Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 40 Chasing (please vote for recommendation)

Jiang Baimian was very busy. While he had to keep his eyes on the front, he was afraid of driving the jeep into a swamp or having the car overturned by obstacles such as stones and tree roots. At the same time, he had to carefully sense various electrical signals around him to identify the mechanical monks. Has the Dharma purification arrived? What is the current status?

However, this does not affect her thinking. Her brain seems to have been optimized due to genetic modification.

"At that moment..." Jiang Baimian replied thoughtfully, but his voice was louder than normal, "My state was very strange. I didn't know who I was or what I was going to do. Uh... it wasn't my memory. The problem was that I could recall a lot of things that had happened before, but I couldn’t get any information about who I was or what I was going to do.”

Having said this, Jiang Baimian habitually reflected on himself:

"I thought that affecting Jingfa's body would prevent him from using the abilities of the awakened person, but I made a mistake in my judgment...

"Is this the difference between mechanical monks and ordinary humans?"

When Bai Chen heard this, he shook his head:

"This has nothing to do with misjudgment. It was a counterattack under desperate circumstances and there was no way to think about it that much."

After Shang Jianyao fixed the buckles of the leg joints, he raised his head and said:

"Many of the abilities of the awakened person are more dependent on, probably consciousness, and the physical impact score. For example, through trauma to the body, causing severe pain, making the awakened person unable to think, unable to transfer consciousness to the key point, then he It should be impossible to use the ability..."

As he spoke, Shang Jianyao suddenly fell silent, as if he thought that this could be used against him.

Before Jiang Baimian and others could speak, he took a breath and continued:

"Similarly, if you can knock out the awakened person with one punch, he will definitely not be able to use his abilities."

After giving the example, Shang Jianyao thought for a moment and agreed with Jiang Baimian's previous judgment:

"In this respect, mechanical monks are indeed different from ordinary humans."

Jiang Baimian laughed at himself and said:

"It's a pity that my 'golden finger' is not too strong. If I can quickly invade Jingfa's energy supply system and turn off his power supply, then he probably won't be able to use the awakened person's abilities. That's not right. Who knows." How long can an immortal person's consciousness remain awake after being separated from the maintenance of a bionic chip?

"Ha, you should also pay attention. You can't be too confident in your life. If there is no evidence, it is best to be more skeptical of your own judgment."

Bai Chen was slightly shocked when he heard this, and glanced sideways at Jiang Baimian:

"Team leader, you seem to be in good condition and you are not depressed at all."

You know, they are being hunted by terrifying mechanical monks. The main theme of their state and emotions should be tension, depression, anger, depression and uneasiness.

"It's much better now than when I was caught by Jingfa. Shouldn't I be grateful and happy?" Jiang Baimian was always focusing on sensing the surroundings. "If it weren't for Shang Jianyao just now, he couldn't get rid of it, and he would really have fallen into that state of mind. In the hands of a twisted pervert, the end will be tragic, very miserable. Although I have never seen the bodies of the women killed by Jingfa, I have heard people describe them..."

When mentioning this matter, Jiang Baimian, who had always been quite optimistic, couldn't help but look a little gloomy.

She didn't elaborate on it because she was worried about affecting the status of Bai Chen, Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong.

At this time, Shang Jianyao had finished putting on the military exoskeleton device.

His lips moved a few times and finally opened:

"Normally, an awakened person only has three abilities."

Jiang Baimian turned the steering wheel and let the jeep go around a tree growing in the middle of the road:

"Three kinds...the pure ones are: the one that makes me not know who I am...the 'hungry ghost realm'...what else?"

Long Yuehong, who was listening quietly, suddenly thought of the answer:

"He has a clear mind!

"Jingfa said that he has other minds and can hear some of the voices in other people's hearts."

"All three abilities are available... Maybe we can consider this aspect and find a clever way to deal with Jingfa. Yes, the awakened person's abilities should have a range limit..." Jiang Baimian was talking to himself while driving. said.

However, she kept talking to herself very loudly, and everyone else could hear her quite clearly.

Shang Jianyao responded thoughtfully:

"When he uses his mind telepathy and his ability to make your self-perception go wrong, it's all within one meter. It's impossible to tell how far away it is."

Jiang Baimian thought for a while, showed a slight smile and said:

“But it’s not like we can’t make a rough judgment.

“When he pounced on us from a distant tree, he chose the ‘hungry ghost path’.

"This choice itself illustrates some problems: either the range of the ability to make people's self-perception go wrong is far less than that of the 'Hungry Ghost Path', or it can only target one person, while the 'Hungry Ghost Path' can affect specific people. Everyone in the area.”

Bai Chen recalled:

"I have an impression. When I discovered that there were 'starving ghosts' around, it wasn't long before Jingfa jumped from a tree in the distance. It was about twenty meters away from us, or a little more."

She obviously knows more about the teachings, stories, and legends of the monk order than Jiang Baimian.

"Well, you need to remember: the effective range of the 'Hungry Ghost Path' is at least twenty meters." Jiang Baimian slightly amplified his voice.

