Winterwood Church

This kind of drama in which the hero who was sung high was beaten under the hope of all was very much in line with the taste of this bad priest.


Looking at the sudden appearance in the video and the figure who saved the watermelon head, this priest with an extremely bad heart smacked his lips in dissatisfaction.

"Gilgamesh, are you pleasant?".

Next to him, Gilgamesh had a different smile on his face, and even a little heartfelt feeling.

This is in my own memory, but it has never appeared, and Gilgamesh is not the kind of person who would be happy to watch others escape from death.

He must have seen something more pleasant in it, so he showed this smile, Yan Feng Qili was very curious, why he didn't get this pleasure, and the unwilling priest naturally wanted to know the source of this pleasure.

"Of course," he leaned back in his seat, and Gilgamesh's face was full of pleasure.

The corners of his mouth raised a curvature, and he replied to Yan Feng with an interested voice.

"The videos are getting more and more interesting."

Recalling the spiritual fire that was full of gas, the corners of Wang's mouth rose again.

There was a hint of unspeakable playfulness in the scarlet snake pupils, and glancing at Yan Feng Qili, who was still thinking hard, Gilgamesh was playful, and the evil laughter echoed throughout the church, "Qili, this is not the only way to pursue pleasure".


"Hahahaha, ten years later, your understanding of pleasure is still so superficial. The mockery in the scarlet snake pupils made the priest feel uncomfortable.

"Although the tragedy of the story was ruined when that figure appeared, the actions of the red beast were still a superior performance."

Recalling the man's kick, Gilgamesh's eyes showed a look of approval, although the ancient king had a very bad personality, but he was still able to look at it with the right eyes when it came to recognition.

"Writing the last epic with life, despair... Despair... Even in despair, what is not a celebration of the courage of this human being?".

Gilgamesh's recognition of the people in this video is growing, which is what Wang has always looked forward to seeing.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be interested in the boy who has been pole vaulting.

In the past ten years, this most ancient fat tiger is not only playing games and reading comics, but also has an indispensable activity.

That's to go and see a pole vault every day after noon.

Every day after school, the boy's noon, this oldest fat tiger will arrive on time.

Of course, in recent days, because of the video, Wang did not go.

"Qili, what you think of as pleasure is the first thing, blindly pursuing tragedy, trying to get pleasure out of it, what you think is 'pleasure', is just the bad taste in your heart."

Gilgamesh admired people who had courage and a pure heart, and it was through his deeds that Kai gained the king's favor.

If it weren't even a world, the king even wanted this man to be his courtier.

"Is that so... I see


is worthy of the most ancient fat tiger, and in just a few words, Qili's inner defense line will be completely broken.

Gilgamesh went further and further on his path as the mentor of the Grace of the Peak.

By the way, the last mentor of Yan Feng Qili was the deceased Tosaka Tokitomi....

Taking Gilgame's words to heart, Yan Feng Qili was silent randomly, as if silently thinking about something.


Then, text appears again on the pitch-black screen, previewing the next video.

[Death Scene: This is a farewell battle with the gods—— Uruk lives on here forever !!].

Gilgamesh: "???


Yan Feng Qili: "???".

Looking at each other, Yan Fengqili's eyes seemed to say that this time he could see the liveliness of this most ancient fat tiger.

"Hahaha!" didn't care about Yan Feng Qili's eyes, and without any annoyance, Gilgamesh laughed happily.

"This is the legendary epic of this king! Miscellaneous cultivators, enjoy the heroic appearance of this king!!

The laughter spread throughout the church, and the king was so happy....

But this time... The most ancient king soon learned that when a man is stabbed... I'm going to be killed by a knife....


At this point, everyone in the Ten Thousand Worlds looked at the subtitles in the video and was stunned, it was another battle against the gods


[Above the endless blue sky, a pure white light wheel hangs high above the sky, shining brightly surrounded by white clouds, at the top of the firmament, opening up a pure land, and the other end of the circle connects another place].

[As the camera moves, an innumerable dark red demonic beast on the ground frantically surged towards the towering city wall in the distance, the demonic beast is entrenched, and the remains of human beings... Blood went into every piece of land...].

["Roaring !!" - "Killing !!"].

[A terrible cry resounded throughout the sky, and countless soldiers in armor had blood on their faces and blood on their bodies... Compared to Warcraft, the thin body fights like crazy, and every attack will have sacrifices... But no one flinched...].

【Here... Leaving blood ... Left sweat ...

[This land records history... Recorded the glory...].

[What didn't leave behind were tears... What is not recorded is cowardice...].

This is the Uruk !!

In the video, even though the monsters were menacing, with the cooperation of the soldiers, they not only resisted the attack, but even had a clear upper hand at this time.

There is only one reason for such a gap, and there is a great leader here!

Everyone couldn't help but wonder who had allowed this most ancient city-state to sustain such an attack


[Camera turn].

[The scene is completely different from the previous one, the city of Uruk is full of life, soldiers are training the training ground, vendors are shouting and selling, and carefree children are running in the streets].

[From the point of view, the whole of Uruk comes into view, the temple, the royal palace, the inhabitants, the farmland, the huge city, just by looking at it, you can see how prosperous the city is].

But before everyone in the Ten Thousand Worlds could sigh, the camera turned again.

[The city wall was greatly opened, and the original defensive position was empty].

[The autumn wind is blowing up, and the dust is gently drifting by..."

[On the other side is the giant Queen of Warcraft that will be terrifying just by looking at it-Gorgon!].

"Where the wind blows, nothing but dust and the breath of death

are raised..."

[In the blink of an eye... The city is left unmanned...].

[Have you given up hope...] But the huddled figure can still be seen in the city...].

[It's the king... Abandoned them...].


[The dust raised obscures people's eyes for a moment...].

[Faintly... Together... Two courses.... Sandao... Countless figures appeared at the city gate...].

[It must be fake... Why are there still people guarding them...].


["Have the ability to take !!!"].

[At this moment, the shout shook the earth!].


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