Elf Town Has Big Problems

Chapter 294: reach the end

The boat stopped on the island where the island's cross point was located, and controlled the game character to try it at the door.

Sure enough, I still can't get in. The text prompts that I need to arrive at the same place by myself. I can only wait until tomorrow to go up the mountain and get close to the palace of another world...

The outside of the tent gradually became bright, and there was a sound of packing up, and the team was about to set off.

Li Shisan got out of the tent and swiftly put the tent away.

This kind of tent will not be set up or closed without a little research.

Fortunately, Li Shisan brought a similar high-strength tent when he entered the restricted area for the night.

"Brother Thirteen, we are leaving."

While Li Shisan put away the tent, a short boy conveyed the team's itinerary in a low voice.

This boy was even younger than Li Shisan. He didn't know what his real name was. He was called "Wooden Monkey" in the team.

It means that he usually looks dull and introverted, doesn't like to talk, and is small and thin. Even if he wears thick clothes that keep warm in the snowy mountains, he looks like a medium stature.

The strength of the wooden monkey is not strong, about 2 stars, the reason why Gu Feng took him by his side was because he took a fancy to his snow mountain survival experience.

Responsible for inquiring about the situation in the front and back of the team, the member who plays the role of the core scout is the wooden monkey.

He finished today's itinerary in a low voice, his dull face turned to look at the sky, and he squatted down and patted the snow with his hands.

"It's going to snow heavily today..."


I don't know how the wooden monkey predicts the weather. The previous judgments were very accurate. He said that it would snow heavily, and the final result was almost the same. Prepare in advance according to his prediction.

The team set off again, Li Shisan was still walking by Gu Feng's side, the female bodyguard had been treated, and her injuries seemed to be almost healed, and she was also protecting her master.

"Brother Thirteen, I didn't expect you to join such an important task to help me. When I become the head of the Gu family, I will definitely not treat you badly."

"Don't make a big cake for me, it just happened to be on the way. I also want to go to the palace of another world, otherwise I will definitely turn around and leave."

The female bodyguard glared at Li Shisan fiercely, but Gu Feng disagreed, staring at the snow-capped mountains in front of him, with strong ambitions in his eyes.

Everyone moved forward while chatting, and the wooden monkey, who didn't speak from beginning to end, repeated another sentence.

"It's about to snow."

Li Shisan looked up at the sky, although it wasn't a sunny day, there were some cumulus clouds, and there was no sign that he could judge the snowy weather.

The so-called layman watching the fun, Li Shisan is a pure layman. Others have no doubts about the wooden monkey's judgment, and we don't have much to think about.

Gu Feng asked rhetorically, "Will it have an impact on today's plan?"

"It's possible." Wooden Monkey approached and replied, "The snow is too big, and a thick layer of snow will accumulate in a short period of time. At that time, the bomb will be detonated, and the avalanche will be exaggerated."

Fresh snow layers tend to be looser and more unstable.

"Is that so..."

Gu Feng thought carefully, "Will it be better if we speed up and detonate the bomb before the snow falls?"

"It will be good, the impact will be greatly reduced."


Confirmed by the wooden monkey, the entire team adjusted their action status, accelerated the climbing of the snowy mountain, and the personnel on both sides of the team who were responsible for the investigation were withdrawn to reduce procrastination as much as possible.

The detection work at the rear of the team is still in charge of the wooden monkey, and no matter what, he can't relax his vigilance against the secret enemy, even though Gu Feilang has no other actions for such a long time, it makes people think that he has lost his way.

The whole team accelerated, climbed over various difficult obstacle terrains, and climbed almost vertical cliffs. The progress was much faster than before.

As long as you go over a small slope, you can reach the top of the mountain, which is the area where the otherworld palace is located.

Li Shisan glanced at the bottom of the cliff and lowered his voice as low as possible, "You should come up."


The wooden monkey threw out the hook in its hand and accurately hooked the high rock, which was a one-time success.

After confirming that the hook rope is stable, the thin body flicks in the direction of the cliff, hands and feet grasp the snow-covered rock formation like suction cups, and then climb up quickly, even more agile than some high-star practitioners.

"It's kind of awesome."

Li Shisan stretched out his hand and pulled the wooden monkey up. He just responded with a slightly stiff smile and quickly followed the team...

Alien Palace.

It is completely different from the architectural style in the southwest area, and it even makes people feel that they are not from the same civilization.

The damage is even worse...

The thick snow that covered the building collapsed part of the roof, and the frost erosion caused the original brick and soil material to crack and collapse, just like a half-demolition house, and the rest of the building was also on the verge of crumbling.

Gu Feng's team had no interest in the otherworld palace. After exploring the surroundings to eliminate the danger, they began to look for a suitable location for blasting.

Li Shisan looked at the busy members, "Shouldn't we find the 'Deep Blue Giant' first?"

"It's not that easy to find."

Gu Feng expressed helplessness, "The 'Deep Blue Giant' is in a state of sleep on weekdays, and it is almost integrated with the snow-capped mountains. The best magic element detector may not be able to detect it."

Many famous monsters have this virtue, and most of them can only be captured by bribed vague information.

The intelligence said that the 'Deep Blue Giant' might be at several points in the snow-capped mountains in the north of the sixth restricted area~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Gu Feng planned to bring people to blow up all the points.

The search process was a bit like looking for Celebi. Gu Feng confirmed the general direction through information, and asked Li Shisan to test the water first. If there was no problem, he would personally bring the team to seal it.

However, Celebi was obviously unreliable, and there was no seal.

"Master Gu Feng, we have found a suitable position."

The expert in charge of blasting in the team found a cave covered by snow on the other side of the hillside. No matter the depth or shape, it was suitable for placing explosives. After a little manual modification, it was perfect.

"Okay, let's start placing explosives."

Several members entered the cave with tools and explosives to work, which would not be completed in a while, Li Shisan looked at the otherworld palace next to him.

"I'll go around there."

"Oh? Thirteen brothers are interested in otherworldly ancient buildings?"

"It's coming, why don't you walk around twice."

"Be careful, the palace of another world will collapse at any time if it breaks like this, don't have to send someone to dig you out."

"think too much."

Li Shisan ignored Gu Feng's ridicule. Now the other members of the group are busy with blasting things. The palace of the other world is empty, which is a good opportunity to go in and explore.

Taking a deep breath, the Ice God Pillar (Regais) has a racial value of 580, of which 200 is allocated to special defense, and defense and special attack each account for 100. Both the total value and the distribution are quite reasonable.


Li Shisan didn't feel excited at all. He had already been to the desert ruins where the Rock God Pillar was located. The Age of Gods appeared there, fighting against the Pyramid BOSS, holding the Three God Pillars in his hand.

According to the game settings, if Dago, the son of the president of the German company, does not appear, the three gods should belong to the generation of gods...

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