Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 959: The enemy is currently

The elves became very keen at this time, and they could feel that these beasts were slowly approaching.

"Or else, let's wait here for now. If there is any other accident, we can just wait here in the end."

Xu Yi didn't want to say too much now. He felt that even if the enemy is now, it will not have any other impact on him.

"They have been waiting here for such a long time, do I need to say anything else? To be honest, I don't want to treat this matter as a big thing to solve. As long as we can hinder them now, then we are already Step 1 is successful."

Xu Yi reminded them and asked them to prepare well in their hearts.

"To be honest, I don't want to say anything else at all now."

If some of their sacred beasts really broke through like this now, Xu Yi would not take them seriously, because he understood what all this meant.

"Didn't I have said this to you very clearly? What else do you want? Can you wait and see slowly now?"

Xu Yi took a close look at the little elves in front of him. I don’t know why these little elves looked really confident. At this time, Xu Yi thought in his heart that they are very small, and they all have this. Some confidence, more confidence in yourself.

"If you don't clarify this issue, it might make them feel confused in their hearts in the end, and now I don't want to use this method to face it all."

If you don't understand it clearly, it might make them feel very bad in their hearts, then think about it carefully and feel that this matter really doesn't matter to you.

"There is another problem. We must seize this opportunity now. If we can't grasp this opportunity, we will give them some disadvantages."

"I understand what you mean, but you don't have to say this thing so badly now, let's start slowly now, OK, let's take a step forward and take a look."

"If you don't rush to stabilize these sacred beasts, in the end they might really be messed up. If such a situation is true, it will be difficult to control, you know."

Anyway, you just want to control the number of people in front of you now, there is no other meaning at all.

"In fact, I didn't take this matter seriously in my heart. I am still thinking in my heart that if we can really block this beast to the outside, it will actually be a great achievement for all of us. "

Xu Yi was very calm when he spoke. He knew what to say and what to do in the face of all this in order to achieve his ultimate goal.

"I think we'd better not wait here anymore. We should continue to talk about why we have such a thing, and what price we will pay if such a thing happens. "

The elves are also very calm at this time. They want to take a look at this god. After all, why are they staying here?

"Let’s start slowly now. Don’t make it so bad. Let’s see if we can use this energy light wave to stop it. If they can’t stop it now, then we It's here to stand in the way."

Xu Yi observed his surroundings, and felt that this matter was completely different from what he thought.

These sacred beasts are extremely large, and it is completely impossible for them to focus on the threshold of that child, unless their size becomes smaller.

Xu Yi thought in his heart that if this were the case, he should stand on the edge of the door and watch first to see what kind of attitude they are and what is going on. If it is true, nothing else will happen. If you do, then wait here slowly.

"In fact, I have always thought about it this way in my heart. If they don't clarify it quickly, it will make other people feel very bad."

If they really have such thoughts, they should remember why and why they have such thoughts in their hearts.

"At the very least, we should let him know. Why are we doing this? If we don't let them know now, in the end, we really have no choice, you know."

At this moment, Xu Yi carefully observed his surroundings, and felt that this matter was completely inconsistent with what he thought.

"Hey, don't you rush to tell us this clearly? How long are you going to hide such a thing? To be honest, I feel anxious for you in my heart. "

Xu Yi carefully observed the surroundings, and felt that this matter was really completely different from what he thought.

"Instead of telling them what is going on, it's better to talk to them about what is going on for all of us."

If you don’t clarify it quickly, it will make other people feel very bad.

"How did they get in with such a big body? To be honest, I was more worried about them in the news. No matter what, I hope you can understand that we should not stay here for nothing, you know. "

Xu Yi carefully observed the surroundings, and felt that this matter was completely different from what he thought. He now wants to let other people stay here for a while.

"We've all been waiting here for so long, what do you want? To be honest, I don't want to say too much about what he said in my heart, because I know that once I say too much and think too much, I will To give you some bad impressions."

The elves didn't dare to speak at all at this time, because he knew that once they did, they would say something unpleasant in the end.

"I can understand your feelings very well. You don't have to say so much now. I now know why you did this. I am also very considerate of you. You can rest assured."

At this moment, Xu Yi carefully observed his surroundings, and felt that this incident was really beyond his imagination, and he didn't want to talk nonsense anymore.

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