Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and fifty-three, worry and baptism

The news that Agron and Teresa had given birth to their first son and that the mother and son were safe soon spread throughout the city of Ioannina, and then spread to the entire European continent at an alarming speed.

Princess Teresa lived up to expectations and gave birth to a son, which means that the Bonaparte family will have the next generation of heirs. There is no doubt that this family's troubled family will continue tenaciously for their sake. Strive for the emperor's dream.

However, as the center of this public opinion storm, Agron and Teresa are much calmer. They calm down and enjoy the rare time away from the world and the fun of being parents.

For Aiglon, this was not his first child, but it was the first child born under his witness and crying beside him. It was also his first legal heir. Of course, the feelings were completely different. As for Theresa, needless to say, as a first-time mother, she almost regarded her son as her lifeblood. Even if she was weak and resting in bed, she could not bear to let her son leave her sight.

From time to time, she asked the servants to bring her infant son to her, and then looked at him with a smile on her face. Even though she was only a seventeen-year-old girl until now, seeing her smile and the way she faced her son With the radiance on her face, no one would doubt that she would become the best mother.

Because of the birth of the heir, the civil and military officials of the principality were also overjoyed. Letters of congratulations poured in to Aigron, but of course Aiglon had no interest or time to read such nonsense. All these letters were handed over to him. Secretary Leon then wrote a formal reply to them one by one, thanking them for their loyalty and encouraging them to continue serving the Bonaparte family in the future.

After the child was born safely, Agron also personally wrote letters to his grandmother in Rome and his father-in-law and mother-in-law in Vienna to announce the good news. On the one hand, he shared the joy of his couple with them; on the other hand, he also prepared the next step for Teresa in advance. Prepare for your trip.

According to their original plan, Teresa would leave Ioannina with the child for her father's estate about a month after the birth.

Seeing his wife's postpartum weakness, Agron felt a little unbearable, so he suggested that he could delay it for a while longer. However, Teresa insisted on the original plan. She believed that she should not delay His Highness's schedule - and she was also a little bit petty. For selfish reasons, if I leave in December, I can return to my hometown in time for Christmas Eve.

Since Teresa was so insistent, Aigron had no choice but to comply with her opinion.

During this time, he has been by Teresa's side, helping her recuperate and enjoy the warmth of family.

At my current age,

He is still a young man, but he is already burdened with too many expectations and responsibilities. Reality will no longer allow him to treat himself as a young child.

Teresa enjoyed the sweet days when her husband was by her side and took good care of her. She was extremely satisfied with her current life. She felt that she had no regrets in this life and had obtained all the happiness she wanted.

She was already in a very happy mood, and with the maids around her to take care of her at any time, her body recovered very quickly.

After resting for a period of time, Teresa was gradually able to get out of bed and move around, but Aigron did not dare to neglect and stayed with her. He only took her to the small garden outside the house for a walk every day to breathe. fresh air.

It is winter, and most flowers are not in bloom at this time, but this is not a problem for Theresa - her favorite flower is heather, and to please her, the natural flowers in the garden here are I also planted a lot of heather.

This kind of flower blooms in autumn and winter, which happens to be the most blooming time of the year. When Aigron accompanied Teresa as she walked in the garden, the pink flowers bloomed brightly around her, as well as the thin flowers floating in the air. The scent of flowers made Teresa intoxicated.

"Your Highness, how beautiful this place is!" Teresa couldn't help but tell Aigron.

"Indeed." Aigron agreed with her. "Such a scene can make people forget the bleakness of winter."

"It's a pity that we will say goodbye to this place eventually." Teresa sighed with some regret. "After living here for a while, I have some feelings for this place."

"This is admittedly a bit of a pity, but the land we will own will definitely make you want to come back even more." Aigron replied with a smile, "And no matter where we are, your favorite flowers will be blooming in our garden."

"Yeah!" Teresa was shy and happy at the same time, and she just felt extremely sweet in her heart.

At this moment, she already has everything she wants, and the door to the future is slowly opening to the couple. What else does she need to be dissatisfied with?

There is only one thing left that I am dissatisfied with.

She looked at the slender flower branches swaying gently in the breeze, then lowered her gaze, looking at her waist that was obviously thicker than before, and sighed secretly.

During her pregnancy, what she was most afraid of was that her original slim figure would be destroyed during childbirth. But after her son was born peacefully, she no longer worried about the child, and her attention was naturally focused on this.

The more she pays attention, the more anxious she becomes.

"Your Highness, I...have I become ugly?" She asked her husband in a low voice, "I feel much fatter than before."

"Teresa, I promise you, you are extremely beautiful now." Aigron naturally shook his head repeatedly, "Your charm now far exceeds that of those noble ladies. Being a mother has not only not diminished your charm, it has actually made you more attractive." Brilliant."

Then, he pretended to look down at Theresa's neck with a look of lust, "Besides, the place where you gain weight is not mainly in the waist, but in the more exciting places... Theresa, By the way, the two of us have been abstinent for a long time, how about we find some time..."

His words were quickly interrupted by the shy Teresa with her small fist, but she was also teased so much that she couldn't help but smile. It was obvious that Agron's words were actually very useful to her.

Seeing that she was still so attractive in her husband's heart, Teresa was secretly relieved, but she still made up her mind to exercise more when she returned home to slim down her waist as soon as possible.

When she thought of this, the scenes of her past life at home suddenly appeared in her mind. At that time, she often rode horses, fished, boated, and tidied the garden. She was carefree and happy. Looking back now, how embarrassing it was. People are nostalgic!

