Eagle’s Glory

Forty, determination

【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

"And I'll definitely live to see that day!"

The tearful look of Marquis de Treville made Aiglon couldn't help but be moved.

"Yes, it's coming soon, and we are accelerating the occurrence of this inevitable event." He replied with determination. "The risk is worth it, because in addition to the Bourbon royal family, we also have a hidden A big enemy, a more difficult opponent.”

The Marquis of Treville immediately understood what he meant.

"The Orleans family is indeed more difficult to deal with -" he immediately nodded in agreement, "The Bourbon royal family is unpopular, and King Charles X is even more perverse, making everyone wish he would die quickly, but the Duke of Orleans is different, he is ambitious, and He is good at disguising himself and has the ability to confuse people. He also deliberately recruits forces from all sides to build momentum and accumulate power for himself. He is definitely a more terrifying opponent. We must beware of them robbing us of the fruits of victory."

Aiglon fell into deep thought. He suddenly recalled that a year ago, a confidant of the Duke of Orleans visited Schonbrunn Palace and paid him a visit. The two had an unpleasant meeting, which still impressed him to this day.

"Have you ever heard of Phoenix Gordon?" So he asked casually.

"Do you know this man?" the Marquis of Treville asked in surprise, and then nodded, "I have heard of him. He was a once famous politician who is now serving the Duke of Orleans, but he and I I don’t have any friendship and I don’t know his actual situation.”

"More than a year ago, when I had not fled Vienna, Mr. Gordon came to Vienna secretly, and then paid me a visit -" Aigron explained to the general what he had done when he met Gordon with an indifferent calmness. go through.

When he heard that Gordon had proposed to Aiglon that he could pay him six million francs per year in exchange for his public declaration that he would not seek the throne of France and support the Duke of Orleans on the throne, the Marquis of Treville couldn't help but sneered, "How naive. People want to buy out France for six million a year!"

"It's no wonder that his bid was so low. After all, I was just a poor prince in prison at the time. He was willing to offer to bribe me with money, so he already thought highly of me." Aigron shrugged without any anger. Said, "Of course, even though I was in despair, I did not admit defeat. I categorically rejected his proposal——"

"That's how it should be, Your Majesty." Marquis Treville was convinced.

Then he thought of something, "Is this what the Duke of Orleans himself meant?"

"I don't know, but I think that since Mr. Gordon dared to make such a proposal on behalf of the Duke, he either came to me on the orders of the Duke of Orleans; or he is the Duke's confidant and can help the Duke make decisions - no matter what Whichever it is, it means that he is definitely an extremely important figure, you might as well pay attention to this guy after returning to China."

The Marquis of Treville nodded and kept the name in his mind until he returned to Paris before asking more about this guy.

At present, the Bourbon family is very thin. Louis XVI and his wife were guillotined one after another, and their sons are also dead. Only the eldest daughter, Princess Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte, is still alive (she later escaped) France, married to his cousin, the Duke of Angoulême, son of King Charles X.)

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

King Charles X himself had two sons. The eldest son, the Duke of Angoulême, married the eldest princess of Louis XVI, and the couple had nothing to live with; while the younger son, the Duke of Berry, was a romantic man and had countless lovers and was still alive. She gave birth to many illegitimate children and was shot dead by a Bonapartist in 1820.

This romantic prince died young and left behind four (!) posthumous children, but only the posthumous son born to his legitimate wife, Count Chambord, is considered the true royal heir (that is, Henry V, a future pretender to the throne who never became a king).

In other words, the current Bourbon royal family only has three men, King Charles X and his eldest son Louis-Antoine, Duke of Angoulême, and the young Duke Henry of Chambord.

The Duke of Orleans was different. During his exile, he married Princess Maria Amalia of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies of the Bourbon royal family. During the subsequent marriage, he gave birth to ten children, eight of whom survived and established the Duke of Orleans. Having a big family, the strong vitality and ambition are enough to show.

