Eagle’s Glory

Eighty-one, farewell and entrustment

Chapter 194 Chapter 81

"Her name is Krystal, she is very cute..."

After hearing this sentence, the unsuspecting Teresa stared blankly at the door as if she had been struck by lightning.

After a moment, she wanted to ask again, but Sophie didn't give her the chance, opened the door and walked out.

When the door was closed, Teresa stared blankly at the door without saying a word.

Although Sophie didn't clearly say what she meant, Teresa, who already knew so many inside stories, could certainly guess what she meant.

There is no room for luck, and all the most terrifying conjectures have been confirmed - His Highness and Sophie's previous affair resulted in the birth of a child named Crystal.

Although she had been mentally prepared, she still felt heartbroken when she actually encountered this problem.

She actually did such a thing! Teresa gasped.

In the courts of various European countries, it was common for noble ladies to have affairs with others, and it was not surprising to others. However, it was quite rare for the love to be so intense that they actually gave birth to their lover's children.

What an investment, and what a willful act!

Does she have any profit intentions?

Absolutely not. At that time, His Highness had almost nothing. He only held the title of Duke of Lechstadt. He had no status in the court and could not bring her any benefit at all.

Therefore, she did not ask for anything in return, she accompanied His Highness tenderly, and then she had a violent relationship with her beloved young man, and finally ended up like this.

Of course she was very jealous, but she also admired the other person's courage and personal charm.

Thinking about His Highness's situation at that time, in a lonely and painful period, how could he not be fascinated by such a charming woman?

Will she regret it? Teresa believes she will never regret it.

If it were you, you would definitely not regret it. How can a proud person regret his decisions and choices? I would rather face the judgment of fate with a smile.

"Cristel... is indeed a nice name." After a moment of silence, Theresa murmured to herself.

Then, she let out a long sigh, then stood up and walked out of the room.

The hall was still full of jewels, and everyone was dancing in it as if nothing had happened, but Theresa was in no mood to stay and pay attention any longer, and she walked to her mother's side.

"How is my daughter?" She looked at Theresa with concern.

"It doesn't look like you guys were having a good time talking?"

"We had a good chat, Mom," Teresa replied. "I'm just a little sentimental."

"Sentimental? Sentimental what?" Henrietta was a little puzzled.

"It's a little sentimental on both sides." Teresa lowered her head, "On the one hand, it's because of her past sins, and on the other hand, it's because of her current experiences. I don't know whether I should hate her or pity her. Maybe both. There are all of them... But no matter what, she is a real person, not a pitiful and mediocre symbol under the throne."

Henrietta was baffled, and finally couldn't help laughing.

"Teresa, are you going to be a poet too?"

"I don't mind being a poet, but I can't find any poetry here." Teresa shook her head.

She saw a magnificent scene in front of her. The chandeliers shed bright lights in the hall, illuminating the dancing but faceless people. Although they wore various uniforms and palace dresses and spoke elegantly, But none of them made her interested to stay in sight for a moment.

Yes, everything here is so mediocre, it can't even make her have the slightest nostalgia.

My poems are not composed here, and there is no room for me here. I am glad that I can not be integrated into it, but can write my chapter in another place...

"Okay, mom, let's go." Theresa smiled sweetly.

"Well, let's go." Henrietta nodded, "I don't want to stay any longer."

Just now she said hello to Sophie, but she received a cold reception and was ridiculed by Sophie. Now she was still angry, so naturally she wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Just like that, the mother and daughter left the hall, led by the attendants, back to the square, and then returned to the square in the gap of no one's attention.

Before boarding the carriage, Teresa looked back at the magnificent palace behind her.

In the night, it still looks so dignified and beautiful with its brilliant lights, but it is so cold and lonely.

Guests come and go, it never matters who stops by.

Then, she waved her hand and closed the door of the carriage.

Everything was thrown away with this wave of hands.

After this night, she no longer has any nostalgia.

Everything that has happened, let them be buried in the seal of time.


In the next few days, Teresa methodically completed her final preparations.

Everything is ready, everything is ready.

Soon, she will form a convoy with several carriages and start traveling abroad in a mighty way.

With the help of her parents, most of the dowry that Archduke Carl had promised her had been converted into cash and bonds and stored in several boxes. A batch of jewelry given by her mother had also been stored in several boxes. collected in it.

In addition to these monetary treasures, there are also boxes filled with personal belongings and souvenirs that Teresa was reluctant to part with.

Even though she had been streamlined repeatedly, after everything was prepared, Teresa still had so many items as bargaining chips for her next destiny.

