Embers Ad Infinitum

Chapter 246 City of Machines

Shang Jianyao briefly recounted his experience on that island, and finally concluded:

"There are no difficulties, no monsters. Maybe they are hiding and discussing how to surrender gracefully."

Jiang Baimian ignored the last half of Shang Jianyao's words and thought to himself:

"It's really weird.

"What kind of psychological shadow will it reflect?"

As she said that, she looked back at Shang Jianyao and made a suggestion:

"Try it a few more times and see what happens."

There is no other way. When the prerequisites are insufficient, the only way to collect information is by trying.

Long Yuehong, who was next to Shang Jianyao, heard this and said with a smile:

"That 'island' looks like it's for rest and vacation."

"Probably not. Each 'island' in the 'Origin Sea' must have its meaning." Jiang Baimian moved his eyes to Long Yuehong and smiled, "If it were you, then I can guess Guess what psychology this 'island' corresponds to and determine what will happen next."

"What is it?" Shang Jianyao was curious.

Long Yuehong tried to stop her, but failed. Jiang Baimian smiled and said:

"It's Xiaohong's fear that her will will be corroded and disintegrated.

“Think about the sunny island, the warm sea breeze, the spacious and exquisite houses, the various ingredients, the supplies that are indispensable, a beautiful wife, all the relatives and friends, and the outsiders who often visit. The combination of these will definitely make Xiaohong forget his own ambitions and wear away his will to work hard."

You already have all this, why bother working hard? Isn’t this the purpose of my struggle? Long Yuehong didn't dare to say what was in her heart.

"He may think this is a gift from Zhi Sui." Shang Jianyao said helpfully.

This time, Long Yuehong did not refute him, but just corrected a mistake in a low voice:


He doesn't believe in anyone who is in charge of the year. Of course it is a gift from God.

Jiang Baimian accepted it as soon as he could, and did not continue the topic. He said to Shang Jianyao thoughtfully:

"Is that island really corroding your will?"

"I just feel bored." Shang Jianyao answered truthfully.

Seeing that this matter could not be discussed for a while, Jiang Baimian picked up the walkie-talkie, pressed the button, and said to the car behind:

"Did you hear the reminder from the ruin hunter just now?"

Although she was not sure that it was a team of relic hunters, in the wilderness, everyone she met could be temporarily dubbed "relic hunters".

Jorgensen took the spare walkie-talkie that Bai Chen threw to him when he set out, and answered eagerly:

"heard it.

"But don't worry, it's very close to Tarnan. Once the people in 'Mechanical Paradise' receive the news, they will send intelligent robot guards there to clear it out. They are not afraid of any 'higher careless people'."

He shouldn't be too afraid of the Awakened... Jiang Baimian muttered silently and asked directly:

"About how long will this take?"

"I don't know. It depends on when Tarnan receives the news." Jorgensen answered honestly.

Jiang Baimian pondered for a moment:

"Is there another way around that area?"

"Yes, it will take a long time to drive, and the road is very bad. Trucks and the like can't go at all, but the two we have now should be fine." Jorgensen tried his best to play his role as a "guide".

He didn't want to have his hands tied behind his back like several of his companions before getting in the car.

While waiting for the car behind to overtake, Long Yuehong couldn't help but feel a little worried:

What if that "higher unintentional person" changes places again and happens to be stuck on a new road?

This is not a real beast. It has a fixed area of ​​activity. Even a beast may "move" when it encounters stimulation.

Long Yuehong didn't raise this question because he was afraid that it would be effective if he said it.

At that time, Shang Jianyao will definitely "sigh" with gloating:

"Hey, this is the power of a bad name."


Maybe it was because Long Yuehong suppressed the problem, but she didn't encounter any accidents on the road after the "Old Adjustment Team". It was just because the road was in bad condition, the car drove very slowly, and there were obstacles that needed to be cleared from time to time, which wasted a lot. time.

In the evening, after crossing an old stone bridge, Jorgensen reported through the intercom:

"If you drive south for another half an hour, you can reach Tarnan."

So smooth? Long Yuehong couldn't believe it.

While he was uneasy, the next development was uneventful: after it was almost dark, the "Old Tune Team" and their "servant army" arrived in Tarnan.

This is a small city across the river. There are not many tall buildings, and the roads are gray, neat and intact.

"Goddess of luck bless you." Jiang Baimian could finally say this.

"Wrong." Shang Jianyao retorted, "It was lucky little red who blessed me."

"How did he protect me?" Jiang Baimian replied.

Shang Jianyao, who was driving, smiled and said:

"He didn't speak."

That's enough for you two... Long Yuehong shouted feebly in her heart.

Fortunately, as the vehicle entered Tarnan, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao focused their attention on this small city dominated by intelligent robots.

There are street lamps on both sides of the clean cement avenue. Under the black night, they are emitting bright light, like stars reflected on the ground.

