Eagle’s Glory

Twenty-six, split account

After ending the conversation with the young man, Edmond Dantès followed Chanel out of the room with no intention of leaving.

It was already dark at this time, and the island of Monte Cristo was already dark. Only a few rooms in the huge building had light leaking from candlelight. With the help of these dim lights, Chanel took Edmond Dantès along the corridor for some detours, and finally came to the outside of a room.

"You can rest here." Chanel said to him.

"Where is Father Faria?" Edmond Dantès did not go in immediately to rest, but first asked about the whereabouts of the priest.

"That priest? He's inside." Chanel replied with a smile, "Considering that he has difficulty moving now and needs the care of others, I think it's best to arrange your residence together so that you can easily take care of the old man."

"That's really great." Edmond Dantès breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately thanked Chanel, "Miss Noel, you are so considerate to the priest."

"This is what a maid should do. It's not worthy of your praise." Chanel still smiled and replied, "Okay, it's getting late. You should rest early. It's time for me to go back."

"Well, thank you for your hard work. Goodbye." Edmond Dantes said goodbye to her quickly.

"Good night." Chanel saluted him and left along the way he came.

Edmond Dantès watched the girl's figure disappear into the darkness.

Although she always said that she was just "a mere maid", judging from the accommodation she could arrange, her status among the staff of His Majesty Napoleon II was definitely extraordinary.

This is not surprising. People will rekindle the people closest to them. Even without a title or bloodline, just by virtue of her status as a personal maid, this Miss Noel must have a transcendent status.

Edmond Dantès no longer thought so much, he opened the door and walked in.

His expression was very strange, with residual excitement and complete confusion.

Although he had just talked with the young man and made a promise to serve him, it is not surprising that he was still in a state of confusion. After all, he had just been released from the gloomy dungeon and suddenly accepted Such a huge amount of information is definitely not something you can get used to at once.

Precisely because of his current state of confusion, he found himself longing for Father Faria's teachings more than ever.

Father Faria...his spiritual mentor and father, the only person in the world who would never bully him, cajole him, betray him, who would always advise him with the utmost patience.

The rooms assigned to them were quite simple and crude. They had obviously only been repaired hastily. Traces of dilapidation could be seen everywhere, and they only had the most basic furniture. However, it was still a thousand times better than the "hotel" at Castle Eve.

There were two beds in the room. Edmond Dantès quickly found Father Faria on one of the beds with the help of dim candlelight.

He was worried that the priest had fallen asleep, so he just slowly approached the bedside. Unexpectedly, the priest immediately opened his eyes and looked at his adopted son kindly.

"My child, are you back?"

"I'm back." Edmond Dantès let out a sigh full of relief.

"It sounds like you just experienced a severe mental shock..." Father Faria continued to look at Edmond, "It's still early, tell me what happened to you."

Of course, Edmond Dantès could see that the old man was trying hard to solve his problems. He also knew that if he remained silent, the other party would only become more worried, so he no longer hesitated, but just talked to the young man about it. Everything about the meeting and conversation was told to the priest.

Father Faria listened quietly, with a calm expression on his face at first, but the more he listened, the more strange his expression became. When he learned the true identity of the owner of the island, even he couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

After Edmond Dantès finished speaking, he couldn't help but sigh, "Bonaparte! This is probably a surname that the two of us will never get rid of.

I really didn’t expect that we owe our imprisonment to them; we still have to rely on them to get out of prison..."

When the priest said this, Edmond Dantès also felt a little dumbfounded.

"Do you think you want to serve this family?" the priest asked again.

Where do we have any choice now? Edmund smiled bitterly in his mind.

Now that both of them are on the island, under their control, how could they not obey the boy's orders.

"Don't worry about me." As if he saw what he was thinking, the priest suddenly replied, "I have reached this age and may be killed by a new illness at any time. I have already made corresponding psychological preparations. I'm not afraid, or even regretful, because I have allowed my life to be extended with the help of you. I have taught you everything, leaving only this useless and cumbersome body, this body. It doesn’t matter to me when the body dies. If it becomes an obstacle to you, then I can’t wait to die now.”

"No!" In panic, Edmond Dantès interrupted the priest loudly, "I beg you, don't say such cruel words. I don't want to see you pass away. You have eaten too much in your life." It’s a lot of suffering. So you can live for a long time, until I make up for all the suffering you have suffered before, otherwise God will not be fair at all!”

"As far as I can see, what God is best at doing is causing injustice in the world." Father Faria replied with a smile.

However, after saying this, he was deeply moved by his adopted son's true feelings.

"Father, you know me. I am a man who will keep his word. Since I have promised to serve him, I will definitely do it." Then, Edmond Dantès replied seriously, "Furthermore, I don't feel embarrassed, because as His Majesty said, all other avenues for me have been cut off. If I want to take revenge on those who oppressed me and insulted me, I need to use strong power... If His Majesty Napoleon II has this power, then I am willing to use this power. I believe that as long as he can return to the throne of France, then I will have the day to redress my resentment."

