Endless Plunder in High School DxD

Devil's High School: Endless Plunder Chapter 407

"Rias, is Kitty-chan alright?"

Hurrying up to meet her, Zhu Nai and all the girls asked with concern.

"Don't worry, the kitten has temporarily stabilized and is resting now."

Signaling everyone not to worry, Rias replied.

"What happened to Kitty Sauce?"

Tianluo asked, this is also a question that everyone cares about.

"Baiyin has entered estrus, meow."

This time it was the voice of Heige, and the girls of Tianluo and Zhu Nai who heard the voice all showed expressions of astonishment:

"Hot, estrous period?!"

"That's right. If the women of our cat family want to have children, they will enter a certain cycle of estrus. The symptoms they show are just like Baiyin's instinctive desire to leave offspring and want to have children, just like real cats. Meow .”

After listening to Heige's explanation, everyone was stunned, but Tianluo was still a little puzzled:

"Although I can understand that, is Kitten-chan's estrus too early?"

Even as Heige said, estrus usually only occurs in mature mothers, and cats that are still developing like Kitten Sauce also appear in estrus, which is a bit abnormal no matter how you look at it.

"Hehehe, this is your credit meow, Sekiryuutei."

Lie on Tianluo's shoulder, Heige smiled authentically.

Tian Luo's heart was agitated by the tangy fragrance, and he secretly cursed at the witch, Tian Luo said:

"My credit?"

"Yes, you have been doing those lewd things to Rias and the others all day long, and these are the factors that stimulate Bai Yin."

"Although he didn't say anything on the surface, that child is actually very strong in his heart. He must be thinking, 'I can't lose, it will be me next time'."

"Over time, it's only natural that the estrus period will appear earlier."

After listening to Heige's words, not only Tianluo, but also Rias and Uberuna's daughters all blushed and felt embarrassed for a while.

In this way, almost all of them present are responsible for Kitten-chan becoming what he is now.

"Is there a way to solve it?"

Rubbing his forehead, Tianluo said with a headache.

Kitty Maojiang's body and mind are not fully developed yet, and it's not a good thing to have an estrus early. If Tianluo breaks her body and even allows her to conceive a child, it will be very dangerous for both mother and child. I also know this, so every time Tianluo gets close to Xiaomaojiang, he will stop until the last step and never break through that last step.

"This time I have temporarily suppressed Baiyin's estrus with Qi, but if I get stimulated again in the future, it will explode again at any time."

His gaze fell on Tianluo's body, and there was a trace of teasing in Heige's eyes——

"If you want to solve Baiyin's problem, Sekiryuutei, you should abstain from sex!"

To be continued...

Chapter 0317 Do you want me


Tianluo wondered if he heard it wrong, what did Heige say, to make him abstinent?

"This is the easiest way meow, as long as you don't stimulate Bai Yin by doing those lewd things at home in the future, Bai Yin's symptoms will naturally not reappear."

"Chiryuutei, for the sake of Baiyin, you should abstain from sexual intercourse for a few years~."

There was a sly gleam in the beautiful eyes, and Heige's expression was taken for granted - authentic.

"Then you might as well just kill me, and use another method."

The whole face darkened, and Tian Luo said angrily.

Now almost every night, Tianluo has to satisfy Lias and the others. If he is really asked to abstain from sexual intercourse for a few years as Hei Ge said, then he might as well die.

"Hei Ge, why don't you change the method?"

With a slightly red face, Rias also suggested, and even the daughters of Xenovia and Irina nodded.

If Tianluo is really abstinent, let alone Tianluo, they will not be able to stand it.

"Then I can't help it."

"You selfish bastards only care about your own enjoyment and don't care about Baiyin at all, do you? I really misjudged you!"

With a blank expression on his face, Hei Ge suddenly said sarcastically.

The corner of Tianluo's mouth twitched, and the girls of Rias were also embarrassed for a while.

The demon girl Heige did it on purpose, absolutely!

"Don't think that you are the only one who cares about Kitten Sauce. Kitten Sauce is also the companion of our most important family members. I will take care of Kitten Sauce's matter."

After glaring at Heige angrily, Tianluo said.

"Oh... what can you do?"

Heige seemed to be a little interested, and all the daughters of Rias also looked at Tianluo.

"At the end of the day, Xiaomaojiang only had these reactions because of being stimulated, so as long as Xiaomaojiang's body and mind are satisfied, these symptoms will naturally disappear."

Touching his chin, a few rays of wisdom flashed in Tianluo's eyes.

"Baiyin is still young, don't even think about doing that kind of thing to her."

Looking at Tianluo suspiciously, Heige warned.

"Who said you have to do that kind of thing? It doesn't have to be that step if you want to satisfy a woman. There are countless ways."

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Tianluo had a confident look on his face.

The girls of Rias didn't understand what Tianluo's so-called method was, and all of them blushed and spat in secret. The clever Heige naturally thought of it soon, but refused without hesitation:

"I don't agree, what if you can't hold back and do that to Baiyin?"

"Hei Ge, are you doubting me? If I say I won't do it, I will never do it."

Frowning slightly, Tianluo's voice also cooled down.

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