Shang Jianyao was silent for a moment and said:

"He's better than me."

"I don't know how many times his age is yours, and how old he was when he became an awakener." Jiang Baimian said with relief.

She had no way of knowing when Jingfa became an awakened person. She only judged from what the other party had just said that he uploaded his consciousness into the robot body and became an "immortal person" after becoming an awakened person. Jingfa, as an A mechanical monk who was quite active in the late chaotic era before the New Calendar.

Only then did Long Yuehong seem to accept the fact:

My good friend, Shang Jianyao, who I grew up with, is actually an awakened person with weird and terrifying abilities!

He felt that he would never be able to forget the scene he saw before in his entire life:

The mechanical monk Jingfa, who was originally murderous and determined, suddenly became extremely friendly after listening to Shang Jianyao's two words. He even shook hands with Shang Jianyao and said goodbye, reluctant to part with him.

This simply subverted Long Yuehong's cognition.

He looked at Shang Jianyao and couldn't help but ask:

"When did you become an awakened person?"

Shang Jianyao was silent for a while and said:

"Not long."

Long Yuehong wanted to ask something more, but suddenly felt that this was not very good, as if she was prying into other people's secrets.

In the jeep, no one spoke for a while.

Jiang Baimian broke this state, looked ahead, smiled and said:

"Do you need us to keep this matter confidential?"

"Thank you." Shang Jianyao breathed out slowly.

Bai Chen and Long Yuehong successively stated that they would keep it secret.

Shang Jianyao was about to say something when he suddenly saw a slight change in Jiang Baimian's face.

At the same time, Jiang Baimian suddenly turned the steering wheel, causing the jeep to turn a sharp corner.

Although Bai Chen, Shang Jianyao and Long Yuehong in the car were all wearing seat belts, they still couldn't help but lean to the right side.

A grenade flew by and landed where they were supposed to arrive.


The blazing fire bloomed, and the violent shock wave made the earth tremble slightly.

After the jeep turned a corner, Jiang Baimian stepped on the accelerator and let the vehicle shoot out again like an arrow.

With a hiss, a red laser drilled into the ground, burning out a hole whose bottom could not be seen.

"Eleven o'clock." Seizing the opportunity, Bai Chen used the position of the clock to tell Jiang Baimian which direction he should not go in, otherwise the vehicle would fall into the swamp and sink slowly.

Jiang Baimian was very familiar with this statement and turned the steering wheel without converting.

Then she shouted:

"Shang Jianyao."

Shang Jianyao took an invisible breath, suddenly opened the door of the running jeep, tilted his body, and rolled out.

At the speed of the Jeep, he would inevitably be injured if he attempted this under normal circumstances, but now, he was wearing a military-grade exoskeleton device.

With a push of his arm, Shang Jianyao easily jumped up and ran towards the location where the grenade and laser were emitted in a snake-like movement.

He didn't bring an assault rifle or submachine gun, as they would have no effect on the Mechanic Monks.

What he can rely on is the grenade launcher and electromagnetic weapons that come with the exoskeleton itself.

Kick-starting and running without hesitation, Shang Jianyao saw the iron-black robot wearing tattered monk robes and red cassocks through the crystal goggles of the metal helmet.

But the next second, Jingfa turned around and ran, running in circles with Shang Jianyao, and gradually widened the distance by taking advantage of the shortcomings of the exoskeleton device's reaction speed and smoothness that were not as good as those of the robot.

After chasing for a while, Shang Jianyao lost sight of the mechanical monk.

The comprehensive early warning system of the exoskeleton device also found nothing - obviously, the other party has targeted counter-warning capabilities.

Shang Jianyao, who could no longer pursue the chase, had to go back the same way he came. Relying on the jeep's wheel marks, he found Jiang Baimian and others, and then opened the door and got in the car while the jeep was not stopping.

On the way back, he deliberately destroyed the wheel marks and forged damage marks in other directions, hoping to interfere with Jingfa's judgment.

"He's avoiding me." Shang Jianyao briefly explained what happened after closing the door.

"He's afraid of you? Are you capable of restraining him?" Long Yuehong subconsciously gave her thoughts.

"No, the scope of his abilities is wider." Shang Jianyao said without hesitation.

Jiang Baimian frowned slightly and was about to speak when he suddenly turned the steering wheel again.


Jingfa’s long-range attack is here again!

However, when Shang Jianyao, who was wearing a military exoskeleton device, got out of the car and ran over, Jingfa took the initiative to back down and distanced himself, not giving him a chance to fight.

Once, twice, three times... similar situations happened at varying intervals.

"What does he want to do?" Long Yuehong also noticed the problem.

Jiang Baimian curled his lips and said:

"Maybe he brought a lot of high-performance batteries and thought there was hope that our exoskeleton device would run out of power, so he was quite patient..."

"But, he can't carry many grenades." Long Yuehong asked reflexively.

Bai Chen glanced at the rearview mirror and said:

"The last few times, he's only used laser weapons."

Long Yuehong was suddenly worried:

"Then what should we do?"

PS: Please vote for recommendation~

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