After hearing what Edmond Dantès was saying, the priest was not very surprised and just blinked silently.

"My child, you are destined to take a dangerous path."

They all know that the so-called career is not easy? Even Emperor Napoleon failed to reverse his fate and was crushed under the heavy pressure of the coalition forces of various countries. He had to sadly surrender to the enemy and finally ended up dying on an isolated island.

If he is like this, can his son really do better?

Every sane person will have some thoughts in his heart.

However, the reason why people are human is that they will do things that seem impossible. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they must do it to the end, because this is not only the cause of His Majesty Napoleon II, but also the cause of Edmond Don Tess's career.

The revenge has not been avenged. If you do nothing, what's the difference between staying in the dungeon and being a miserable rat?

After a conversation with Father Faria, Edmond Dantes suddenly felt that his mind was much clearer.

Yes, now that you have decided what to do next, why should you be confused?

There was a sense of pride in his heart for no reason.

If a person who is more than ten years younger than him dares to challenge fate, then what reason does he have to dare not?

Just like when he encountered a storm when he was a sailor, he could just close his eyes and rush forward. What was there to be afraid of? Do you have anything to lose?

"Then, what are you going to do with the treasure on this island?" Just when he was full of pride, Father Faria suddenly asked.

This question dragged Edmond Dantès back to reality.

Yes...the treasure...the treasure of Monte Cristo!

Ever since he learned the information about the treasure, Edmond Dantès had thought countless times about how to use this huge wealth to destroy his enemies; but Father Faria forced him to recite it word for word, again and again. That broken letter engraved the name of this island in his soul, and he could not forget it even for a moment.

Not only him, but even the priest's life is inextricably related to the treasure of Monte Cristo Island. In a sense, the treasure is even the spiritual sustenance for the old man to continue to live in the painful and desperate prison life.

And perhaps it was a trick of fate that they were on the island of Monte Cristo at the moment. How could Father Faria feel at ease? !

Edmond Dantès was lost in thought.

This is indeed a very confusing issue.

First of all, this treasure may not exist; secondly, even if it exists, it may have been secretly discovered hundreds of years ago; thirdly, maybe it is not an accident that the young man came to Monte Cristo Island, and he may have learned from some channel After learning about the treasure, I unearthed it first.

No matter which of the above three situations actually occurs, the so-called "treasure" is just a mirror.

Only when all these situations are avoided, can the treasure lie quietly in a certain cave on the island of Monte Cristo, waiting to be discovered by oneself.

Even if it is discovered, how should it be used?

Although Monte Cristo Island was an uninhabited island before, it is now obviously under the control of someone, and this person is the person he just promised to be loyal to.

So in theory, it seems that the treasure... should belong to that young man?

But this is also unreasonable, because the treasure was originally owned by the Spada family. When the last descendant of the Spada family was alive, he had already said that he would transfer all the property to Father Faria, and Father Faria would remain with him for the rest of his life. They are all thinking about this treasure in their hearts... What right does he have to decide who the treasure belongs to instead of the priest?

All kinds of ideas came one after another, and finally, Edmond Dantès made a decision.

"If I really find the treasure, then I will leave half to you and the remaining half, 40 to Your Majesty and 10 to myself." He looked at the priest, and then said seriously, "Father, I don't know Can you support my decision?"

"Why do you think so?" Father Faria asked him what he thought instead, noncommittal.

"I don't care about money that much. If the treasure is really as huge as you said, then even if I only get 10, it will be enough for me to enjoy a lifetime." Edmond Dantès replied calmly, "Your Majesty He saved our lives and gave us freedom, plus I am now loyal to him...so in order to repay him, I have to give him my treasure. This is true repayment. As for you...you have the right to Enjoy half of the treasure, because you are the ultimate heir of the Spada family and the one who holds the secret of the treasure. You see, is it appropriate for me to think so?"

Edmond Dantès's eyes are calm and composed, obviously this is the result of his deliberation, not a sudden rise.

At this moment, he had really gotten rid of the shadow of the naive and ignorant sailor, and transformed into a person who truly dared to take responsibility.

Father Faria blinked silently, he was very satisfied.

"My child, I don't care how you plan to distribute the treasure, I just want to see you dare to decide how to distribute it. I see courage in you, which is good."

"That is to say, do you agree with my distribution plan?" Edmond Dantès was delighted.

"No, I don't agree." The priest shook his head.

"Huh?" Edmond Dantès was stunned. He didn't understand why the priest suddenly changed his mind. "Do you have any other opinions...?"

"Since you don't care about money, what do I care about? I don't even know if I can survive until tomorrow, so why bother grabbing money from living people." The priest laughed slightly mockingly, "So I I hope to make another change in your distribution plan. Your Majesty will get 80, and you will get 20."

