Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 282: The battle of two great beasts

I don't know if he has consciousness or memory, and when he meets his old opponent, the fake Guyoka suddenly roars.

The huge energy gushes out, driving the sea to roll out huge waves one after another, and the terrible tornado connecting the heavens and the earth invades towards the landing ground under the control of Gaioka.

The power it burst out at this moment was stronger than it had just been. The huge waves pushed forward layer by layer to submerge the land, and the stormy weather continued to occupy the sovereignty of the sky as the ocean expanded.

The scene on the sea at this moment is very strange. On the island to the left of Xu Yi and the others, it is a dry and sunny day.

On the right is a rough sea, with squally winds and waves constantly raging.

The land and the sea are like fighting each other, constantly infiltrating and eroding each other, neither side is willing to give in at all.

In the first second this area was still dry on the seabed, with lava all over the place, but in the next second it was covered by huge waves...

"It's started, the battle between the two rivals..."

Xu Yi silently watched this magical scene of fluctuating cold and hot, dry and wet.

Gulaton and Gayoka were born on the wrong path, after all, the sphere of influence of both sides was based on the situation of another lost territory.

No, after sensing the breath of Giouka, Gulaton, who had just been resurrected, immediately rushed over and started to use it...

Why did Gulaton come back to life?

Xu Yi couldn't help thinking about this problem.

Thinking about it carefully, there are more reasons for Gulaton's resurrection than the freezing bird.

At any rate, he shot away a monster with Gulaton's laws and characteristics before, maybe it was because of that time that Gulaton was revived?


Xu Yi's thinking was interrupted by a roar.

Guyoka swept a huge wave and quickly flooded the land. A huge body appeared on the wave, swimming towards Gulaton!

The monstrous waves and tsunamis were advancing like bamboo under the personal charge of the ocean overlord, swallowing and submerging the land on one side in an instant.


Gulaton immediately became unhappy. What do you mean by making an island like me because the sea is so big?

Its golden eyes stared straight at the old opponent who was facing it, and its body was constantly absorbing the sunlight energy in the sky like lava.

Then, a huge mouth shot out a dazzling white light towards Guyoka.

Thousands of meters of distance was instantly shuttled by this beam of light, and the powerful sun and flames bombarded the huge wave set off by Gaoka.

Maintaining such a state of violently releasing energy, Gulaton translated this ray and directly cut the waves in half!

Not only was the wave completely pierced by this powerful attack, even Gaioka was swept into the sea by this sun and flame trick. His body splashed into the sea.

The sun elves around him resisted the heat and cold energy, and the surprised Cattleya smashed her mouth: "It's really terrifying. I have never seen such a powerful sun flame..."

"I haven't seen it either..."

Sirona couldn't help but stare, although her elves can perform many powerful tricks, but this is the first time I have seen such a sun flame-too strong! Strong without edges!

Ordinary elf skills can reach a distance of several hundred meters, which is already considered to be great, but what about Gulaton? Instantly traversed at least 5000 meters of space!

Moreover, the energy does not appear to be weak at all, but it is starting to sweep away!

Two monsters are fighting, a few humans are watching...

This scene is a bit strange.

Whether it is Giouka or Gulaton, once their skills spread to humans, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Except for Dark Hole's ability to resist, even Wu Xuan, who is in the extreme realm, can only escape in embarrassment, and Sirona and Cattleya may have to die on the spot.

But everyone did not leave. Whether it was a master or an extreme realm, everyone first existed as a trainer.

As long as you are a trainer, you can't turn your head at this moment!

The two ancient gods were clashing, and I was watching it. What a rare scene!

Of course, they are also confident in their ability to escape. As long as the surrounding space is not deliberately blocked by the two gods, the onlookers will not be afraid that their lives are in danger.

After all, the teleportation escape speed is first-rate!

After Gulaton destroyed the huge waves created by Gayoka, the two prehistoric behemoths began to spray each other with beams of energy.

You destroy the death light together, and I destroy the death light together.

You have a sun and flames, I have an absolute zero...

The skills of both sides are the effects of ordinary skills magnified countless times, and any collision can cause huge landslides, landslides, and tsunami tides.

With every explosion, mushroom clouds can erupt in this chaotic space.

"When this goes on, when will it be a head..."

Xu Yi couldn't help covering his forehead in distress.

According to the original legend, the mainland and the sea in Fengyuan were created by the battle between them. How many hundreds of years would it take to fight like this?

Guyoka has the support of endless seas, and Gulaton has the endurance of the earth, and the energy of both parties can be said to be inexhaustible.

If the two great gods become interested in fighting, unless even more fierce super mythical beasts come over, no one can stop them!


Gaioka suddenly jumped high from the surface of the sea, as if it had turned into a Peng, the huge and incomparable wings were all unfolded, the rays of light gathered in front of it with tyrannical flashes, and four huge **** of light condensed in front of its body.

Afterwards, every ball of light burst out a huge ice blue ray!

The four rays lased towards Gulaton, converging into a point on its body!

"Crack, click, click..."

As the icy blue rays completely enveloped Guraton, Ling Lie's cold air continued to spread in all directions, and a large area of ​​the sea was completely frozen in time.

Including Gulaton, the entire world suddenly fell into a package of ice.

The surrounding air temperature dropped to freezing point abruptly, the scorching flame was extinguished in the cold air, and the flaming lava hardened into rock while breathing.

And in front of Gaoka, an iceberg several hundred meters high stood on the sea!

Gulaton's body was completely frozen in it!

It is indeed a monster drawn by Frozen Bird, this strength is much stronger than that of Mount Everest!

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