This ambitious family was a master of fishing in troubled waters during the Great Revolution. The former Duke of Orleans actively participated in the revolution and turned his family residence, the Palais Royal, into a center for revolutionary incitement. He even changed his name to " After losing Philippe Equality, he ultimately did not escape the bloody revolution of the Jacobin dictatorship and was sent to the guillotine.

However, the death of his father did not eliminate his son's ambition. The new generation of the Duke of Orleans is still moving along his father's path, fighting unrelentingly to seize the kingship.

Agron believes that after killing the Bourbons, he will have to fight against the Orleans family again sooner or later. He does not take any chances, but he will never be afraid of hesitation - his career will never be allowed to be compromised by anyone. Obstacles, kick out whoever is in the way, what difference does it make if there is one more or one less! ?

Next, Aigron and the Marquis of Treville discussed the specific details of the next operation to sneak into France.

In order not to cause trouble to the Bavarian royal family (mainly, of course, not to lose the goodwill he had finally gained), Aigron decided to take action after leaving Bavaria - so that Bavaria could distance itself from the relationship without having to face political pressure from France.

It is impossible for the Marquis of Treville to stay abroad for a long time. Although he has always pretended to have pneumonia and needs to rest at home, it is inevitable that people will find out the clues after a long time.

Therefore, this means that he must end this trip as soon as possible and put it on the agenda to bid farewell to Bavaria.

During this period of time, Aigron came to Nymphenburg Palace as a distinguished guest, and he also enjoyed the long-lost palace life, which was comfortable and comfortable. But now, such good days are coming to an end, and he does not feel regret in his heart. .

After the political conversation was over, Aiglon invited the Marquis of Treville and his wife to have dinner.

When the two of them went to the dining room to eat, Theresa, who was already waiting here, immediately set her sights on the two of them.

"Aiglon, you're here." She said with a slight complaint.

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Then she looked at the Marquis of Treville next to her husband. While carefully looking at his appearance, she nodded gently, and then said hello to him in a calm tone, "Good evening, Marquis of Treville... …You are indeed just as I imagined, a mighty soldier.”

She does not like me—the sophisticated Marquis de Treville confirmed this fact at the first moment.

He was not surprised, because his son Edgar had already offended Her Royal Highness the Princess, and it was all because of him.

Before Edgar left France, he didn't know that Princess Theresa had found His Majesty again, so he planned to bring His Majesty and Agnes together, so that his daughter-in-law's biological sister would become one of the backers for the future development of his family; However, he did not expect that after arriving in Greece, Edgar found that Teresa had already come to His Majesty. In frustration, Edgar made a decision alone - ignoring this reality and continuing to implement the original plan. , and strive to create various opportunities to enhance the "emotion" between His Majesty and Agnes.

After returning home, Edgar naturally told his father about this matter, and the Marquis of Treville also deeply agreed with it.

Anyway, for both father and son, protecting their family's wealth is the main purpose, and Miss Agnes will be equally useful even if she becomes His Majesty's lover.

From Edgar's feedback, the Marquis of Treville judged that although His Majesty had not succeeded yet, he must have taken Miss Agnes to heart. This was a good start. He did not want to stop his son. On the contrary, he planned to do something in the future. Opportunities continue to do so.

There is no doubt that this will severely offend Princess Teresa, but... there are trade-offs in everything. Since you have already offended her anyway, it is better to do it more thoroughly. As long as Agnes is happy enough to please Her Majesty, Her Majesty the Queen's anger will not be the same. So terrible.

Although he thought so in his heart, Marquis Treville still respected Teresa on the surface.

"Your Majesty the Queen, I am deeply honored to have the opportunity to meet you. I have been waiting for today for a long time. Your beauty is enough to grace Nymphenburg Palace, and your wisdom and courage are enough to become our role model. , I sincerely believe that the Bonaparte family can flourish again through your Majesty and your hands."

"She has already done it." Aigron said with a smile, "I have good news for you, General - my wife has been confirmed to be pregnant. In a few months you will receive the good news. Teresa and I will Having our first child.”

