[The beauty of the picture is a little unbelievable...].

[It's like you're in a dream...].

[It's so hard to tell the truth from the fake...].

[Short but melodious music came from across the river, piano, violin, and cello echoed each other, and the boy knew that it was an audition before the show began, and it sounded like an open-air concert was about to begin.] 】

[The boy hurried towards the other side, and suddenly remembered that he had come here to go to a big party.] He saw his own shadow in the river, dressed in a simple and strange white garment, which was nailed with sturdy belts, which were probably designed to restrain a man, how could he wear this garment? How could he go to a concert in such a garment? The boy could not help but be a little worried, but he had to step on the opposite bank. 】


[Fluffy green meadows, small yellow flowers blooming in the grass, flowers swaying in the wind, girls running and playing in the grass, wide white robes could not hide their young and seductive curves, their hair was as bright as gold or platinum, and their skin was as white as ice and snow. 】

[The scene is like a fairyland... Beautiful...

[Suddenly, a girl saw him and shouted in surprise: "The bridegroom is here, the groom is here!"].

[The others all ran towards Lu Mingfei, surrounded him, and spoke to him in a language he had never heard before, but it was strange that the boy could understand them, and they said words of blessing and bowed to the boy. 】

[There is only one girl in the distance who does not approach, she is still standing in the thick fog, her long hair fluttering in the wind. Lu Mingfei couldn't see her face clearly, but he knew that she was staring at him through the thick fog. 】

The people in the Ten Thousand Worlds were stunned for a moment, the figure in the picture was too blurry, and why did the picture of the boy getting married suddenly appear, and the boy's face showed clear doubts.

As for Lu Mingfei himself, he was even more stunned, he was going to get married

Who is this girl?


[The girls put on scarlet ribbons with gold and silver medals pinned to the boys, and the strange white clothes on his body looked decent against the backdrop of the ribbons, like a general's uniform.] The girls combed his hair, dressed him in black and shiny leather shoes, tied him with a belt made of laurel branches, he was greased and powdered, and the bright mirror was handed to him, and the person in the mirror had a little sword-eyed eyebrow. 】

[I don't know when.... The wind suddenly became stronger

[The thick fog flowed down the folds of the girl's clothes in the fog, the long dark red hair was curled in the wind, and the long white skirt was also swept in the wind, revealing straight and delicate legs, wearing white high-heeled sheepskin boots on her feet, golden chains tied to her ankles, and bells tinkling in the wind. 】

[The plain white veil obscured the girl's face, but the boy still recognized her, the boots and the anklet they bought together in the boutique in Nanqingshan, under the background of the wedding dress and veil,..... Girl.... Eri looks more and more like a delicate doll. 】

[This time, the hostess is Eri Yi!].

[But why is the boy's expression so stunned...].

["Wedding March" quietly sounded, solemn but cheerful songs played in the quiet riverside, and everyone had a blessed smile on their faces...].

[The boy cautiously reaches out his hand, and the girl puts the white lace gloved hand in his palm.] 】

[The fog began to lift, and buildings appeared around them, chalk-colored tall buildings surrounded them, and small windows looked at them condescendingly like rows of eyes. 】

[The fog has cleared.... But it seems that there is still something that has not dispersed... A hazy mood envelops the boy...].

[The wind speed in the high sky is very high, and the dark clouds change rapidly, but the wind is blocked by the tall buildings around it, and this small lawn is warm and warm. The girls flocked around the boy and the pear coat to the flower gate made of laurel branches, where the priest in white robes waited, and a table was set up in front of the flower gate to serve as a holy platform, which turned out to be an Orthodox wedding. 】

[On the altar was a holy gospel, two wedding tiaras, a glass of red wine, and two lighted candles, and the priest placed a gold wedding ring and a silver wedding ring at each end of the altar, and the boy and girl stood at either end of the altar. 】

[The music is temporarily subdued, and the priest draws three crosses on the heads of the bride and groom, and hands Lu Mingfei and Eri Yi a lit candle each.] 】

["Junjae, please bless. "】

"Praise be to our God, from this day to ever, and ever, and to the ages of the ages. "】

["Amen. "】

"In peace, let us pray to the Lord. "】

["Pray the Lord for mercy. "】

[This is everyone's blessing to the two of them...].

[The priest took the gold ring from the plate, used it to draw three crosses on the boy's forehead, and asked aloud: "Lu Mingfei, are you willing to accept Eri Uesugi as your legal wife, and do your best to love and cherish her?]

"I do. The boy said, taking the girl's hand. 】

["Eri Uesugi, are you willing to accept Lu Mingfei as your legal husband, and do your best to care for him and cherish him throughout your life?" 】

"I do. The girl said softly. 】

"Then you can exchange rings now."] "】


【Dream... Wake up....].


Below is a steady stream of vehicles, and a girl with long dark red hair quietly watches the scene in front of her...

Tears wet my eyes....

She knew it was a dream....

I knew it from start to finish....

She also knew she was going to die....

But she still wanted to say something....

“... Sakura... Sakura... Sakura... It's the best!".

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