Eagle’s Glory

Twenty-four, go to the island

Under the blessing of the rising sun, a small sloop passed through the clouds and mist and approached the lonely island in the sea.

A simple trestle has been built on the rock facing the south, so it can dock sailboats with a shallow draft.

After the ship stopped and anchored, the gangplank was lowered, and then several passengers on the ship stepped off the ship one after another.

Then, an old man got on a stretcher and was carefully carried down by two people.

After carefully lowering the stretcher, Edmond Dantès stood on the simple trestle, blankly looking at this world that had long been unfamiliar to him.

He looked very embarrassed now - he had long hair and beard, his skin was frighteningly pale, and there were patches of dirt on his hands and clothes. He looked almost the same as a raw man.

This is all he got during his twelve years in the Fort If prison.

This world has abandoned me for twelve years, and now that I have come out, does it really still welcome me? Looking at the reflection in the sea water, Edmond Dantès asked himself confusedly.

He didn't know what happened to his relatives, whether his elderly father was still alive; he didn't know how beautiful he was, whether she remarried because she couldn't wait for him for a long time, or whether she was so heartbroken that she left her hometown...

Since the first day of his freedom, these questions were running around in his mind like crawlers, preventing him from getting a moment of peace. He wanted to confirm the results of these questions countless times, but in the end he still did not go.

On the one hand, he had promised to serve the man who gave him freedom, and his dignity did not allow him to leave ungratefully without authorization; on the other hand, he could not leave Father Faria behind.

Under his pleading, Mr. Louis finally showed mercy and spent an extra sum of money to redeem Father Faria from the prison of Chateau d'If.

In this way, Edmond Dantès and Father Faria were quietly taken away from the Castle of If. Of course, according to Eve Castle's files, they are all dead.

Although the crimes committed by these two prisoners seem serious, they are obviously not important figures and have been forgotten by everyone for more than ten years. Compared with the still young Edmond Dantès, Farley Father Ya's "death" seemed much more normal. Almost no one remembered this old and talkative old guy - so his departure did not cause any waves.

Death is already a habit in the gloomy and cold Chateau d'If. Everyone has seen it too much, and no one cares. When a prisoner leaves the world, another prisoner will naturally fill it. In this ruthless world, there will always be no shortage of prisoners. of.

After leaving Chateau d'If, Edmond Dantès and Father Faria boarded the boat with Mr. Louis, and after two days of sailing, they came to this isolated island.

Edmond Dantès didn't know where this place was, but he made up his mind. Since the unknown boss behind the scenes paid them a lot of money to give them freedom, and let the two of them walk out of Chateau d'If alive, Then he must make adequate repayment for this favor.

However, when a person is in an unknown environment, there will always be some instinctive confusion and uneasiness.

Edmond Dantès unconsciously squeezed the priest's hand on the stretcher. In his heart, only this "father" can tolerate him unconditionally and communicate with him.

The priest also used his left hand that could still move to hold the adopted son's hand, giving him some comfort and telling him not to worry.

After the cargo on the ship was also unloaded, Louis turned and looked at Edmond Dantès.

"Okay, let's go, don't keep our boss waiting -"

Edmond Dantès lifted the stretcher again, then obediently followed Louis down the trestle, and then set foot on the exposed rocks of the island.

He instinctively looked around, and suddenly felt something familiar.

He was one of the best sailors in the Mediterranean,

He has been to almost every port, passed every island, and is familiar with everything in the Mediterranean Sea, but after twelve years, everything seems so vague, because he didn't even have a chance to see the sea in the dungeon.

"Excuse me, where is this?" Finally, unable to restrain his curiosity, he asked in a low voice.

Louis hesitated for a moment, thinking that sooner or later this kind of thing would be known to him, so he still answered. "This is the island of Monte Cristo."

"Monte Cristo Island!" Edmond Dantès turned paler when he heard the haunted name, and he subconsciously turned to look at the priest on the stretcher.

Father Faria was obviously shaken by this shocking news, and his usually calm face also showed a little surprise.

But soon, he regained his composure, and then gave Edmund a gentle smile.

"Child, fate will soon reveal its verdict to you and me. We can just wait quietly." Then he whispered.

This sentence was vague, but Edmond Dantès had been with Father Faria for a long time, and soon understood what the priest meant: it is useless to be afraid, it is better to wait and see what happens, maybe everything is just a coincidence.

Although the truth is this, how can a person have the ability to face all situations without panic!

Under the indoctrination of Father Faria, the treasure buried on Monte Cristo Island has become a kind of spiritual sustenance for Edmond Dantès. During his painful prison life, he has imagined countless times how to use the treasure Huge wealth to take revenge and make those enemies who brought him into such a miserable situation pay the due price.

But...it seems that someone has already landed on this island first.

Is all this really just a coincidence?

Is it really only Father Faria who figured out the location of the treasure?

Edmond Dantès couldn't help but feel a little frightened, and unconsciously couldn't move.

"Child, walk more slowly." Father Faria spoke again. "I finally made it out alive, don't let me die on this broken island..."

The priest's pun made Edmond Dantès wake up again as if from a dream.

That's right, it's already unexpected luck to get out of Chateau d'If alive and get the freedom you dreamed of. What's the point of worrying so much now?

It is better to wait and see what happens and pray that everything will turn out well.

At least for now, let's see who the person who redeemed them is.

Soon, the group reached the center of the island.

Originally, it was the ruins of an abandoned monastery, but after a month or two of efforts to repair it, it has now slightly restored its former appearance. The originally collapsed walls have been refilled, and the moss covering them have been removed. Hurry up. Although the original dilapidated traces can still be seen in the building, at least it is now a place where people can live.

