Earthlings Are Shocked: There Is A Chinese Heritage Here

Chapter 31 The existence of God the Father and the great scientific proof

"The Father's Church is the blasphemer."

Yanxuan's words made everyone present react.


God the Father is dissatisfied with God the Father's teaching, so he imposes the punishment.

The father’s temple was collapsed and the high priest was punished.

This is the tallest building in the world built during the period of the Yellow Kingdom.

The temple of the Father that has stood for thousands of years.

Represents the supreme majesty of God the Father in the world.

that's all,

It collapsed suddenly.

The collapse of the temple of the Father buried countless clergymen.

In this public trial conference, the most dramatic reversal occurred, and the judge became the judge.

The scientists broke away the ropes that bound them, then knelt on their knees, tears in their faces, grateful to God the Father.

The knife had been put on their necks.

Scientists think they must be fatal.

Unexpectedly, at the last moment, God the Father manifested himself and punished the Church of the Father himself.

Some of them, originally because they questioned the doctrine of the Father's doctrine, have also begun to question the existence of the Father in their hearts.

"Since the doctrine of God the Father is wrong, doesn't God the Father exist at all?"

However, the manifestation of God the Father dispelled all their doubts.

The divine punishment given by God the Father convinced them that they were right, but the teachings of God the Father were wrong.


Because of the collapse of the Temple of the Father’s Church in the Central Continent, the subsequent impact is far-reaching.

Several countries that have long been dissatisfied with the suppression of the Father’s Church are happiest when they receive the news.

Because of the existence of theocracy, the imperial power was suppressed to death.

The Church of the Father, which represents the supreme authority of God the Father, is a huge mountain above them that will never move.

However, what makes everyone unexpected is.

The Father himself overthrew this mountain.

The evaluation was given to the unfaithful.

This is from the personal judgment of God the Father.

No one dared to question, no one dared to overthrow it.

Was named a standard.

Therefore, the countries of the Central Continent, unanimously began to deal with the Father's Church in their own land.

Of course they did not dare to target the Father's Church for no reason.

After all, God the Father still bears the name of God the Father.

If there is no fair reason, isn't this looking for death?

They found a lot of evidence that the Father God blasphemed the Father's prestige, corrupted the law, and harmed the people.

In the name of defending the prestige of God the Father, many clergy were arrested and imprisoned.

As for the property seized, these countries did not dare to embezzle them, and distributed them to the people in the name of God the Father.

As long as the Father God over them teaches this mountain to fall.


It is not only the collapse of the Father's Church in the Central Continent.

The largest priesthood in the other four continents also collapsed, crushing many clerics to death.

Seeing the temple of the Father collapsed, people who did not know what was happening in the Central Continent were extremely frightened.

Bewildered, like a headless fly.

Even thought it was the end of the world.

Until the news of the Central Continent came.

Everyone was shocked.

Some people in the temple of the Father with ghosts in their hearts felt like the sky had fallen.

Immediately these countries on the continent began to target some people who taught the Father God.

"Father God, abandoned us."

A priest cried bitterly after being arrested.

"Bah, you abandon God the Father, so God the Father personally punishes you."

A soldier who had long been resentful of the actions of the Father's Church spit on the sacrificial spit.


On the mainland, turmoil has risen again.

Not all people who teach the Father God are corrupted.

It's just a part of people.

The remaining clergy who believe in God the Father are more devout and respectful of God the Father.

"Father God is above."

"These assholes that tarnished the prestige of God Father were finally eliminated."

Some people of insight among them began to revise their doctrines and reorganized a new church of the Father.


The scientists were acquitted.

They returned to their respective places to continue their research careers, and some even began to promote the prestige of God the Father.

It's just that scientific methods are used to demonstrate.

For example, Yan Xuan, the most prestigious scientist of this era.

Published a paper promoting God the Father, which caused a great sensation in the world.

After five rigorous arguments, he came to this conclusion.

"1. Everything in the world is in motion, and the movement of things is always promoted by other things. This other thing is also promoted by another thing, so it cannot be deduced forever. There is always an ultimate promoter. Obviously, this promoter Is the great Father God."

"2. There is a certain reason why a thing exists. This reason exists and there are other reasons, so it cannot be deduced indefinitely, so there must be an initial reason, this reason is the Father God, the Father God is everything The reason."

"3. The things in the world have a process of birth and death, and they are not eternal; they may or may not exist, but the Father God must exist, he is the Father God, does not depend on other things, and gives everything else. The inevitability, possibility and existence of things."

"4. In reality, there are beautiful things, noble things, and some near things. Their beautiful degree and noble degree depend on how far they are from the most beautiful and noblest. Therefore, there must be some in the world. The most beautiful, noblest thing, the most perfect, is the cause of all other imperfect things. It is obvious that God the Father is the most perfect existence."

"5. Human beings are ignorant and ignorant. All human activities will be directed towards a goal and will follow the best way to achieve results. So it is clear that the purpose and consistency of human activities is not accidental, but rather Premeditated and planned. However, ignorant and foolish people, as well as those irrational creatures, cannot be planned and premeditated. Obviously, it is God the Father, the existence of perfect wisdom, who guides humanity and all nature The progress of things."

This paper is logically rigorous, reasonable in structure, and well-founded.

A perfect interpretation of the position, majesty, and glory of God the Father.

Although a little bit obscure, it is not difficult to understand after explanation.

It also allows more people to understand why God the Father is great and why it is great.


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