Elf Town Has Big Problems

Chapter 168: rush into the mine

"Hurry up and send someone down! (expletive), how come there are so many monsters?!"


More than a dozen official practitioners entered the mine again. The mission this time was to rescue a colleague. The monsters did not need to be led, and they were already chasing after the **** of the previous group.


The atmosphere became tense, and there were faint signs of sand and gravel falling from the mine entrance, indicating that the source of vibration generated by the battle was very close to the exit.




Following a few exclamations, two or three practitioners rushed out of the mine with the wounded on their backs. They couldn't let go of their arms and legs in the fight, and the personnel were severely damaged.


"Medical team!"


Following the command of the team leader, the medical personnel quickly took over the injured.


"What about the rest?!"


"It's coming out now!"


Two monsters rushed out of the mine, their level was not high, they were quickly subdued after a commotion.


There are still monsters struggling to rush out, the mine mouth keeps collapsing, and the small hill above even tends to be lifted.


Li Shisan realized that the situation was wrong. There were bigger monsters in the mine... How did they get in?


If you entered the mine normally, the entrance should have been squeezed and collapsed long ago. Why is it stuck in it now?


According to the Hunter Guild and official information, there should be no other entrances and exits to the mine.


With the rumbling of the mountain cracking, the gravel at the mine mouth collapsed, and it was violently smashed by the monsters. There were at least three or four monsters in the smoke.


"The hunter is here to help!"


The official cultivator greeted, the number and level of monsters far exceeded expectations, and it had reached an unimaginable level, and it was a bit chaotic to draw them all out.


The hunters in Furong City are generally not strong, and most of them just want to simply patrol the mines. Before making some money, only ten of the more than thirty people approached quickly.


The pot is attached to the body.


Li Shisan approached the mine and entered the battle process.


There are currently 6 enemies, the highest level is 52, which is a bit difficult to deal with. If it is an open restricted area, the battle team can fully cope with it.


But there are many people here, and Li Shisan didn't want to reveal his true strength.


No...why are monsters paralyzed? !


The speed of the paralyzed individual is halved, and there is a 25% chance of being unable to move, jumping for one turn.


The battle has just begun. The previous official practitioners just resisted, waited for rescue, and then quickly escaped. It was impossible to add paralysis to the monsters, and most of the monsters were paralyzed.


This is definitely not something that can be done in the process of fleeing in a hurry.




Li Shisan was still thinking, when a thin figure riding a fox flashed out beside him, heading straight for the mine.


Gu Wan? !


Her face was dignified and worried, and one hand was tightly grasping the collar of her chest, much like the reaction she received when the psychic medium appeared, "calling from the same kind".


Is there a psychic around here?


Li Shisan looked around the entire battlefield, and confirmed the situation on the game interface. The monsters corresponded to the enemies in the game one by one. There was no sign of the existence of psychics, or that psychics existed among the practitioners around.


The big fox was still running fast, and a hunter had already issued a warning to tell the little girl not to approach the mine.


Li Shisan immediately made a judgment that the medium might be deep in the mine, and Gu Wan could sense the so-called same kind, and the others were ignorant...


Gu Wan had been regretting that she had not saved the same kind at the mine site a few days ago, and she also regretted that the clues were broken there. This time, she did not want to have any hesitation.


The problem is, it's too dangerous.


Most of the mine cave collapsed due to the battle between monsters and practitioners. Even if you enter it, the internal structure of the mine cannot be guaranteed to be stable, and it may collapse at any time...


"Gu Wan!"


Li Shisan chased after her, this girl is going to die.


The battlefield was too chaotic, and the shouts could not be conveyed far away. Gu Wan cooperated with other practitioners to attack for two rounds at the edge of the station circle, and then bypassed again, and was near the mine.


"Little girl, what are you doing?!"


"Don't go in, the mine is going to collapse!"


The spells were intertwined, the monsters roared, and everyone only had time to issue a verbal warning.


Gu Wan's figure didn't stop much, and she got into the hole that was only half a person high.


Li Shisan was horrified. The monsters had not been completely suppressed. Even if the cave was not completely collapsed, the entrance of the cave might have been buried by a large number of falling rocks. It would not be easy to figure it out by then.


"Hey! What are you doing, kid!"


The old hunter who had talked with Li Shisan before and set up camp issued a warning, "Don't go near the mine!"


"That kid...


"Why did someone go in again?!"


"What's in it?"


Entering the mine tunnel, the battle status was lifted. Li Shisan identified the direction and took out the treasure hunter. Even if Gu Wan didn't come in, we had to come in to see if there were any props that could advance the game.


A soft light wafted into the depths of the cave in front of him. It was the 'ball lamp' that Gu Wan pointed, which provided an excellent trace.


Hidden props!


A hint of a hidden item appeared on the treasure hunter interface, and Li Shisan hurried to the corresponding location to pick it up.


Congratulations on getting the "PP Single Supplement", which restores 10 points of PP. It has the same effect as the wild apples, and there are still dozens of them in the backpack.




Li Shisan murmured secretly, what is this thing?


Before she finished complaining, the light source that moved forward quickly returned. Gu Wan rode on a fox with a 'ball lamp' fixed on her shoulders.


"Why are you back again?"


"Run, there's a bomb!"




Before Li Shisan could react, the treasure hunter that he subconsciously clicked on again had flashing black dots, hidden props!


"What the **** are you doing!"


The big fox bit the corner of the bathrobe and pulled Li Shisan out. Then, there was a blasting sound in the cave, and the sound waves passed through the long tunnel layer by layer.


The dust rushed in like a sea wave~www.wuxiaspot.com~ engulfed the two in an instant.


"Cough cough cough cough..."


Gu Wan coughed violently, the figure of the big fox became blurred, the spiritual state of spiritual practice was unstable, and it was difficult to maintain the summoned beast.


"Put the fox away, and I'll take you out!"


Li Shisan was not affected in any way, the GOGO goggles took effect, and even the storm that hung from the desert could not enter his nose and nose, let alone his eyes.


Gu Wan was so coughed that she couldn't answer, so she nodded and put away the summoned beast, took out the handkerchief from her pocket, and tore it into two pieces, one covered her mouth and nose, and the other handed out.


Li Shisan shook his head and said that it was unnecessary. He carried Gu Wan and ran out. Because he was not affected by the sand and dust, he could think calmly and perceive the surrounding situation.


The intensity of the explosion in the depths of the mine is average, and it has stopped at this time. There is only the intermittent sound of rolling stones. I think the amount of explosives inside is not much. Is that a hammer?


The collapse of the first half of the tunnel was not serious, but there were monsters and practitioners fighting at the exit. The situation was not optimistic. Maybe they would be blocked in this tunnel. The dust and gravel inside were deadly to Gu Wan. Dry handkerchiefs don't work at all.


Iron Ninja! Possessed!


Li Shisan's running speed suddenly increased and he almost threw Gu Wan out. As the distance from the exit kept getting closer, a bright light could be seen. The collapsing rocks buried the exit to the size of a well. A completely closed trend...

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