Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 1502: elves team

"It's really scary."

Regarding such a situation, Xu Yi didn't want to talk any more, he just wanted to see what they had, which was completely unavoidable.

"Actually, if we want to defeat Alice now, these methods are to persuade this one of his brothers to let him know about this matter. In fact, it is not that simple at all."

Howard seems to have his own ideas. On the one hand, he doesn't want to hurt his sister. On the other hand, he also wants to see what kind of form this so-called shrewd person will develop into.

"If the elf people reach a state where the whole furnace is not available, they will destroy themselves in the end. I don't want to tell you too much now, because that scene is so cruel, I have seen you before. do you know?"

Xu Yi asked, and they felt that there was some gap between this matter and what they thought.

"Have you ever thought about this, will they believe us if we tell them the truth now? How could they be so easy to deceive them, unless they pretend that they don't know at all, otherwise they won't think about it too much at all? many."

"I feel very helpless when I think of such a thing. Let's go and see why they are so reckless. From the very beginning, their attitude was very strong, and their wishes must be realized. Who is driving them, and where does such a force come from?"

Xia Fusheng suddenly raised so many questions, and Xu Yi felt that they needed to identify them one by one, otherwise there would be similar tragedies around him in the future.

"These tragedies are actually more unavoidable for us. If we want to control this kind of thing now, unless we remove all the elf people who have interests around him, and the dark elves he trained, they will not be able to. be able to make any contact with them.”

The light radiated by the elf has already explained everything, and it will never be occupied by this Alice.

"Since this question is so direct, then they should be allowed to bear all these things, and it will directly explain to them that Xu Yi has the strength to come up with new ideas for the future."

"If they say that they want to occupy this earth now, it is simply wishful thinking. You must be able to understand what I mean, right?"

Alice, he has been standing steadily, and there is no reaction at all. The necklace on his neck doesn't know why, the light masterpiece under his name looks like someone else is coming, he has to wait until Xu. When Yi and the others reacted, there seemed to be a lot of elves behind them.

"These elves can tell the difference, and they are different from our trainers. They all wear crowns on their heads. These crowns look like symbols of their spiritual power. Yes, the higher the crown, their The stronger the spiritual power."

"Don't tell me, these people seem to be really majestic. We are like this right now. If we fight them directly, we may not be able to win. I have a kind of fear in my heart now. I feel it."

Howard doesn't want to let his sister get deeper and deeper now. He feels that as a brother now, it is his responsibility to wake up the kindness in his sister's heart.

"I'll tell you that, Howard, if you're not doing it for your sister now, think about that if this person dies, your sister Alice, who is asleep, I mean, that real Alice will die with her."

"Now the evil Alice, if it is to occupy the high ground, then if there is any other damage, he will let your sister bear it. All in all, it is really not good for your sister, you know? My sister is completely different from before."

"Anyway, I hope you can wake up a little bit, some of the crowns on their heads, if we can kick them off now, their spiritual power will be damaged, you know?"

They seem to be very powerful now, but in any case, they are some paper tigers, they have never experienced actual combat, and they have no real strength at all.

"The necklace around the neck is to face everything. Their teams are right next to them. As long as we can do it according to our place, we can beat them."

"If you want to control all these things in their hands, it's actually a good thing. You know what I mean, don't think about it anymore."

"It's also a good way to slowly accept everything in front of you."

"They're looking a little weird now."

If you continue to walk forward, you will not necessarily encounter anything. This world is completely unknown. The necklaces around their necks are sparkling. Xu Yi took a careful look. There is such a pendant.

"How did they cultivate to such a level? Did they turn this Poke Ball into a huge one, and then smashed it to pieces, and they took all the pieces with them."

The elves have now formed a very large group. If they are defeated in this period of time, they should devote a certain amount of energy. Xu Yi thinks that they are really incredible.

"In the past, they were completely unpredictable. I didn't expect them to form such a large team in such a short period of time. It seems that they really used the power of this Pokeball. They must be Putting this Poke Ball in an incredible place."

"If something like this really happens, it's not good news for any of us, you know?"

"This huge group of elves, it is completely impossible for him to defeat us now, because we are their ancestors, they evolved from elves, and they don't have a perfect system at all. "

Shanaido didn't pay attention to these people in front of him at all. Alice looked furious. He had no idea that he was being underestimated by these people in front of him.

"When you attack later, grab the little elf in front of me first, I want to live."

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