After the war to conquer the Cthulhu, Lili returned to his kingdom from the Yellow tribe.

The 46-year-old Chili is at the end of her life, and time is running out.

He began to reflect on why human beings betray the great Father God.

After a few months, Xili finally figured it out.

First, human beings are fallen mortal species. Although they have wisdom, they are naturally greedy, selfish, lazy, fearful, jealous, arrogant, lustful, fickle...

Second, the Church of the Fathers is not a well-organized religion like the Church of God.

Since the female leader of the human race got the inspiration from the Father God, she built the temple and established the Father God religion.

For 4000 years, the Father’s Church has come to all parts of the world along with the migration of human races.

Worshiped by the human race, but they are not connected with each other and are very loose.

Lack of unified organization and leadership.

Third, there is no complete theory of the Father’s Church.

God the Father is more like a spiritual symbol.

It can be commemorated, or it can be discarded.

People worship the Father God only because God the Father created human beings and all things.

Worship will also fade over time.

Lack of awe of God the Father even more.


After figuring it out, Hu Li started to reform the Father's Church.

Xi Li gathered the leaders of all human tribes.

The first thing he announced was to separate the paternalism from the kingship.

Theocracy is theocracy, and the kingship is the king's power.

Each has its own functions and is not subordinate to each other.

The leaders of the various tribes cannot concurrently serve as the sacrificial rites of the Father's Church, and must be appointed by a dedicated person.

This is also true of the Conghuang Kingdom where he is.

Therefore, Yanli decisively passed the throne to his son, Yanzhen.

He left the palace and came to the Temple of the Father, focusing on serving as the high priest of the Father's Church.

The second thing that Xie Li did was to unify the Father's Church.

Establish a well-organized top-down organization.

Every tribe must believe in God the Father and build the Temple of the Father.

Tribal priests must obey the command and leadership of their high priest.

Finally, it is to establish the authority of the Father's Church.

The Church of the Father God is responsible for preaching the majesty of God the Father and spreading the glory of God the Father to all human beings.

Strictly investigate the existence of evil gods and deal with blasphemers.

Help the poor and cure disasters.

To this end, the Father’s Church must have dedicated personnel, land, and guard and law enforcement forces.

All of what Xili did, it can be said that the power of the leaders of the various tribes was greatly divided.

But not to mention the authority and prestige of coercive force.

Only the supreme majesty of God the Father when he manifested.

Let the leaders of the various tribes and human beings make this decision willingly and without any objections.


The next few years.

Yan Li dragged his increasingly aging body, and devoted himself to the transformation of the Father's Church.

The Temple of the Father from the capital of the Yellow Kingdom became the absolute center of the Father’s Church.

Because of being the leader for many years.

Xili knows very well that in order for people to believe in God the Father sincerely and sincerely, one must have both rewards and punishments, and both grace and power.

He is also very good.

For blasphemers, the Father God does not show mercy and kills them with one thought.

For the poor, the Father Cult finds ways to help.


Chili gained more prestige than when he was from the Yellow King.

At this time, he realized what Hei Wing was thinking at the time.

King power can only make people submit, but divine power can make everyone happy.

However, compared with Hei Yi's selfishness, her power is all out of admiration for God the Father.


The god calendar 4421 year.

This year, Xi Li is 51 years old.

He can no longer climb the tall Father's Temple in Huangdu City by himself, and must be supported by someone.

His upright body also buckled down, and he walked tremblingly, as if the wind could blow.

The speech is no longer clear.

Thinking is no longer active.

More and more drowsy time, but less and less sleep.

Everyone, including Xili knows it himself.

He is really going to die.

However, at this time, the girl was very calm in the face of death.

Throughout his life, he has not failed God the Father and has been working hard to spread the glory of God the Father.

There is only one regret.

It means that he can no longer serve the great Father God.


The autumn of 4421 of the god calendar.

The most pious believer of God the Father, God the Father teaches the high priest, the first king from the Yellow Kingdom, and the greatest leader of the human race ever.

He closed his eyes completely.

Sacrifices around the world ride on flying dinosaurs such as bird dragons, pterodactyls, and raptors.

Came here as quickly as possible to attend the funeral of Yan Li.

Many people from the Yellow Kingdom also rushed to the royal city from all over the kingdom to pay tribute to, remember, and pay tribute to their king.

Due to the large number of people, reaching hundreds of thousands, the funeral was held in the square below the Temple of the Father.

She lay on the pyre, her face peaceful and smiling.

The priests have serious faces.

Citizens from Huangguo cried bitterly.

They are all deeply mourning the loyal followers of this great Father God.

The funeral is over.

The high priest-designate, the brother of Yanli, announced:

"Prepare to catch fire."

The funerals of human races have different customs.

People from the Yellow tribe are generally buried in the soil.

But Xili's last words were to make people cremate themselves, and then place their ashes in the temple of the Father, at the feet of the statue of God the Father.

He said that even if he died, he still wanted to believe in God the Father forever and sleep by his side.

However, at the moment when the pyre just ignited.

Suddenly a patter of autumn rain began to fall in the sky.

The rain extinguished the flame that had just started.

Raindrops fell on everyone's face.

Very cold.

Is even the Father raining rain and dew to pay homage to his most devout believers?

It rained suddenly and went quickly.

But in just a few minutes, Qiu Yu stopped.

When I want to fire again.

A hole appeared in the dark clouds.

A golden holy light passed through the hole and shone straight on Yan Li's body.

Immediately afterwards, the vast and magnificent, boundless voice echoed between heaven and earth.

Sounded in everyone's heart.

"Everything I create has birth, old age, sickness and death."

"But I think you are devoted to me with piety and sincerity, and I am here to give you a special grace to grant you another lifetime."


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