Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 1476: Alice's intentions

The woman in front of him, after hearing Xu Yi calling his name, he bowed down to the one. He originally thought that Xu Yi and the others would never find out.

"I've told you countless times, I hope you can be a little more attentive when you do things, don't think too much about it, you know?"

If they continue to stay like this, I'm afraid it will bring some pressure to them. Xu Yi has a very direct idea in his heart.

"Now, as long as they can be prepared, the other things are nothing at all."

"I thought about it carefully, why don't we do this, let's stay here for a while and ask them how they thought about it?"

"When faced with such a situation, it's better to wait here than anything else. At this moment, Xu Yi knows this very well in his heart."

"Taking advantage of this neutral time, tell me, at present, how to arrange the next itinerary? Should we hurry up and make it clear? I think we should protect this little elf now."

Alice has not opened the spy question at all, which means that his current ability cannot be opened. If this is the case, then he should laugh at him well. If it makes him angry, he will not be like this. smart.

"You know, when people are angry, they don't think about those details at all. I think we must now grasp the balance and let them know that we have already made it very clear, no I will think about some messy things again, can you understand what I mean?"

"There are many things that have a very bad impact on them. Xu Yi's attitude is extremely firm. He feels that now he should say these words more clearly and seriously, and should not say those nonsense words. "

"You may not know it at all. If we continue to talk like this now, it will have a particularly bad effect on them in the end. You may not realize this problem at all."

The attitude of these few people didn't look good. Xu Yi didn't want to be so direct. He felt that he should wait for this in this place first.

"I thought about it carefully. Let's ask them now, what else do they want to say? This is better, what do you think?"

"Waiting in this place step by step will make them feel that Xu Yi, who is not very comfortable in their hearts, would be very embarrassed if he really agreed to Alice's request directly at this time. "

The elves had already started discussing it later, and Nan thought that no matter what he said, with such a mouthful, it is estimated that he would never agree to Alice's request.

"Alice is deliberately provoking us now. Don't worry, I will never agree to such a request from him. He is just wishful thinking now."

The elves cheered at this time, and they knew that Xu Yi was a very powerful person. Even in the face of a powerful enemy like Alice, you would never surrender so easily.

"We are really following the right trainer now. I think we must work hard now, and we must not live up to their expectations of us. What do you think, we must wait here for a while now, and don't let others Those people are thinking too much."

"Whenever something like this happens, they should be informed about the process."

"Alice and his followers are not pleasing to the eye when they walk in to see us, so maybe they will kick us out at any time. I think we should come step by step now, you know?"

"In the end, they may really make this matter a big deal. I think we should let them understand the process first, and let's take it step by step."

"On such an issue, if they say something, it will bring some pressure to them, but Xu Yi didn't say much at all, he knew how to do this problem."

"It's really hard to say. I think we should at least tell them what to do about this problem now, and some of them will be more serious at the end."

"In such a place, I really should advise their Xu Yi in advance. At this time, I don't want to say anything else."

They don't know what kind of existence this spirit beast is, and they want to see if it is a spirit beast locked up by Alice.

"Alice, tell you now, how many trainers and how many elves have you locked in here? What are you going to do now? Are you turning them into darkness now? Elf?"

At this time, Alice laughed evilly.

As soon as Xu Yi saw the smile on Alice's face, he felt a little uncomfortable. He felt that he should defeat him immediately.

"Do I think that you are still able to hold up in this base? I will tell you directly now, there will be no one in this world who can punish others forever. Some people, only the forever strong, you know?"

At this time, Xu Yi could be regarded as a lesson for this Alice. He felt that he should not be so impulsive now.

"Have you ever thought about this? If we stay in this place for too long, we might be affected by some of the bad magnetic fields in it in the end."

Alice's pretence seems to be very related. Xu Yi and the others are safe. Xu Yi doesn't want to say anything more. He feels that he should continue to be calm and calm in this place now, and this matter can't be too impulsive.

"In such a base, I don't think there is any need to think about it too much. We should first go to see if this ever-bright lamp has dimmed."

Xu Yi passed through the coach who had just looked at Alice, and he suddenly got a very useful piece of news, that is, if this normal light was always on, this corridor would be safe.

"I suddenly understand now that we can go in when the light is on, and it is absolutely safe. If the light is taken off the case or changes color, then we should hurry now. Get out."

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