End Times Dust Light

Chapter 694: Rescue (two)

   But at this moment, Lu Ziming realized that he was so wrong. He had always had a prejudice against the base. That's how Lu Ziming never thought about placing the base on the opposite side.

  From the injustice of Lu Ziming and Yiming's team at the base to the trading of weapons and equipment with the base, from a personal point of view, I am unwilling to trade with the base. But Lu Ziming finally gave up his prejudice against the base and gave the base the most favorable treatment, but what did the base do. From the very beginning, the base has been calculating Lu Ziming. Negotiations, negotiations, and spitting bitterness, sending women, holding banquets, and playing tricks are everything. In the final analysis, the base only looks at benefits. Facially, for the benefit of pushing Li Juan to the forefront of the storm, all this has undoubtedly touched Lu Ziming's bottom line.

  No need to say anything, just hit it! Hit to death!

  At this moment, Lu Ziming was completely desperate for the base, didn't he want to play? Then play the bigger one, and see who has played whom!

Lu Ziming struggling to get up from the ground, the red pupil sword whizzed through the heads of a group of soldiers, and then took out the laser cannon from the space ring and set it up. Just a moment ago, he watched these rebel generals. The machines in the workshop in the processing area moved out of the processing area hall, and I didn't even think about stopping these rebels in the past.

  Move if you move! If these machines can really be used to resist the attacks of dark creatures, it doesn't matter if Chiyou Space loses some machines. As long as it is beneficial to human survivors, Lu Ziming can still accept it.

   But now Lu Ziming is completely disappointed. What is the purpose of doing all this base? Can you kill yourself and Li Juan to win? If it were really that simple, the war between humans and mutant creatures would have ended long ago, and only people who can kill each other can do it. If that's the case, don't blame yourself for being ruthless.

There are some things that Lu Ziming really doesn’t know. What these people are thinking about, things that can be done through normal transactions, but they have gotten things out of control, is it the only way to show their strength? And attitude?

Lu Ziming uses small laser cannons. Even small laser cannons are not what ordinary Gauss weapons and energy weapons can contend. He does not worry about the damage of small laser cannons to the processing area. Of course, this account has to be calculated on the base.

The use of a small laser cannon is a bit like a sledgehammer. A white beam shot out, piercing the chest of a rebel, and then moved on. The second and third places... are as unstoppable as candied gourds. The hard metal wall extending to the processing area stopped penetrating, leaving a fist-sized deep hole in the metal wall. It is important to know that all the facilities in the processing area are built with the strongest metal. Even a small laser cannon cannot penetrate the wall entirely unless it is burned with a laser continuously at one point.

  The rebels appeared in a panic. Obviously, they did not expect Lu Ziming to have such powerful weapons in his hands. The dense team formed the best targets for small laser cannons.

   "Hurry up! He has a powerful weapon in his hand..."

The rebels have moved the remaining exchangeable weapons out of the processing area hall. Among these weapons are powerful laser cannons and even three defensive super laser cannons. If the rebels use these super laser cannons in the first time, I'm afraid Lu Ziming didn't even have a chance to escape. However, it is not easy to use these powerful laser cannons, especially the super laser cannons, which require at least five or six operations, and from the installation of the parts to the completion of commissioning, it is impossible to use it within four or five hours, so the rebels simply do not. The opportunity and time to use a powerful laser cannon.

  The small laser cannons in the Lu Ziming space ring are all debugged and installed, and they are in use at any time. It is impossible to debug and install them by yourself. With the use of small laser cannons, the line of defense of the rebels began to disintegrate. Small laser cannons are not something ordinary people can resist. Even if you wear mutant turtle shell armor all over your body and are hit by a small laser cannon, you can barely resist it. , But the huge impact produced by the laser cannon is enough to destroy his internal organs to death. This is the power of a small laser cannon. Lu Ziming can only escape when he sees a small laser cannon. This is the power of technology.


  The rebels could no longer continue to dismantle the machines in the processing area. If they don’t run, there will be only one path to destruction. This will be irreversible after Lu Ziming took out the small laser cannon.

Lu Ziming's heart was bleeding, not because the rebels removed a large number of machines and weapons, but every time they fired a small laser cannon, they consumed their hard-won crystals. One shot was 50 crystals, which was unbearable for anyone. Such a speed of consumption.

  But now I can’t take care of a lot. Lorraine is already injured, and Li Juan can’t see the slightest reaction. I don’t know if she is already dead. If she delays, she might die too.


Lu Ziming increased the firing frequency of the small laser cannons, and the crystals flowed out like water. If the rebels know that there are not many crystals left in their hands, I wonder if the rebels will stay and continue to attack him and Lorraine. .

In a short period of three minutes, three minutes have passed since the rebels launched a sneak attack. During this time, the rebels have removed a large amount of machinery and equipment from the processing area, but the relatively large processing area machinery In other words, these machines are just a drop in the ocean.

At the same time, the rebels also paid a huge price. The division of labor among these rebels is clear. There are rebels who are responsible for sneak attacks, and there are also rebels who are desperately moving machines. It can be seen that the main target of the rebels is the machines in the processing zone. There were less than 500 rebels in the sneak attack, perhaps because they thought that 500 rebels were enough to kill Lu Ziming and Li Juan, so Lu Ziming was left with time to fight back.

   "Quickly retreat! The robot has already begun to attack!"

  At this time, intensive gunfire came from outside the processing area. Zixin had already mobilized hundreds of combat robots in the first time to support the processing area from the core area.

There are about two thousand robots that can fight in Chi You's space. Most of them are dormant in the core warehouse. These combat robots also need to consume a lot of crystal energy. Even in Chi You's space, there are no extra energy crystals to squander, so Under normal circumstances, they will not be put into use. The robots that are usually seen are just small service robots. They will be activated and used only when there is a crisis in Chiyou Space.

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