——After all, as a princess, even if she chooses self-exile, everything she possesses is still beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Before leaving, in order to prevent omissions, she was careful and made a list and checked it carefully.

Finally, it was time to leave.

In this gloomy morning, Teresa wore a simple gray skirt. After calmly eating breakfast, she came to the study room of the manor to say goodbye to her parents.

Her mother was also waiting there, looking at her daughter with worry and heartache.

Her father, on the other hand, frowned, clenched his fists, and waited for his daughter angrily.

God, who am I to laugh at Sophie's willfulness? I am also willful...even what she did was even worse, because Sophie hurt those people she already hated, while she was hurting her own parents.

I'm such a badass. She said to herself in her heart.

"Dad, mom..." Theresa hesitated for a moment, then spoke in a low voice.

Although she had already prepared in her heart, when it came time to say goodbye, everything was still so difficult.

However, at this point, there is no other way to go. Since she has chosen all this, she must face the most difficult farewell.

"I'm leaving. Please take care of yourself in the future. I will definitely come back as soon as possible."

"Teresa...my daughter..." Henrietta cried, then held her daughter in her arms, and continued to cry.

"Don't leave, okay? It's too late to stop now! Your mind is always so smart, why are you so stupid about this matter? Why don't you weigh it carefully..."

"Stop crying, Henrietta." Archduke Carl, who had been silent, spoke up and stopped his wife with cold words. "Don't lose your mind in front of your daughter. It will make her look down on you in vain."

Then he looked at his daughter sternly.

"Teresa, you really made me powerless. You threw your father aside and took advantage of our love for you to do whatever you want... You broke our hearts, and we were so hurt by you that we had no choice but to satisfy you. But fortunately, this is the last time -" His tone was trembling due to anger and pain, but he still maintained his dignity and said seriously to his daughter, "Yes, I am sorry for you, I was obsessed with ghosts and took you to Schonbrunn Palace to meet that bastard boy. I made a big mistake! But no matter what, I was trying to make it up to you, right?! I warned you in every possible way and tried to save you. situation, but you yourself have willfully refused all help, well... I can’t control you, so let’s do whatever you want from now on!”

When he said this, his eyes became more and more gloomy.

He took a deep breath to let his heartbeat slowly calm down, and then continued, "Okay, we can't do anything to you, we can only let you do whatever you want, but you should also know that everything has its limits. You have exhausted my patience and tormented my heart with holes, so I am not ready to forgive you anymore! Don’t expect anything from me anymore. No matter you are good or bad, I am incapable of doing anything. I am powerless and no longer want to care about it. If fate makes you have a smooth journey, then I congratulate you on your luck but I don’t want to take advantage of you. If fate makes you unfortunate and makes you lose everything, then you are the one to blame! If it is really the worst situation, then I won’t allow you to cry and confess in front of me that you chose the wrong path, that will only make me look down on you, because I have already advised you!”

"Don't worry, Dad." Teresa replied, half sad and half stubborn, "No matter what my fate is next, I will never regret it, let alone beg for mercy in order to regain your protection. I am Your daughter, I know how to face my own life, and I also know how to maintain my dignity."

"That's enough, do you still want to quarrel at this time...?!" Henrietta loudly interrupted the conversation between father and daughter, "Don't you think I'm sad enough and you have to step on me a few more times to make you happy? ? Why are you so angry at this time? Do you really have to be a stranger from now on and make me lose my daughter forever? "

She continued to hug Teresa, and then continued with tears, "I don't care what happens, Teresa... you will always be my daughter... I just hope that everything goes well for you, and it's best to come back and see you as soon as possible." Me. You have been by my side since I was a child. I really don’t know how I would live without you by my side. God...why do you want me to endure such torture? "

"Mom, I'm sorry..." Seeing her mother weeping so much, Teresa also shed tears contagiously, "I love you forever!"

The mother and daughter just hugged each other and cried. Tears met on their faces and eventually fell to the floor, leaving traces as witnesses of family love.

After crying for a while, Teresa raised her head from her mother's arms with difficulty.

"Mom, you must take care." She said tremblingly, "I have no right to beg you to forgive my unfilial piety, but I will find a way to make up for it. No matter what I can do, I will definitely make up for it. You promise."

"You have made up for me the most by living your life well." Henrietta replied, "Remember, no matter what happens, you can come to your mother for help, and don't bear it alone."

Seeing the mother and daughter embracing and crying, Grand Duke Karl's heart softened. He could only sigh and silently looked at the carriages outside the window.

