Earthy Superstar

Chapter 52: : Live Communication Conference

   After half a minute, the car was deadly silent.

   Li Tiezhu still maintained that posture, but his other hand was spinning the baseball bat boringly.

   Xiao Zhang was afraid of getting a headshot, so he tremblingly took the medicine bottle and drank it in one fell swoop. Anyway, this guy dare not kill me! As long as the godfather sends someone to arrive, I will kill him!

   It’s important to save your life first.

   Li Tiezhu nodded and said lazily: "Don't be so tragic, laxative, not poison. Okay! Let's talk about the topic, don't hurry, take your time, your agent is very sensible and will give us enough time."


   Xiao Zhuang was surprised again, what does it mean that the agent is sensible?


   After Wu Yongqiang calmed down, he was really sensible.

   The main reason is that Li Tiezhu's dog jumps over the wall. With Li Tiezhu's current offensive power and madness, who dares to take risks?

   At this time, Wu Yongqiang and a TV station leader who is close to Kyushu culture are in the security room, staring at the magnified surveillance screen with a dark face to broadcast the communication conference.

   From this angle, the inside of the car can be photographed through the open door. In addition, the video has also been enlarged by technology, and the movements of the two can be seen clearly.

   They did not notify the program group and the TV station, nor did they call the police, and even the security guards at the scene were blocked.

  The reason for this choice is that, on the one hand, he is afraid that if he reports to the police and stimulates Li Tiezhu, Xiao Zhan's life will be in danger. Another reason is that Xiao Zang must not have such a scandal, which will ruin his future-people will know that Xiao Zang framed Li Tiezhu.

  Of course they can't wait to kill Li Tiezhu.

   But at this moment, they can only consume like this, waiting for Li Tiezhu's revenge to take the initiative to leave, and this grudge will be reported later! Now, the most important thing is to ensure Xiao Zhan's safety.

   However, although he could see the screen, he couldn't hear the conversation. Naturally, he didn't know what Li Tiezhu had drank to Xiao Zhuang, and he couldn't help being frightened.


   In contrast, the other live broadcast was more lively because of the sound.

   The time goes back to ten minutes ago.

   Zhang Jianjun finally found Xiao Zhan’s mobile phone number, and then quietly hacked in. He did not find Li Tiezhu’s video, but he was not reconciled, so he took the risk and turned on the microphone of Xiao Zhan’s mobile phone.

After   , Xiao Zhang entered the elevator room, and the signal was interrupted for a while. When the signal resumed again, Zhang Jianjun was shocked because he heard the voice of his idol:

   "Hey! Xiao Zhang, right?"

   Li Tiezhu went to the East China Sea to find Xiao Zhan. He also knew that Xiao Zhan was hacking him?

   Zhang Jianjun backhanded into the monitoring system of Donghai TV Station and called up the live scene, coupled with the sound of the same period, it was a perfect live broadcast.

   At this time, he thought that Li Tiezhu was going to be soft.

  Unexpectedly, Li Tiezhu actually raised his hand and slapped Xiao Zhuan, and then he started fighting.

   Zhang Jianjun was shocked to see, Li Tiezhu was too impulsive, too stupid. At the same time, Zhang Jianjun realized that this was an opportunity, and also the last opportunity, a chance to fight back.

   Regardless of whether Li Tiezhu’s behavior is illegal or not, as long as Xiao Zhang dares to humiliate Li Tiezhu and dare to tell a little bit of the truth, this video with audio will become ironclad evidence.

   Zhang Jianjun also knew that he might be exposed afterwards, and he was not afraid. What he was worried about was that those people had hands and eyes, and he couldn't protect this evidence.

   So Zhang Jianjun had a bold idea.

   A message appeared in a serious group:

"The latest information, Li Tiezhu is violently fighting in the underground parking lot of Donghai TV Station. You can click on the link below to watch the live broadcast and record the video. If anything happens to me, you also have a backup to help Li Tiezhu. The live broadcast room is limited. Ten people. Link:..."

   Distribute the evidence so that it is foolproof.