Beyond the sidewalk, there are buildings with not too many floors. At a glance, the tallest building is only fifteen or sixteen floors.

Several of these buildings formed semi-enclosed courtyards. Although the exterior walls were old, they were very clean and there were no plants growing out of the gaps.

This reminded Long Yuehong and Bai Chen of the ruins of Marsh No. 1.

It looked vaguely like this when the lights were on, but it was larger and looked more shocking.

At this time, a red truck with a slightly complicated shape turned from the intersection and stopped next to an extinguished street light.

The next second, the small truck underwent a strange change.

It first slowly props itself up, then stretches out various parts and reorganizes certain places.

About thirty or forty seconds later, it slowly transformed into a five- to six-meter-tall robot.

Then, it moved slowly but extremely steadily to remove the broken street lamp and inspect the circuit.

When the four members of the old tune team in the jeep saw this scene, their mouths were half-opened and they did not recover for a long time.

The only difference between them is that there are certain differences in their emotions:

Shang Jianyao is excited, curious and excited, Jiang Baimian is surprised, excited and eager, Bai Chen is stunned, shocked and confused, and Long Yuehong is shocked, confused and surprised.

Seeing that the car behind him slowed down, Jorgensen picked up the intercom and said:

"Don't worry, this is Tarnan's repair robot. It's bulky, inflexible, and not good at fighting."

"But it can turn into a car!" Shang Jianyao's voice came through Jiang Baimian's walkie-talkie.

This is enough!

Jiang Baimian withdrew his gaze, exhaled and said:

"Take us to the mayor Gnawa first."

"Okay." Jorgensen tried to introduce in detail, "This is Hexi, the area where the robots in the 'Mechanical Paradise' operate... After crossing the bridge, we reach Hedong, which is a place specially reserved for humans... Mayor Nava’s home is right by the bridge on the west side of the river..."

As he spoke, he instructed the robber in the car to turn towards his destination.

——Of course he couldn't drive down the mountain road for a whole day. After obtaining the consent of Jiang Baimian and others, he released a companion who could handle him and took turns driving with him.

This city is not big. In less than ten minutes, the "Old Tuning Team" arrived at a relatively new-looking bridge.

On the right side of the bridge, in the area close to the river, there are single-family buildings standing there. They are all hidden by trees, and some of the entrances are paved with lawns that are still green in winter.

"That's the white building." Jorgensen asked his companion to park the car and opened the door to introduce him.

With the illumination of the street lights beside the road, Jiang Baimian and Shang Jianyao could barely see clearly the area where intelligent robots gathered, and they also saw a group of people walking towards this side from the bridge head.

Pannaniya, the leader of the "Mountain Fox" bandit group, held his horn helmet and said to the men beside him:

"It's better to go directly to Chief Gnawa. Our losses this time are too damn heavy. If we don't sell our supplies as soon as possible, we don't know how we will survive the winter!

"Those profiteers, judging from our appearance, will definitely lower the price. These robots are fair. Although they won't give too much, they will definitely be a lot."

While they were talking, they turned onto the riverside road and prepared to walk towards the residence of the robot mayor Gnawa.

At this time, under the light of the street lights, they saw several familiar figures.

Here are the companions they gave up before, as well as the group of people who caused heavy losses to their team!

Although they did not encounter Shang Jianyao at the time, and could not clearly see Long Yuehong's appearance through the helmet of the exoskeleton device, the beauty with a personal rocket launcher on her shoulders still left a very deep impression on them:

One side is blood and fire, the other side is picturesque.

With a buzzing sound, alarm bells rang in their minds. Without thinking, they took out their weapons and put on a defensive posture.

Jiang Baimian, who noticed their approach in advance, quickly scanned it and said to himself:


She immediately said to Shang Jianyao:

"You in front, us behind."

It means that you are responsible for the nine in front, and Xiaobai, Xiaohong, and I suppress the five in the back.

this is very simple.

When the atmosphere suddenly became one-sided and tense, Jorgensen and others were trembling a little. They didn't know whether to obey the order that the current "master" was about to issue and fight against the boss, or to take the opportunity to rebel and get rid of the shackles, or to ignore other things first, not to Just stay in the middle of the two sides - you will be shot to death randomly.

The next second, next to a streetlight, a black surveillance camera emitted an electronically synthesized voice:

"Private fights are prohibited in Tarnan. Please put away your weapons immediately. Violators will bear the consequences at their own risk."

Hearing these words, Pannaniya and the other robbers breathed a sigh of relief at the same time:

Fortunately, it was in Tarnan.

As soon as they had this thought, they saw Shang Jianyao rushing under the street lamp, raising his head and urging excitedly:

"Say more, say more!"

The talking surveillance camera was silent, as if it had never encountered such a request, and there was no corresponding content in the database.

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