Edmond Dantès had previously sailed on the Mediterranean as a sailor and had approached the island of Monte Cristo several times, but he had never been to the island. He is now trying to search for fragments related to this island in his memory so that he can better adapt to the current situation.

Louis led them to the main hall of the monastery, and then walked along the corridor to the side room, and in the middle of the corridor, the group of them met a man wearing a black skirt and a white scarf on his head Blonde girl.

"Good morning, Chanel." Louis stopped and then greeted the girl.

"Good morning, sir." The girl smiled and saluted him, then looked at Edmond Dantès and the priest on the stretcher.

"What do you call me?" she looked at him and asked in French.

Catched by her gaze, Edmond Dantès suddenly felt at a loss.

He has not seen a woman for more than ten years, let alone such a beautiful girl.

He had seen his own image in his reflection in the sea, so seeing the girl's gentle and bright smile, Edmond Dantès felt ashamed for a moment, and was so embarrassed that he didn't know where to put his hands.

"Are you okay?" The girl looked at him curiously, without showing any dislike. "Don't you understand French?"

"No...I'm fine...Miss." Edmond Dantès shook his head hastily, "I just left the world for too long, I haven't seen the beautiful scenery of the world for too long, it's like being locked in a crypt A person who had not seen the sun saw the sun again after more than ten years, and I was a little lost."

Then he announced his name, "My name is Edmond Dantès, and I just came out of the Chateau d'If prison. This is my adoptive father, Father Faria."

"Ah... you really found someone who is good at talking!" Chanel couldn't help laughing, and then said to Louis. Then, she looked at Edmond Dantès again, and saluted him again, "Sir, you have suffered. On behalf of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, I pay the highest respect for your sacrifice."

On behalf of His Majesty the Emperor? Edmond Dantes and Faria looked at each other.

What exactly is going on?

Before Edmund could react, the maid raised her head again and looked at him with a gentle smile.

"You are a little disheveled now. Go change your clothes and tidy up your appearance first, and then go to meet my master."

"Okay." Edmond Dantès nodded quickly.

Then, Chanel took him to a small cubicle at the end of the corridor, and then handed him a set of clothes from the side.

Edmond took the clothes and walked into the room. After closing the door, he found a bucket of water, a mirror and a razor.

It seems that this place is specially reserved for visitors to the island to tidy up their appearance - Edmond Dantès thought to himself.

Although he had not communicated much with Louis these days, he had obviously seen that the other party was looking for people like him everywhere - people who had served Emperor Napoleon and had experience as sailors.

It was obvious that he was not the only person who had been fished out of prison and brought to the island.

After confirming his suspicion, Edmond Dantès felt relieved and began to take off his dirty clothes and wash himself.

The thick dirt was scraped off his skin, and his lean body was slowly cleaned.

Then, he began to shave in front of the mirror.

In the mirror, the beard he had grown for more than ten years fell off piece by piece, and a brand new face appeared in front of Edmond Dantès.

Who is this person?

His originally oval face has become slender and thin, and a long wrinkle has appeared on his originally plump forehead. His eyes that were once full of hope are now filled with depression, despair, and the light of hatred. His face turned pale because he had not been in contact with the sun for a long time. Coupled with his long black hair, he looked even more indifferent and a little solemn.

This could be anyone, but it was definitely no longer the Edmond Dantès he knew.

"Yes, I am already thirty years old!" Looking at himself in the mirror, Edmond Dantès sighed with emotion.

He lost too many things and gained too many things from Father Faria to make up for them. After coming and going, he has now become a person that he cannot even recognize.

Edmond Dantès raised his hand and pointed at himself in the mirror.

"Remember, be sure to remember who made you what you are today!" He whispered to himself.

Then, Edmond Dantès stopped wasting time to be sentimental, changed his clothes again, strode out of the small room, and then walked back to the corridor.

At this time, he found that the young lady was holding a towel in one hand and a razor in the other, patiently shaving Father Faria's face.

Her movements were quite focused, while he walked up to the two of them silently.

Chanel carefully shaved the old man's face, and then she noticed the presence of Edmond Dantès.

"Have you finished cleaning up?" She was a little surprised at first, and then laughed, "Sorry, sir... I saw that this old man seemed to have difficulty moving, which was really pitiful, so I helped him clean up... …”

Although her tone was normal, Edmond Dantès couldn't help but burst into tears. This was the most touching and considerate sentence he had heard in more than ten years - he and Father Faria were finally touched again. Treated as human beings.

Although this seemed to be such a common thing, he was very moved because he finally found the real sense of returning to the world.

"May I ask your surname? Miss." He suppressed the urge to cry and then asked Chanel.

"My... my name is Chanel, Chanel Noel." The girl replied with a smile, "Besides, I'm just a servant. You don't have to face me with such a respectful attitude."

"Servant..." Edmond Dantès was a little surprised. "Is it the boss who rescued me?"

"Yes, I am his servant." Shanel smiled and nodded. "I feel extremely honored to be able to serve him."

Although her words were simple, Edmond Dantès could feel her heartfelt reverence and joy.

Who is that boss, who deserves to be treated like this by her? He couldn't help being curious.

"Okay, Mr. Dantès, it's getting late. Let me take you over to see him." While he was deep in thought, Chanel urged him in a low voice, "My master doesn't like others to waste his time."

"Okay, miss." Edmond Dantès responded quickly.

His body has been renovated, his mind has been rested, and now it is time to welcome a new stage in his life.

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