   Zhang Jianjun built a live broadcast room and started a delayed "live broadcast", and the serious gang members who were secretly desperate immediately became enthusiastic.


   Zhao's villa, after sending away the second elder, Zhao Muye started a long dishwashing job.

   Liu Wanyun and Zhao Liya were silent with each other and swiped their phones in the living room.

   Suddenly received a message from Zhang Jianjun, Liu Wanyun's expression changed, and she quickly walked upstairs and walked into her bedroom. She was about to close the door, but she saw Zhao Liya following in.

   Liu Wanyun pushed Zhao Liya out: "What are you doing with me? Mom has important work to do."

   Zhao Liya showed a weird and feeble expression: "Aren't our'jobs' all the same?"

   Liu Wanyun blushed pretty: "Uh..."

   I forgot, his identity has been exposed, and he and his daughter are "accomplices".

   But, it's still shameful!

   Of course, now Li Tiezhu is beating people. The matter is very serious and I don't care about other things, so let's watch it together. Mother and daughter are of the same heart, and the profit cuts the gold!

   locked the door, the two opened the "live" video.

   When seeing Li Tiezhu KO Xiao Zhuang momentarily, the mother and daughter cheered with excitement. Then the situation took a turn for the worse. Li Tiezhu was surrounded and beaten by the two, and the two girls were about to cry.

   Then, Li Tiezhu counterattacked the bodyguard and the driver, Liu Wanyun and Zhao Liya looked at each other and smiled, and found that each other's eye circles were also red!

   But how does he fight Xiao Zhuang?

   If you just beat him, you won’t be able to solve the problem if you don’t say anything about it.

   "I heard that you just advanced? Congratulations!"

   "You're really... naughty! Where's the one on the car pee? I don't understand what your little fresh meats are like."

   "I'm here today to have a frank chat with you. Excuse me, are you free now?"

   "Look, it's so great! Dialogue and communication is the right way to resolve misunderstandings."

   As Li Tiezhu's calm words sounded, the mother and daughter were shocked. I didn't expect that there is still this side of Tie Zhu in my house? Calm enough to be abnormal! Stupid is a little stupid, but it seems that he is not impulsive, but has already calculated.


   What is a laxative for Xiao Zhuang?

   "Good job! Tie supports you!"

   Liu Wanyun applauded with joy, and then saw Zhao Liya's flushed face, she suddenly converged again, the child is here, too ashamed.

   Zhao Liya is embarrassed, so love will disappear right?

   After a moment of loss of consciousness, Zhao Liya suddenly took out her mobile phone and began to make a call.

   Li Tiezhu can completely use this video to turn over and at the same time make Xiao Zhang get out of the entertainment circle, but this video will also put Li Tiezhu in jail. This is a double-edged sword, but it is not important, what is important is Li Tiezhu's safety.

"Hello? Teacher Lengba? I know you are in the East China Sea... Are you waiting for him outside? That's great! Li Tiezhu is now beating Xiao in the parking lot, don't you know? He stunned the bodyguard and the driver. Now it's full The face is blood. I'm afraid Xiao Zhuang's people will block Li Tiezhu to retaliate against him. You can call a car right away, and Li Tiezhu will leave as soon as he comes out, um, ok! Thank you!"

   Hung up the phone, Zhao Liya stayed, why should I thank her? That's her man. She thanked me.

   Liu Wanyun glared at Zhao Liya: "Why did you tell outsiders about the iron pole beating?"

   Zhao Liya shook her head: "No! She is not an outsider!"

   Yes, the two of us who are excited are outsiders, even if we are Li Tiezhu's "guard", the two of us are insiders who "know the roots and know the bottom".


  PS: Book QQ group: 1140483373

   In addition, the update time of this book has been revised to 16:16 and 22:22 in the afternoon, and the update is at 10:10 the next day. I am willing to be very simple. You guys have trouble getting up in the morning, and I still don’t vote for the recommendation. I am already on the 80s of the new book list... and then I will be in the top 100! ! ! Vote soon~ I can still save it!

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