"This is great!" General Treville laughed sincerely. Although he and Princess Theresa are on opposite sides, His Majesty is about to have an heir, which also means the smooth continuation of the Bonaparte family. For him, It is also good news, "Thank God, you successfully welcomed an heir after your wedding, which also means that fate is also favoring the Bonaparte family! When this news reaches France, it will definitely make your supporters rejoice. "

"They may not be so happy, after all, it is another child born to a Habsburg princess." Teresa interrupted abruptly, "Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the Bonaparte family now has too much Austrian blood. Is it really a pity?”

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Because she had always been resentful about this issue, Teresa also became angry. In her mind, that bastard Edgar de Treville was the "culprit" who deliberately pitted herself against the French people around His Highness. , and as Edgar's father, the Marquis of Treville must be a similar advocate, so she made sarcastic remarks in order to keep the Marquis from power.

"What are you talking about? We are heroic soldiers, but we never care about blood origin. For us, we must follow the emperor and the emperor's descendants. This is only natural!" Marquis Treville's expression remained unchanged. , immediately answered loudly, "And you are Her Majesty the Queen and our mistress. This is an unquestionable fact. If anyone disrespects you in the future, I will never spare him."

"Yes, Teresa, don't think too much." Aigron also spoke to comfort his wife, "I am also the son of an Austrian princess. Does anyone who is a supporter of the Bonaparte family dare to question my inheritance qualification? Our children He will definitely receive everyone’s blessing and allegiance, just like me.”

"Well, that's good." Teresa finally smiled, and then waved to her husband, motioning for him to come closer to her. "I'm just worried that there are some evil people with ulterior motives who will drive a wedge between us for sinister purposes."

The Marquis of Treville knew who she was talking about, but he just pretended not to hear.

He had been in the court of Emperor Napoleon for so long and had seen countless intrigues and sinister activities. Now this little thing is not enough to make him care.

Aiglon complied with his wife's wish, and the two leaned close to each other, while the Marquis of Treville sat upright opposite them, and the three of them began to eat together.

While eating, Aigron told his wife what he and Marquis Treville had just planned.

When she heard that Aigron was planning to sneak into France and appear in public, Teresa immediately turned pale with fear.

"Your Highness! Why do you want to take such risks?"

"Sometimes we have to take risks." Aigron replied with a smile, "You should be able to figure it out."

Teresa was immediately speechless.

She can roughly guess her husband's considerations, and to be fair, she also thinks it makes sense. Now it's time for Aigron to show his face directly to France.

But the truth is the truth, but it is difficult for her to accept it psychologically.

They were in the sweet spot of their newlywed relationship, especially since they had just given birth to a child. If something happened to her husband, she couldn't imagine how she would survive.

"Would you like to stop thinking about it?" she asked, enduring the pain.

"No, I have already decided. This is what I need to do." Aigron replied decisively, and then he said to Theresa gently, "Theresa, when I say goodbye to King Ludwig, You should go back to Ioannina first, where you can raise your baby in peace and wait for news from me."

"How can this be done? We are husband and wife, and we should face everything together. How can I stay out of it!" Teresa immediately protested.

"Don't be like this, Teresa... You are pregnant and you are not suitable for walking around. What is more important now is to give birth to our child safely. Just let me do the risky things alone." Aigron said softly. He touched Theresa's face and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely be fine."

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【The Glory of the Young Eagle】 【】

Seeing that her husband had made up his mind, and knowing in her heart that what he said was right, Teresa was at a loss what to do, and tears suddenly burst into her eyes.

"Okay... okay, now that you have decided, I will do it... but you must also agree to my request."

"Just say it." Aiglon replied immediately.

"If... if fate sets up a disaster for us and your actions make mistakes, please don't resist fiercely and let them catch you." Teresa's eyes filled with tears, and then she said solemnly, "Whether it's flowers or flowers It’s better to ask your father to intercede for money, I will do everything possible to rescue you, and you must not do anything stupid.”

Aiglon didn't answer, just smiled, and then kissed his wife's face.

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