"Chamo! (* ̄︶ ̄)"

The strong chicken carrying a backpack saw Tiremeow, who was also carrying a backpack, and immediately said hello.


Tirey meowed in response.

Gu Yu and Mei Hanyan looked at each other, and then each looked at each other's elves and smiled at each other.

"Abominable! I'm going to sue you two guys for abusing elves! "

At this time, the wind spirit wrapped in a large bag walked out of villa No. 17.

The eyes that looked at Xinye Meow and Li Zhuang Chicken were full of envy.

Why didn't any of his elves help him with his backpack?

"Meow! [?_??]"

Xinye Meow looked at Feng Lie suspiciously.

That look seemed to be saying.

I can fight for the trainer, what's wrong with carrying a bag for the trainer?

"Chamo! ヽ(゜Q。 )ノ? "

The strong chicken kept turning his head and looking around.

It seems to be trying to find the two guys who abused the elves in the mouth of Wind Lie.

But in the end, nothing came of it.

"Let's go, it's not good if you're late."

Hearing Gu Yu's words, Mei Hanyan nodded.

Immediately, the three of them walked towards the playground together.

By the time the three arrived at the playground, it was already 7:45.

The playground was full of freshmen like the three, wrapped in small bags.

A big man with a microphone in his hand stands on a high platform at the front of the playground.

The big man only has his left eye left.

On the right half of his face, there is a hideous scar like a centipede.

With a burly body and sharp eyes.

Looking at it from afar, it gives people a powerful and dazzling feeling, like a lion king who is not angry and self-threatening.

8 o'clock sharp.

The big man picked up the microphone, and a voice as loud as a Hong Zhong came out of the speaker.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Yan Poyue, the director of the first year of the trainer major, and the chief instructor of this military training."

"First of all, I want to talk about the purpose of this military training."

After a pause, Yan Poyue's only remaining one-eyed eye scanned everyone in the playground.

"That is to let some of you retreat!"

"The trainer profession has always had the highest mortality rate of any profession."

"I took a class with the highest mortality rate, and twenty years later, the class reunion, only one person is still alive!"

Speaking of this, Yan Poyue's voice seemed a little sad.

Then he pointed to the right side of his face.

"My end, compared to many trainers who have no bones, I don't know how much."

"Life is only once, not becoming a trainer, is the only way to realize the value of your life."

"For the next fifteen days, you will think about what I said."

The atmosphere at the scene became very depressed for a while.

Gu Yu looked calm.

He knew early on the dangers of being a trainer.

But if he wants to change the future of death, if he wants to change the fate of mankind, he must have enough strength!

"Let's go now!"

With Yan Poyue's order, everyone walked onto the bus parked by the playground one after another.

The Huangpu River Secret Realm is a C-level secret realm, located at the mouth of the Huangpu River, with a total area of about 24,000 square kilometers.

The Huangpu River divides the secret realm in two from the center.

Influenced by the Huangpu River, there are many lakes in the upper part of the secret territory, rich in water and grass, and a large number of elves inhabit them.

The secret realm is rich in tree fruits for crafting energy cubes, expensive evolution stones, and various precious items.

Every year, many trainers come to the secret place of the Huangpu River to explore and hunt for treasures.


Gu Yu and the others took the bus to the entrance of the Huangpu River Secret Realm.

Due to perennial development, a bustling commercial street has formed at the entrance of the Huangpu River Secret Realm.

Outdoor shops, hotels, and restaurants are all available.

It's just that it looks a little depressed now.

As for the cause of the depression, it is also very simple.

In order to facilitate students to experience the secret life, the Dragon Kingdom Spirit Alliance directly closed the Huangpu River Secret Realm.

No one other than first-year students majoring in Trainer of Magic Capital University is allowed to enter it.

Without trainers, there are no customers in the commercial street, and naturally it will be depressed.

Before everyone entered the secret realm of the Huangpu River, each received a positioning bracelet.

The purpose of positioning the bracelet is to prevent unexpected events.

Once in danger, just press the button on the bracelet, and teachers from Modu University will immediately go to the rescue.

After receiving the bracelet, Gu Yu, Mei Hanyan and Feng Lie walked into the secret realm of the Huangpu River together.

Just after entering the secret realm, a turquoise lake came into Gu Yu's eyes.


A huge red fish jumped out of the water.

The body more than half a meter long is constantly twisting, the bulging part of the head is like a golden crown, the two yellow beards are constantly shaking, and the red scales are shining in the sunlight.

Exactly King Carp!

In an instant, Gu Yu remembered that he had chartered a yacht to go to sea.

Then I found that everywhere I looked, there were scenes of King Carp.

"This lake is quite big, I don't know if there are many elves?"

Feng Lie was a little eager to try, and it seemed that he wanted to turn into a fisherman now and get two shots.

Mei Hanyan spoke: "This lake is at the entrance of the secret realm, and no matter how many elves are fished by the trainers who come and go." "

"If you want to fish here, you must fish first, and Gu Yu and I will find a suitable place to set up a tent first."

Gu Yu and Mei Hanyan had already discussed it on the bus.

After arriving at the secret place of the Huangpu River, the tents were tied together at night, and then the two took turns to keep vigil.

Elves are not all born good.

Many elves have ferocious personalities and even actively attack humans.

Such as the Arbor monster, the large-mouthed bat, etc.

The greatest danger in Uncharted is not from frontal combat.

It's how to avoid the sneak attack of the elves when you are asleep.

Gu Yu also asked Feng Lie before.

But Feng Lie said that he had made an appointment with his former high school classmates to explore the secret realm together, so he rejected Gu Yu.

Feng Lie hesitated, but decided to give it a try.

Gu Yu and Mei Hanyan began to look for a suitable place to live.

Soon the two found a suitable place.

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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