Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 930: Take it easy

At this time, the elves are very thoughtful about such things.

"Let's start slowly now, don't do this for now, just start slowly."

For such things, he thought very carefully.

"The attitudes of these people seem to be somewhat uncomfortable. If this is the case, should we continue? Go ahead and take a look."

No matter what happens, he should be allowed to understand what is going on.

"We've all been waiting here for such a long time, do we still need to hesitate to come over?"

Once this door is opened, what exactly is going on in the base at that time will all appear in front of you.

"To be honest, I don't want to say anything else, you should understand what I mean."

Xu Yi observed carefully for a long time, and felt that this matter was a little different from what he thought.

"No matter what, come slowly first."

What is written on this black stone is amazing.

These little elves couldn't see the text on the drawing at all.

Xu Yi thought in his heart, in the end, don't let them see it. They are asleep now, but if they see it, they might feel particularly surprised in the end, or they might rebel.

Xu Yi just wanted to see what should be done.

There is no need to think too much about such a problem.

Little elves, they will definitely feel that they don't care about this problem at this time, because he thinks that they only need to enter from here now.

"If the little elves don't hurry forward, they might leave a bad impression in the end, because it will make other media people think that the little elves in this world are very unwilling to fight. "

Little elves, if they say they are particularly good at fighting, they will let the others take a high look at the end.

"Especially these sacred beasts, I really endure it completely, and I don't know what to say."

Xu Yi took a closer look at this matter.

"If you say, once you say something, it will make them feel particularly uncomfortable, you can't let them say so outrageous."

For such a thing, there is no need to say anything more.

"Should we wait here for a while now? If we don't wait like this, I'm afraid it will make them think that we are deliberate and we are saying something ugly here."

The elves looked particularly uncomfortable at this time, and Xu Yi didn't want to say much now.

"You don't want to be so impulsive now? If you are so impulsive, you will leave a bad impression on them."

Xu Yi didn't care what kind of attitude the little elves were, because he felt that in such a world of elves, after all, he had the final say.

The thoughts of the little elves, the only thought in their hearts, is to listen to Xu Yi's words and make their world of elves better and better.

Xu Yi always felt special emotion in his heart. He felt that when he faced all this well, he really felt a little rain or shine.

"No matter what, I hope you can be more serious."

If they are not so careful, I am afraid they will leave a bad impression.

"Anyway, we should give them an explanation. If we don't get this black stone out now, it might really become a very big secret in the end."

The state of the elves is not particularly good. They don't believe that the door in front of them can be opened at all, because when they walked from here from the beginning, they felt that the door was really tight.

"In fact, I didn't feel that this thing went well in my heart. We are just guessing now."

Xu Yi just wanted to see what should be done now, he didn't want to say too much about this kind of thing.

"Don't worry, I'm here for this, and I will definitely not lose you, and even I will continue to wait here, don't worry."

What kind of thoughts are the elves at this time? If you don't care, he now thinks that as long as it can bring them a good life.

Wanting to maintain such a good life is actually very good.

"My master and I have already thought about it in our hearts. You definitely don't know how I think about it. There is another problem. We must hit this black stone on this door now. ."

Xu Yi was very calm when he spoke, and he didn't want to say anything else now.

"There is one thing I want to tell you. If we don't hurry up, if we put it forward directly, it will have a very bad effect on them, you know."

Rather than let them fight here, it's better to quickly rule the world of the elves, Xu Yi now doesn't want to let these sacred beasts come to join in the fun.

"Make them clear in their hearts what they want to do, what they want to say, and they should give them a hint."

If people don't even have a reminder, the consequences will be more serious.

It is not particularly difficult to build a world of elves.

"We only need to protect them well now. You should understand what I mean."

Xu Yi took a closer look at this moment, and felt that there seemed to be something bad about this matter.

"You come slowly now, don't talk about it, some are not good or not."

Xu Yi carefully observed these people in front of him, and felt that there were some uncomfortable things in these things.

"I want to tell you that we shouldn't wait and wait like this anymore. If we wait and wait here, it will have a very bad influence on them."

Xu Yi observed carefully, and felt that this matter was different from what he thought.

"We must pay a certain price now and open this door. You may not know what this means. For me, this is the most critical thing."

Xu Yi was very careful when speaking. He felt that he had better wait here now, and couldn't say anything bad.

"There is another problem. We should get closer here now."

The elves seem to have some cold meaning at this time, maybe because of the night, the energy in their bodies is not enough at all.

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