She knew that as her identity and status continued to change, she might have fewer and fewer opportunities to do these things in the future, and this time when she returned home, she could just take the opportunity to relive the fun of the past.

She was secretly glad that she got an opportunity to go home to visit relatives - if His Highness could make the trip with her, it would be perfect.

Unfortunately, reality will not be so perfect after all.

But who can say what will happen in the future? Maybe one day, His Highness will come there with him, to the place where the two of them originated, and relive the beauty of the past.

Maybe the two of them will never be able to become teenagers and girls again, but those memories will remain in their hearts forever.

She buried this little thought in her heart, and then hugged her husband tightly, greedily absorbing the warmth of winter from his body, and enjoying the leisure that only belonged to the two of them.


As time went by, Teresa became healthier, and her son also passed the initial dangerous period and survived healthily.

After receiving Aigron's message, her grandmother, Queen Mother Letizia, who was far away in Rome, sent her brother Cardinal Fish to the Principality of Ioannina by ship.

On the one hand, he was asked to congratulate the birth of the great-grandson and deliver gifts from the great-grandmother; on the other hand, he was also the person in charge of the baby's christening ceremony.

After the cardinal came to Ioannina, Aiglon and Teresa naturally received the arrival of their great-uncle with the greatest courtesy.

Seeing his nephew, the elderly cardinal, of course he was filled with emotions.

When Aigron was born, he also presided over the baptism ceremony. At that time, the empire was at its peak with flowers and brocade cooking oil. Paris fired a salute for his birth, and the entire empire was also celebrating. What a magnificent scene. ? !

No one expected that in just three years, this child would turn from the king of Rome to a prisoner, and the empire he was destined to inherit would also be wiped out.

Then, no one expected that more than ten years later, this child would break free from the prison and fight unyieldingly towards his destiny. Although he no longer rules a vast empire, he already owns a piece of land after all, and is no longer the same person. The poor thing can only be at the mercy of fate.

Fate is fickle, really fate is fickle.

The cardinal knew that he could not help his nephew much anymore. He could only give the child his most ardent expectations and best wishes, wishing him all the best in the future and that his dreams would come true.

I also wish that my great-nephew and grandson can have the best destiny and never experience the desperate situation that his grandfather and father once fell into.

After the cardinal brought him, Aiglon summoned all his important servants still in Ioannina and came to the cathedral in the city to hold a grand baptism ceremony for his son.

The guards surrounded the church, and inside the church, everyone was sitting in their seats with solemn expressions. Their eyes were on the altar of the church, and Cardinal Fish was also wearing his robes. Standing in front of everyone, waiting for that moment.

With the roar of the salute, the baptismal ceremony began. Teresa walked up to the cardinal with the baby in her arms, and then handed the baby to the cardinal.

The cardinal took the baby carefully and unswaddled him.

Although he was very attentive, his wrinkled hands still rubbed the baby and made her cry. It made Teresa feel distressed, but she could only watch helplessly.

The old cardinal stared at the baby. In a daze, he seemed to have returned to Notre Dame Cathedral seventeen years ago. At that time, he was holding the baby in the same posture during the same ceremony. The baby's father's.

Everything was just like it was seventeen years ago, as if history was repeating itself, except that the audience had changed and the location was thousands of miles away.

Can I get another glimpse of Notre Dame?

He couldn't help but glance at Aigron who was sitting in his seat.

At this time, this young man was full of energy and high spirits, as if he was full of confidence in his career, and his body also contained endless energy and ambition.

Maybe he really can.

May you succeed, my children!

He thought silently in his mind.

Then, he put the crying baby into a golden basin filled with holy water.

Although the water was warm, the baby cried louder when it was placed in the water, and the old man couldn't help but feel distressed after hearing this.

It's just that a ceremony is a ceremony after all, and must be completed meticulously, so he hardened his heart, held a gold cup with trembling hands, and kept scooping up holy water from the basin, and then poured it on the baby's head and body. , to symbolize that the baby is bathed in God's favor and becomes a devout people of the Lord.

Everyone said nothing and just watched the ceremony quietly. The atmosphere was solemn and solemn. Only the loud cry of the baby and the sound of flowing water echoed in the church.

After about ten minutes, the cardinal stopped, which also meant that the ceremony came to an end.

The cardinal read out the last words in the clear yet dull tone of an old man.

"Almighty Lord, please use the power of the Holy Spirit to give new life to your people through the baptism of water, Holy Spirit, and fire; please guide your believers to serve you with faith and love forever and ever. ,Amen!"

"Amen!" There was a chorus of shouts from the audience.

At this time, the salute outside the church rang again at the right time. Amidst the continuous roar, the baptismal ceremony was also declared complete.

The baby was quickly taken out of the holy water basin, wrapped in warm swaddling clothes, and returned to the mother's arms.

Teresa looked at her crying son with distress, hugged him tightly, and kissed his wet forehead.

And Aigron also stood beside her, looking at his son.

"Maybe I will win everything for him and he will never have to go through what I went through..." he murmured, "but is this necessarily a good thing for him?"

He has no answer to this question. As the saying goes, one is born in sorrow and dies in happiness, but how many parents are willing to let their sons take the initiative to endure "sorrow"? At least Aiglon has no such interest.

All he can do is try his best to eliminate all difficulties for his descendants so that they will not face those terrible disasters.

"I wish you good luck, my son. Let's work hard together." Aigron grabbed his son's thin arm and shook it gently.

From today on, the baby will be called Francois Charles Napoleon Bonaparte, also known as Napoleon III.

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