while Rias, who was wearing a crimson battle armor, kept dodging and dodging.


With a soft shout, Lias, who soared into the air, unleashed two red magic spells in her palms, blasting the two gods of death who wanted to attack her into fly ash.

"Little princess, that god of death named Pruitt is very dangerous, don't be cut by his sickle."

Draig's voice sounded from Baoyu, and Tenraku made her transfer to Rias's side at the beginning of the battle.

"I know."

Her expression was solemn, she had already fought several times, and Rias naturally understood the danger of that Grim Reaper.

Much better than the original Coca-Bille!

"Little princess, use your partner's move, use my avatar to disturb him, and then we will take the opportunity to attack."

"it is good!"

Draig suggested, and Rias also nodded.

"Boost! Boost! Boost!!!"

The brilliance flashed, and palm-sized little flying dragons flew out from the jade on Lias' armor, and then the little flying dragons flapped their wings and flew rapidly in the air, and at the same time spit out energy waves to attack the enemies below.

Although this trick was first developed by Tianluo, Elias's cleverness has naturally learned it long ago. The huge crimson energy ball flew down and hit Pruitt fiercely——

"Die, damned Death!"


He couldn't see the enemy's god of death, nor could he see the daughters of Rias. At this time, Tianluo was in a foggy world.

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