Once they have such thoughts, they will definitely be hesitant in their hearts. Xu Yi is now in control of it all. He feels that he should be here now. , study this one daoist cabin.

“If the two of us go in together, and if the skills of the two of us are similar, then what kind of changes will happen to this person? Have you ever experienced this system?”

The system simply does not answer the difficulty now. The difficulty of such a question was thought in front of me. Could it be said that this system is still selective when answering questions?

“You better tell me now, otherwise I will never go in. Didn’t you tell me before? You want me in, but I won’t go in. “

“It seems that all this is indicated here. I don’t think I know what to do. If this is the case, should we all think about what we should do?”

” p>

After understanding such a process, it is time to see how they think. Xu Yi now wants to see what is going on, otherwise the consequences will be serious.

“I understand what I’m saying in my heart. Now that we’re here, we shouldn’t let those other people dictate our will.”

Once such a situation occurs, Xu Yi simply doesn’t want to say too much now, he thinks it must be calm and calm now.

“There is one more thing, that is, let him talk about what’s going on, let him never feel hesitant because of such small things, it is very It makes people feel very ridiculous.”

What kind of things are in this hall, Xu Yi felt a little surprised, he felt that since it has come here now, it should be Just think about what’s going on.

“Is there some brand new Pokémon in there. Or is there some Divine Beast? If they can really summon out Divine Beast, it’s really not Normal.”

In such a world, they will definitely make people feel very hesitant. Xu Yi doesn’t want to say too much now. In his eyes, all this basically has a result.

“The most critical issue is that they should be asked to think about it in their minds, and they should be reminded of what happened before they were written on such a question.”

No matter what. Whatever happens, he should be pondered in his heart, and let them stop talking nonsense like this, this is the best one, the critical point to change this situation

“If we are now, once If you go in, what will be the final result, I think you should be very clear in your heart, we can all think about it carefully, we can’t let them say more like this.”

On such an issue, once any kind of accident occurs, it will make people feel very uncomfortable and annoying. Xu Yi does not want this system to be too chaotic now.

“I just want to go in and have a look, or I just want to see what this thing is like, simply nothing else, you should be more than anyone else in your heart. To be clear, I’m basically ready now.”

It would be surprising if they said anything else now.

“I know what you’re thinking in your heart, and if that’s the case, you should let them know about the process so that they don’t talk nonsense again?”

There is one more The problem is that they should be prepared in their hearts, so that they must never talk nonsense again. This sentence said by the system is the most rational one, you know?

“I understand what you’re talking about. If we say anything else now, it will make people feel very non-Normal.”

Always Waiting like this is actually not very good. Xu Yi basically has an understanding now, and now he wants to see what is going on.

“In such a world, if something else happens, they will definitely be prepared in their hearts, you know, this question is actually very simple.”

If they continue to do this kind of Struggle, it won’t do them any good. Xu Yi simply doesn’t want to hesitate. He feels that he is the happiest when doing these things. One thing is that they should be made aware of the process.

“What kind of surprise can such a place bring to him? It really makes people feel very unnormal. What do you think, I’m in the news, anyway, that’s what I think?”

system Now simply don’t know what is going on in such a thing, he is even ready now, he feels that he must be calm now.

“Being able to grasp all of this well, then basically gives people a very happy feeling. I just want to know this one thing now, if you can tell me, but ok If you don’t want to tell me, then I won’t deliberately embarrass you like this, don’t worry.”

Xu Yi looked around carefully at this moment. In his eyes, the main thing is to be able to talk to them about it, but it’s actually not that difficult.

“It has developed to such a level, we all should not hesitate to do so any more, and if the hesitation is over, we should hurry up and do whatever we want to do. Hesitating and delaying our progress.”

When doing such things, they should let them have no such thoughts, let them not hesitate here, let them take care of themselves Think about it, it’s really better than anything.

“The most critical issue is that they should be prepared in the heart to never say anything else deliberately like this.”

No matter what. No matter what, they should think in their hearts what all this means to them, Xu Yi suddenly realized that he has basically done a good job now.

“Understanding this process is actually a very serious issue for all of us. We should know whether they should go in and what they will experience after going in.”

Once there is a problem, they will definitely feel hesitant in their hearts. Xu Yi simply doesn’t want to say too much now, because he basically already has an understanding in his heart.

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