Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 629 Dream Keeper (asking for a guaranteed monthly ticket at the beginning of the month)

In the "Old Tune Team", the only ones who had fought side by side with Odik were Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao. Bai Chen had relatively little experience. She looked through the windshield at the road ahead:

"Would you like to check on his condition and find an opportunity to remind him?"

"Okay!" Shang Jianyao agreed without hesitation.

"How to confirm?" Long Yuehong was more concerned about this issue.

The "Old Tune Team" is a "famous" wanted criminal within the sphere of influence of "Prime City".

Jiang Baimian pondered for a moment and said:

“The old way.

"Use 'Thought Guidance' to find a relic hunter to post a mission to the guild. Say that Odik's friends are looking for him. Then we can wait for other relic hunters to help us confirm Odik's current situation and his current location."

When the "Old Tune Team" was wanted by the "Hand of Order" before, they relied on similar methods to handle various affairs in the First City.

"No problem." The reckless Shang Jianyao began to gear up.

After completing the preliminary "work", the "old tune team" drove the jeep to a street near the Hunter's Guild and parked it in a relatively less eye-catching place.

In less than an hour, Shang Jianyao's new friend, a citizen of the "Prime City" who was too old to join the army and could only continue to be a relic hunter, entered this street.

His name is Otan, he is short, has short black hair, and has fine wrinkles around his blue eyes.

At this time, he looked around several times in a professional manner to make sure that no one was paying attention to him, and then he walked towards the Jeep of the "old tune team".

Shang Jianyao pressed down the car window, stuck his head out, and waved to him.

"There is news about the 'senior hunter' you are looking for." After Otan approached, he bent his back and said in a lowered voice.

He didn't continue talking, just smiled and looked at Shang Jianyao.

"Still not friends?" Shang Jianyao muttered as he took out three 5-ore bills.

Because it was determined that this mission was to explore the Holm Reproductive Medical Center in the ruins of Wasteland No. 13, and this must pass through the "Primary City" sphere of influence, so when the "Old Adjustment Team" left "Pangu Biology", Jiang Baimian applied for The supplies include 1,000 Ole notes.

In a sense, this may be one of the most portable supplies on the dirt.

Otan took the banknotes, pointed them at the sun, and checked the authenticity one by one. Then he lowered his head and smiled:

“Don’t you Gray-Turks have a saying: Brothers will settle accounts?

"I took the risk and ran forward and backward to help you release the mission and confirm the information. No matter what, it has to be a bit hard and expensive!"

Of the 15 Ore provided by Shang Jianyao, a full 10 Ore were paid by Otan for the mission. In other words, he had only earned 5 Ore after being so busy for a while.

Of course, if the "Old Tune Team" were not conscientious and replaced by other villains, under the "thinking guidance", he would probably lose 10 Ole, not to mention making money.

Shang Jianyao did not refute Outan's words, calmed down the expression on his face, and asked seriously:

"How is Odik doing now? Where is he?"

Otan subconsciously looked around a few more times to make sure no one was paying attention here.

After he withdrew his gaze, he replied in a low voice:

"That 'senior hunter' named Odik is crazy."

"Crazy?" While Jiang Baimian narrowed his eyes, Shang Jianyao showed unconcealable anger on his face.

"Yes." Otan nodded heavily, "It should have happened early yesterday morning. After his family found out, they sent him to the Red River Lunatic Asylum for treatment."

Red River Lunatic Asylum is located in the Red Giant Wolf District and is the only specialized psychiatric hospital in the original city.

If you don't go there, you can only go to the psychiatric departments under several general hospitals.

Alas, something really went wrong...another victim...Long Yuehong has always had sympathy and mercy.

Moreover, this wasn't a stranger he didn't know or interact with at all.

Jiang Baimian glanced at Shang Jianyao, calmed down, and asked Otan again:

"What are the specific symptoms?"

"Not sure, it seems like he was shouting and smashing things." Autan replied, "I found out from a friend of his, who visited him in the lunatic asylum in the morning. If you want to know more specifically, you have to pay attention to the time. In the afternoon There are no visits to the lunatic asylum after six o’clock.”

Jiang Baimian nodded:

"Okay, please."

"Thank you." Shang Jianyao waved his hand feebly.