"You don't want a penny?!" Edmond Dantès became anxious upon hearing this, "No, this is not possible."

"I have made up my mind, child. So don't waste my few years of life by arguing with me." Father Faria gently swept away his adopted son, suppressing his next words. "Of course, my allocation is by no means unconditional... I will meet with His Majesty and tell him that I know the news about the treasure and am willing to donate it to fund his cause and use it in exchange for a condition."

"What conditions..." Edmond Dantès asked blankly.

"I want to change your title and let him make you a hereditary nobleman of the empire after he succeeds in his great cause. At least you must be a count." Father Faria said word by word, "He must establish the title, and I will The ultimate secret will be revealed.”

Edmond Dantès was shocked. He did not expect that the priest had already made up his mind after hearing what he heard, and would actually consider this for him...

He almost shed tears. "What use do I have with those damn things... They're all yours!"

"No, I don't need it at all." The old man shook his head gently, "I have no children or other relatives, and my life is coming to an end. Honor and money are meaningless to me; But you are different. You are only thirty years old. You have a long future. In the future, you will have a family and children. I must consider what I can leave for you and what you can leave for your descendants. Everything will depreciate in this world. In this era, probably only hereditary titles can give them a little bit of glory..."

"No...!" Edmond Dantès still couldn't accept it.

"Don't be childish! If you are grateful to me, then do as I say." Father Faria interrupted him again, "Okay, don't waste time anymore, go and take a look now. As I said Your tip to find that treasure on the island."

"Now?" Edmond Dantès asked.

"The later you delay, the greater the risk of being discovered and the more leverage you have. We really can't afford to delay." Father Faria looked at Edmond with urging eyes, "Just You should just let me rest in peace, go find it quickly and see what the thing I have been worried about all my life looks like!"

Under the gaze of the priest, Edmond Dantès's expression gradually became solemn.

He stood up again.

Yes, whether it was for the priest or for himself, he wanted to see whether that damn and charming treasure was there and what it looked like...

"Okay, I'll go now." He no longer delayed, but nodded hurriedly to the priest.

Then, he opened the door and carefully observed the surrounding situation.

Everything was immersed in dark silence, and no one was walking around. In the distance, he seemed to be able to see one or two people patrolling and watching, but he felt that he could easily sneak out.

So what are you waiting for?

He closed the door and rushed into the darkness.

With the help of dim candlelight and starlight, he walked through the ruins of the monastery in the dark, then crossed the damaged wall and arrived at the wasteland of the island.

Then, following the description he had recited countless times, he found the traces left by the cardinal on the island.

He followed the stream and finally found a spot covered with moss and grass at the bottom of the gorge.

He carefully swept away the cover, and then found an iron cover. Then he grabbed the iron ring, opened the iron cover with force, and then saw the deep stone steps below.

An ominous premonition suddenly arose in his heart.

Everything seemed to be going so smoothly. Even if I knew the cardinal's will, it shouldn't be so smooth.

Could it be...has anyone really been here before?

He shivered all over.

But now there was no room for him to hesitate any longer.

He gritted his teeth and rushed into the cave along the stone steps.

The cave was huge. He lit the torch and found that the cave was connected to another cave just as the will described.

He no longer hesitated and quickly rushed to the second cave.

It was still empty, as if there was nothing there.

Edmond Dantès took a deep breath.

Let me reveal the final mystery of fate!

He walked to the corner, then bowed and began to dig up the dust on the ground.


His hands stopped quickly, for for a moment he was so dazzled by the jewels that he could barely keep his eyes open.

It was a gigantic safe, with three floors of gold and jewels of all kinds, which now shone brightly before him.

Edmond Dantès was stunned for a moment.

He already knew that there was a treasure here, but when he actually saw the treasure, he discovered that his original mental preparations were just ridiculous lies.


After the initial excitement passed, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

This cash box seems to have been vandalized.

The smile on his face suddenly froze.

"Monsieur Dantès, what are you doing?"

At this moment, a question sounded from behind him.

Although the voice was very low, it echoed in the cave, and then resounded in Edmond Dantès' ears like thunder.

He recognized that voice.

He looked back in shock.

Under the dim light, he clearly saw the young man standing at the cave entrance with an indifferent expression, holding a cane in his hand.

Miss Noel stood behind the young man with a gun and looked at him with a hostile look, as if asking him why he betrayed His Majesty.

"No...!" he murmured, "I'm not a traitor!"

But how to explain this? He was flustered, how could anyone believe that he didn't want to rob the treasure?

Aigron kept observing the other person's expression.

He's going to be scared out of his mind, forget it, let's control it first.

Aiglon took a few steps forward quickly. Edmond Dantès stood up and seemed to want to explain something, but in a flash of lightning, the cane poked him in the chest.

The huge pain made Edmond Dantès's vision darken.

"I beg you, spare the priest..." He finally left these words, and then fainted.

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