"Can you tell me where you're going now?" he asked then.

"I'm going to a small island called Monte Cristo, where His Highness is temporarily hiding." Now that it's here, Teresa doesn't need to keep it a secret, so she answered her father truthfully.

"Hmph, you said you wanted to go out and make some achievements, but you ended up hiding in the island?" Grand Duke Karl asked with a sneer.

"Of course Your Highness wants to make great achievements, but it takes time to accumulate strength, doesn't it?" Teresa asked back, "And I will also add my own help to Your Highness's career. Don't worry, we will find a way to break through Someone who will do great things."

You put it lightly, it's my money, it's all my money! The old father cursed again in his heart.

It's just that now, he doesn't even feel angry anymore.

"When you met Sophie, did she say anything about that?" he asked finally.

Teresa hesitated, but nodded slightly.

She didn't tell her father about her specific experience last night. After all, Sophie's words involved a scandal—this is a secret that must not be made public to the empire, and it is also an unspeakable taboo for her.

After seeing Teresa's performance, Grand Duke Karl also understood everything. He put his hand on his forehead and tried hard to overcome the dizziness in his head.

"Even she is going crazy, what have you done! How did that bastard boy fascinate you so much? Did he secretly learn some magic from the alchemist? Don't let me meet him again, otherwise I'm afraid I really can't control my hand, I have to draw out my sword and finish him off!"

He muttered and cursed a few more words, but finally regained his composure.

"Forget it, forget it, what else can I say?" He sighed again, then walked in front of his daughter, and gently crossed her forehead, chest and sides. "May God bless you—although I don't think you deserve His blessing."

"I also hope God bless you, my dearest father." Teresa also hugged her father.

After a brief and sad farewell, Archduke Karl walked out of the room and went to the open space downstairs.

He came to several carriages. The people waiting here stood at attention and saluted him, but his footsteps stopped in front of Captain Foresti.

Although he said to his daughter that he will not be responsible for her in the future, Grand Duke Karl is of course also extremely concerned about the safety of his daughter on this journey. After all, although it is considered a peaceful time, it is really a shame for a woman to run around with such a large family property. Action that is too dangerous.

Therefore, in order to ensure safety, he carefully selected a group of escorts for her, all of whom were close confidants who had been with him for many years - and the families of these people were all in Austria, so he was not afraid of any temporary problems with them.

However, there was an accident in the plan at the end. At the insistence of his daughter, the captain of the escort was replaced by Captain Foresti.

Archduke Karl didn't know what his daughter was planning specifically, but it was obvious that she wanted to recruit his former teacher for the boy.

He had no intention of stopping him. After all, he knew that the captain had been expelled from the army and was in a bad situation. Finding a place to find another job would be a way out.

Moreover, although he is good at swordsmanship, he is just a small person after all, and will not bring any loss to the country's interests - when it comes to "betting on enemies", is there anyone who can bet on enemies more powerfully than himself?

When he thought of this, Archduke Karl couldn't help but feel angry.

Perhaps because of this anger, his gaze became more severe, and Captain Foresti, who bore the brunt of it, became even more embarrassed.

The captain had tried his best to put in good words in front of the Grand Duke in an attempt to broker the marriage.

Although fate seemed to finally allow his intentions to come true, this was definitely not the way they had imagined before, let alone the way they wanted to see it.

Because of this, the captain naturally felt guilty towards the Grand Duke.

"Can you still swing the sword?" Archduke Karl asked after a moment of silence.

"It's still possible, Your Highness." The captain quickly replied with his head held high, "Although I may never be able to return to the level I was at back then, I don't think ordinary people can do anything to me."

"Okay, help me protect Teresa and don't allow any mistakes." Archduke Karl said coldly, "Although you are no longer a soldier, I hope you can promise me in the name of a soldier."

"Yes, Your Highness, I will protect her." The captain agreed immediately.

"After she sees that boy, you can stay too." Archduke Karl suddenly said. "This country may not have a future for you now. You may be able to find a way out in another place. This is also a good thing for you."

"Your Highness...?" Captain Foresty was shocked and moved at the same time. "I...I can't..."

"It's common for capable people to serve in other countries, so why not? Kreisewitz was a Russian general." Grand Duke Karl shook his head, "You find a place that can accommodate you, no one will What can I blame you for - but I hope you remember that you are an Austrian after all."

"I will remember... Your Highness, no matter what happens, I will never swing my sword against the motherland." The captain replied with emotion.

"That's enough." Archduke Karl nodded. "Have a safe trip and listen to Teresa."

After saying that, he left without looking back.

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