Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 311: Admission ceremony

After the selection and registration of the contest are completed, the next step is the opening ceremony of the official contest.

For the players who are in this time period, the biggest significance of this day is the opening, and it is also a day that has to get up early.

The area around the venue, which was heated up due to the opening of the conference, was extremely lively from early in the morning, and the boiling emotions and enthusiastic noise made people unable to sleep at all.

Parades and various official organizations and celebrations spontaneously formed by the people have actually been going on since yesterday.

Especially during the most lively torch relay, this carnival atmosphere reached a peak.

"So what activities are there today?"

Walking on the lively street, watching the figure running away from the Olympic flame, Xu Yi asked Susu listlessly.

"Apart from the opening ceremony and admission ceremony in the evening, are there any other events worth paying attention to?"

Susu held a competition manual, or a leaflet, and replied with Chirulian's telepathy: "In the morning, there are some fairy floats. In the afternoon, there will be singing and dancing performances. The opening ceremony in the evening. After that, there will be a master match."

"That's it..." Xu Yi looked a little bored, "So, let's be at the venue before the evening, so just don't delay entering the venue."

They said so, but the two continued to go shopping for a while before returning to the hotel to rest.

Time is always in a hurry, and in a blink of an eye it is already sunset and the night is getting darker in the evening.

The sports venue that had been jubilant all day was finally repaired for a short time at this time, but this kind of rest does not mean the end of the carnival, but to accumulate vitality for a more enthusiastic reopening.

Groups of spectators or trainers, wearing various souvenirs and holding various aid equipment in their hands, flooded into the main venue and major affiliated venues.

The extraordinary enthusiasm of the excited crowd seemed to make the air very hot.

Xu Yi and Susu marched towards the venue together among the bustling crowd, perhaps because of the crowd's influence, Susu seemed a little excited.

On the contrary, Xu Yi still has an indifferent and plain appearance, just because he is not used to this noisy and crowded environment and is slightly bored.

After entering the venue, Xu Yi needed to go to a specific place to prepare for the entrance ceremony, while Susu went to the auditorium.

Standing among the thousands of trainers, Xu Yi observed them with great interest.

As Xu Yi thought, the vast majority of the contestants were somewhat nervous, after all, no one can guarantee that they will win.

But some of them are calm and relaxed.

These people are naturally represented by those veterans who often participate in the competition.

Especially those people who are ranked high on the Internet always have a confident look of Zhizhu in their hands, and they exude a strong self-confidence, as if they have held the championship trophy in their palms.

When these people occasionally move their gaze to the trainer that ranks close to their own, they will faintly reveal a hint of fiery fighting spirit.

These guys obviously have more than one conference experience, so they will appear calmer.




Suddenly, a series of fireworks were launched into the air from the main venue, and bright fireworks bloomed in the red sunset.

When the fireworks dissipated, dozens of huge pure red spheres hanging in the midair of the venue opened one after another from the air.

In every opened sphere, there will be a few vigorous Bobo with more than a dozen peace doves flapping their wings, "cooing" and flying into the air.

Under the leadership of Bobo, the Peace Dove gathered in a long queue around the sky above the venue, circling slowly.

As these birds circled, the host’s slightly hoarse voice came from the speakers everywhere in the venue:

"Dear guests, ladies and gentlemen, friends: Today, the torch from Olympia spans five continents and four oceans and will be burning here."

"At this exciting historical moment, on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 32nd Trainers Competition, I would like to extend a warm welcome to trainers and guests from all countries and regions in the world!"


At the same time, the door of the passage where Xu Yi and these people were located also slowly opened, and several conference staff came out from inside, signaling the trainers to make the final preparations for the entrance ceremony.

When the host finished the simple hot field, the honorary head of the International Trainers Association as an important guest, the current executive head of the International Association, the highest leader of East Xia, and a series of heavyweight representatives of master-level trainers The guests enter the venue one by one.

Then, it was Xu Yi and the others' entrance ceremony.

"Next, it's the time for the trainers to enter the competition!"

"After seven days of fierce and brutal one-on-one elimination matches, 1024 players have entered the field one after another. Each of them is a powerful master, and each is an extremely good trainer!"

One after another cheers and passionate melody filled Xu Yi's ears, so that he could not hear what the host was saying.

He just followed the rehearsed process, along the established route, and walked toward the predetermined position with symmetrical steps.

Before entering the venue, Xu Yi really didn't mean much nervousness, but after entering the venue, he felt the enthusiasm and atmosphere in the venue, even Xu Yi became a little nervous.

He didn't look around anymore, just stared at the scene in front of him and moved forward, step by step, but he was already faintly excited in his heart.

"Game Contest!"

With this simple vocabulary in his mind, Xu Yi realized just how complicated and heavy the meaning and weight of this world-class competition is.

After finally moving his footsteps and moving to the established position directly under the torch stage and standing still, Xu Yi calmed down a little bit again.

After that, there was lighting of the torch, various speeches, various oaths, and the like, which didn't have much meaning or value.

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