When Ou Tan went away, Jiang Baimian turned half sideways and said to Bai Chen, Long Yuehong and Gennava:

"Boss Ugo seems to have really died due to a 'nightmare', otherwise it wouldn't be such a coincidence."

"Advanced Hunter" Odik, who also has the ability to awaken in the "Dream" realm, went crazy on the same night!

Before Bai Chen and others spoke, the reckless Shang Jianyao said in a deep voice:

“I plan to visit Odike in the afternoon.

"I hope we can find out the truth about that 'nightmare'!"

Jiang Baimian did not say that tragic things happened to acquaintances on earth, but he nodded lightly and said:



At two o'clock in the afternoon, in the lobby of Red River Lunatic Asylum.

The "Old Tune Team" met Oldick's wife, Lauris, who had been married to him for less than a year.

"We are friends of Odik. We heard that he was sick and wanted to come and visit him." Jiang Baimian used the euphemism of being sick instead of being crazy.

Lauris is in her mid-twenties, has brown hair and blue eyes, is of medium height, and wears dark culottes to facilitate movement.

Jiang Baimian speculated that her original family conditions should be pretty good, at least allowing her to get married before she was fifteen or sixteen years old.

Her words and deeds also confirmed Jiang Baimian's judgment:

"Guys, it's not convenient for Odik to meet people right now.

"You should wait until his condition stabilizes before coming back."

Before Shang Jianyao could speak, Jiang Baimian took the initiative and said:

“We are also relic hunters, and we feel that Odik fell ill too suddenly, and there may be some hidden reasons.

"If we can find some clues from him, it may help him recover as soon as possible."

These words spoke to Lauris's heart, and her green eyes instantly became misty.

Lauris raised her hand to wipe the corners of her eyes and said with a slight sob:

"You will absolutely, absolutely not believe it. I just slept and found that my reliable and stable husband became irritable, crazy and difficult to communicate with.

"Nothing happened before, it was just like usual...

"It's been a long time since he took on a mission that required him to go to a very dangerous place!"

Jiang Baimian, Shang Jianyao, Bai Chen and others looked at each other, considered and said:

“Actually, we have some guesses.

"Yesterday, we met Odik in the hunter's guild hall. He planned to take on a mission called 'Collective Dream'..."

Because it was unclear whether Odike accepted the call in the end, Jiang Baimian used "plan".

After describing the situation related to the "nightmare", she said without "hiding anything":

"Could Odik's sudden illness be related to that 'nightmare'?"

Lauris's expression changed a few times, and she said to herself:

"His church members seemed to have mentioned this matter..."

"Church member?" Shang Jianyao grasped this word keenly.

Lauris breathed out slowly and said:

“My husband has been following the February Dawn and joined one of the sects.

"They insist that dreams are dangerous. Nightmares can devour people's souls, lead to the emergence of 'unintentional illness' and various diseases, and even directly cause death. Therefore, there is a need for guardians to patrol the dreamland and fight for mankind. .

"I think he, he may have been traumatized last night while fighting nightmares..."

Lauris, who originally did not associate the "nightmare" with her husband's madness, thought more and more that there might be a certain connection between the two.

Well, the concept of "Dawn Morning Star"... Jiang Baimian first heard about this from Wang Beicheng, and later got the corresponding information from "Pangu Biology".

At the same time, she also deduced that the dream-keepers of "Dawn Morning Star" were quite proud of their identities. In addition to not telling outsiders, they were willing to tell their parents, wives and children.

Without giving Lauris a chance to slow down, Jiang Baimian made another request:

“Madam, let us meet Odike.

"His language and behavior may well contain clues to his recovery."

Lauris hesitated for a few seconds, gritted her teeth and said:

"Okay, I'll go talk to the doctor."

Seven or eight minutes later, she led several members of the "old tune team" to the third floor.

At the end of the corridor on the third floor stood a doctor in a white coat and a blue mask.

He said to Jiang Baimian and others in Honghe dialect:

"The patient is very aggressive, so it's best for you to communicate through the iron door."

Aggression? Odik is obviously useless, otherwise you would still be standing? Just as Jiang Baimian had turned around these few thoughts, he heard a banging sound coming from the iron gate.

Odik's voice then sounded, very excited:

“There’s a person on the left, a person on the right, and a small photo frame in the middle!

"You have one big eye and one small eye. You are not a good person. Let me dig them out for you!"

PS: Ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket at the beginning of the month~

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