Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 916: Pay the price

"Master, no matter what, I hope you can understand that it is really not easy for us to wait here until now. I hope you can be more serious. Don't blame me, you know."

Xu Yi thought in his heart that he must give them an explanation, and must not mess with the fishing boat again.

"No matter what happens, what price is paid, I will never say more, believe it or not."

Xu Yi took a closer look at this moment, and some people felt that this thing seemed to be unsatisfactory when it was done.

"In such a place, if something else really happens, we should give them an explanation."

"Actually, I don't want to say more at all. Can you understand me?"

Xu Yi observed carefully for a long time at this moment. He felt that he was still waiting here now. If he didn't wait like this, it would make them feel particularly uncomfortable.

"We only need to be a little bit here, just wait a while, you have to be able to understand my feelings, and we should now see what they think."

The black stone they have on hand is really very versatile. If they say they use it to beat people, it's actually pretty good.

"If we say that some of them will really appear later, if those trainers fight against us, we also have a lot of experience and time to deal with them. You should understand what I mean."

There is no need to say more about the others.

"Do you feel that this is like a trap."

Xu Yi doesn't want to say too much now, he understands what all this means to him.

"If you say anything like this, I'm afraid it will leave a bad impression on them."

Xu Yi didn't want to say any more about impressions. He just wanted to see what it should be before he could give them an explanation.

"We must wait here."

It would make them feel uncomfortable for such a thing to happen, and Xu Yi watched it carefully for a long time at this moment.

"Anyway, I can't let them say anything like this anymore."

What kind of attitude the other people have made people feel very puzzled. Xu Yi didn't want to be like this now, and directly reminded them, because he knew what all this meant to him.

"Everyone has some thoughts like this below. Don't say so much for now."

Why the other people are doing this is also very confusing.

"Let's take care of these things on our hands now, OK?"

Xu Yi later discovered that the front seemed to have really appeared. If some people really did this, they might have some bad results in the end, and they would definitely not be able to stay here anymore.

"Shall we say now, don't we give them a hint."

If you don't make this problem clear, I'm afraid it will make them feel uncomfortable.

"You should understand the attitudes of those other people in your heart."

Why is it so, it also makes people feel very uncomfortable.

"Now, if we say, if we don't rush forward, do you think what the result will be? I really don't want to and feel embarrassed to tell you."

On such a problem, if they do not make it clear, it will make them feel very unacceptable.

"Tell them well, what exactly this thing is like, it's actually not bad."

Why is it so, it makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

"If you say, if you continue to move forward like this, I am afraid it is not appropriate."

It doesn't matter how they think about it.

"There is another problem, that is, they should be given a hint."

If they didn't clarify quickly, they later found it very troublesome to resolve this matter.

"If you continue like this, what do you think will be the result? To be honest, I don't want to be like this at all. I have never had my own goal in this world. I must find my final one now. The goal is good."

Xu Yi was very calm when speaking, he knew what it meant.

"In fact, I don't want to say more at all, because I think on such a problem, if you talk about such nonsense, if you say more in this way, it will make them leave a bad impression."

Those other things don't matter at all.

"We have to wait here, which is actually not bad."

As soon as some of them are next to this door, if they have other ideas, they will immediately show up on this door. Xu Yi now suddenly realizes that there are still some words on this door.

"As long as we can trace the words on the door once, maybe we can go in, or we can try it."

Xu Yi now suddenly realized that his master really came up with something difficult to live in his heart, thinking that in such a situation where there is no clue and makes people feel that there is some despair, use this kind of one. This method might be okay. Just soothe the elves' anxious hearts, Xu Yi has done it now.

"Well, I don't know what to say."

The thoughts of these people feel strange.

"Anyway, no matter what happens, I hope you can calm down."

When Xu Yi spoke, he just wanted to see how the person in front of him reacted.

"Anyway, I hope you can do this well. You know what I mean."

Xu Yi observed the person in front of him for a while, and felt that this matter seemed to be bad.

"No matter what happens, we should give them an explanation."

Their attitude is really important.

"You little elves listen to me, now you slowly come to my side, listen carefully to me to explain the cause and effect of this matter to you clearly, you will not be afraid in your heart."

Xu Yi carefully observed these little elves in front of him.

"Have you found a problem? If we don't clarify in a hurry, we will leave a bad impression on them."

Xu Yi now discovered later that his master is also very able to appreciate his own feelings.

"No matter what, I hope you can stay calm."

It doesn't matter what the other people think about.

"Shall we take our time now?"

If you don't come slowly like this, it will leave some bad impressions on them.

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