"That's Elijah and Alice Phil!" Rin Tosaka saw the identities of Elija and Alice Phil at a glance, she and Illya were classmates at the beginning, and Alice Phil she also knew, this woman was her father's rival and also a rival.

But who is that man? What a powerful superpower! Is it Illya's father?

No, the other party's age is about the same as himself, and his superpowers are even much stronger than his father, what kind of person is this?

Alice Phil, the people of their family, or Illya's brother?

As for why it's the younger brother, just kidding, she knows Illya's real age.

It's just that this kind of random peeping at others is too rude, right?

Rin Tosaka glared at Li Yichen viciously, but Li Yichen was unmoved, but he also withdrew his superpowers, and just silently watched the appearance of Kuaiquanlang wielding Bajiquan.

In this world, there is also the existence of Bajiquan, and at the same time, the physical fitness of human beings is much stronger than Li Yichen's previous life, after all, there are various elements in this world, and I have even heard that some people have practiced Bajiquan to the direct hand-to-hand combat King Pokémon!

This once made people feel that those beings with particularly strong hand-to-hand combat abilities were the product of some fighting Pokémon and humans.

For example, if Eluredo is with a woman, it may not be impossible to give birth to a human who is talented in martial arts. It's not impossible to even have superpower talents at the same time.

But then I found out that, well, humans and Pokémon, there is still some reproductive isolation is better, between the two sides, the probability of giving birth to offspring is too little and too little, at least in these years, I have hardly heard of anyone giving birth to offspring with Pokémon.

Most people are also resistant to this matter, after all, everyone likes their Pokémon and trusts their Pokémon, men (women)? Hehe, do any Pokémon care about people?

Many people put all their energy on Pokémon, and they get married just to pass on the lineage, and Pokémon is true love, which also leads to the fact that people in this world are only about one-tenth of their previous lives.

Li Yichen set his sights on the fast boxer, maybe he could let the Pokémon practice these fighting skills, at least he could feel that the strength of this fast boxer was quite good, and even among the Pokémon of the same level, he was the best.

No, if you want to practice Bajiquan to this point, Rin Tosaka obviously spent a lot of perseverance, he obviously doesn't have so much time to do this, it is better to spend more time and energy on finding dark elves, and when the time comes, it will be much more efficient to get more skills from other worlds, which is much more efficient than Rin Tosaka's training.

By the time the Bajiquan dance was over, the judges gave Kuaiquanlang a full score.

"What's going on? Isn't this a gorgeous competition? Why can this be a full score?" Li Yichen was a little confused, although Kuaiquanlang's Bajiquan is indeed very good, but it is better than good-looking, and it is not at all comparable to the previous Pokémon performances!

This is a glamorous tournament, not a fighting tournament!(; Д`)

He looked around and saw that he was the only one who was so confused, and everyone else seemed to take it for granted that Kuaikuang could get a high score.

He felt like he really didn't fit in with the world.

As if sensing something, Alice Phil smiled and said: "Actually, the gorgeous competition is still about Pokémon's mastery of skills, as well as the innovation of skills, Rin Tosaka's fast boxer, has a very good grasp of Bajiquan, and there is an innovation in Bajiquan, not only for fighting, but also for performance, there is not so much lethality, but there is also a lot of artistic color!"

Artistic color, performance, why can't I see it?

However, Alice Fell is also an authority in this regard, and she seems to be a world-famous coordination trainer.

It's more than enough to be a judge on it, since she said so, so be it, he doesn't understand it anyway, and he won't become a coordination trainer in the future.

However, training Pokémon from the perspective of a coordination trainer also seems to be a good way to do it.

His Pokémon's control of skills is really insufficient, so let's go to give Pokémon special training!

And Rin Tosaka in the distance has been paying attention to Li Yichen, she wants to see a look of admiration on Li Yichen's face, but it's a pity that she didn't see these emotions, and the joy of getting a full score before disappeared in an instant, is this guy here to go against himself!?

used to provoke himself with superpowers, but now he doesn't take Kuaijilang's performance seriously, well, it seems to be disdainful too!

Damn bastard!Thinking of this, Rin Tosaka showed a pair of cute little canine teeth to Li Yichen!

The boring competition was over soon, and Li Yichen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, saying that he would never come to watch this kind of competition again! He didn't dare to show this kind of emotion before, after all, everyone here was a fan of gorgeous competitions, and if he showed his dissatisfaction, he was afraid that he would become a public enemy.

And it seems that a lot of so-called upper-class people prefer gorgeous contests!

(Pokémon and human birth offspring do have, such as the special N, very suspicious, he is a descendant of Shanado, just look at the hair color).

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