Earth in the Age of Pokemon

Chapter 117: A lot of battle points!

[Win the battle, battle points +2094]


Xu Yi's eyes suddenly gleamed like stars.

This is really a big fat sheep! !

Sure enough, if you want combat points, you have to find someone with comparable strength to fight. It may not be enough to do it alone, you have to kill people.

"It's still there to get battle points with the help of the symbolic bird, and if I use my strength to kill the enemy king..."

Thinking about it this way, Xu Yi couldn't stop smiling with excitement.

More than two thousand points, this is less than 5 minutes.

Recalling the time in the National College League, he played hard for a week, and in the end there was only a poor 700. This gap is really separated by an unbridgeable galaxy.

It is said that killing people and setting fire to the gold belt, the ancients sincerely did not deceive me.

Now there is no need to entangle the battle points compared to the Eagle or the Menasca, they all have them!

"Flaming Bird!" Xu Yi stood up from her back, "Our slogan is:——"


"Yes! It's a fight!! It's a kill!!" This guy is now full of surprises.

How many battle points do you have in a day? Come to the rift, get tens of thousands of combat points, and worry about the strength of the elf that can't be improved!

Unless there is a bottleneck, I will give you a rocket-like upgrade experience!


While Xu Yi was full of expectations here, there were occasional violent explosions in other places.

If you can fight back and forth, it shows that both sides have similar combat strength. In this case, you can escape.

As for those sudden changes, it means that when Yutian King sees the enemy's grandmaster, he can only pray that he can escape fast enough.

Liu Sanyang and Xia Fusheng's mission is at this point. They must rush to the battle scene, and it is best to kill the enemy Heavenly King.

It is undeniable that such scattered hidden intrusions are very dangerous, far from the security of a group, but the efficiency is too low.

When the group of you found the location of the opponent's breach, the enemy not only searched the entire map, but even your hometown had been taken away.

Xu Yi fell from the sky, and the corpse on the ground was no longer human-shaped, but the luxurious elf **** on the damaged belt were intact.

He took out the elves and tried them one by one, taking all the elves inside.

The symbol bird is very skilled, using his mind to take out a badge with a golden moon engraved on the pile of flesh and blood, as well as a small blood-stained bag. .

Xu Yi opened his shoulder bag full of expectation. It was a pity that, except for the usual wound medicine, it was empty. Not to mention the elemental secret treasures, there is not even an evolution stone!

"Poor ghost!"

Xu Yi spit out, stuffed 6 elven **** into his bag, and got on the flame bird to leave.

It is absolutely impossible for the elves of the original master to stay here. After the enemy finds that they have brought these elves back here, even if they cannot fully grasp them, they can be handed over to the descendants of the king.

After having been with the king for so long, the elves and their masters and children must have feelings, so they can't be enemies, even if they are brought to the earth to be released, they can't be enemies.

Brought to the earth, the elves of the heavenly king level will find more wives in the wild, and the elves born will be more talented.

In the long run, the overall qualifications of the earth elves will also be improved, which is called sustainable development!


Flying in the sky, especially shopping with fanfare sitting on a flame bird like Xu Yi, is really an excellent living target.

Not many people entered the rift for the first time on both sides, and they must have known each other's elves in advance.

If he rushed to see an elf that he had never seen before, his first reaction would naturally be the enemy.

What Xu Yi wanted was this effect.

As a result, Xu Yi, who had slaughtered a heavenly king, didn't fly in the sky for long before he drew another attack-your appearance is equivalent to a mockery of the whole picture!

The last time it was a silent poison needle attack, this time it was a menacing thunder and lightning.

When the flame bird was flying in the sky, Xu Yi condensed and removed a black cloud in just a few seconds.


A blue-white lightning fell from the black cloud and struck straight towards the flame bird.

Someone is using thunder to attack them!

The flame bird was still sensitive to dodge, and the hit rate of thunder was already quite touching, Xu Yi dodged smoothly.

But because this attack came from above, Xu Yi didn't know where the enemy really was.

Hudi and the symbolic bird's thought power scanned back and forth on the ground, but no trace of the enemy was found.

Obviously, either the opponent's ability to hide is outstanding, or he missed a hit and fled immediately.

Most of the kings who come to the rift are actually reluctant to fight. Isn't it good to search for the baby in this feast of the law of elements? Why do you have to fight for your life?

Anyway, at the end of the fight, you still have to sit down and talk, so why bother at first.

There are not a few heavenly kings who have this kind of thinking, and no one is a fool to reach the level of the heavenly king. Some heavenly kings shed blood for their country or power, but some heavenly kings care more about their lives.

If they can reduce the enemy's vitality in safety, then of course they don't mind shooting.

But the problem is that in this perilous battlefield, no one can guarantee their safety. Even the master is in danger, let alone the king of heaven?

Try it out, and leave without success-this is the normal state of this area at this time.

After evading the poisonous needle like Xu Yi, no matter how strong the enemy is or how many enemies are, there are only a few who rush to fight.

It's a pity that Xu Yi held grudges in this way, and usually reported grudges on the spot.

After searching this area, Xu Yi couldn't find the enemy who used thunder assault. Xu Yi could only sigh helplessly: "What's wrong, I'm just a newcomer..."

The battle points slipped away from under his hands in vain, and Xu Yi was very uncomfortable.

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