Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and eleven, cut off the fate

"Glory of the Young Eagle ()" Find the latest chapter!

"Your Highness, where are you going?"

Aegron stopped in his tracks.

This familiar voice made him know who was calling him without turning around.

After creating chaos and carefully changing disguises, he still couldn't completely avoid his eyes... He sighed in his heart.

He subconsciously touched the pistol in his arms, then turned his head and looked at his swordsmanship teacher, Captain Foresty, the silhouette of his body slowly emerged in the darkness.

This tall swordsman and soldier was looking at him with a serious expression at the moment.

Snowflakes drifted past him, but they couldn't cover his piercing eyes.

Then Aigron discovered that the other party was chasing him alone.

Captain Foresty came within a few steps of him, then stopped.

"That's right, I was chased by myself, Your Highness." Perhaps seeing what Aigron was thinking, he explained. "On the one hand, time is running out and it's too late; on the other hand... I don't want to make things irreparable."

Then, he sighed again, "Your Highness, I haven't told anyone yet. Now you just encountered an accident...Go back, everything can be treated as if it didn't happen."

"What if I say no?" Aegron asked back.

He was ready to shoot at any time to surprise the opponent, but he knew that with the teacher's reaction speed, it would be difficult if the first shot missed, so he decided to wait for the opportunity first.

Anyway, since only the captain noticed and chased after him, he still has time now.

"Your Highness, don't be self-willed anymore!" The captain sternly interrupted him, "Can't you think about it, is it worth paying all this price? You managed to turn around and got the favor of Grand Duke Karl. Flying to the top of the world...but you have left everything behind and embarked on the hard road of escape, even if you managed to escape, so what? Your surname is no longer welcome in Europe!"

Then, he sighed again, "Even if you don't take these things to heart, have you ever thought about what will happen to Her Royal Highness Sophie? How much punishment she will suffer because of you! In addition, she has such a deep relationship with you, you abandoned her. How painful it would be for her to lose her! Can you forget her crying? Think again, is it all worth it?"

Eggron fought back the throbbing pain in his heart, then raised his head and answered him with arrogance.

"Sorry, I think it's worth it."

"...It seems that there is no way to persuade you with words after all." The captain smiled bitterly, and then he looked at His Highness again, "Then... I will teach you as a teacher."

He pouted provocatively at Aigron, "How about our last contest? If I lose, you can step on my body and leave. I have fulfilled my obligation to the motherland; if you lose, then you will also Just don't think about breaking into the world, because you can't even deal with a small captain, let alone a marshal king!"

The teacher's words aroused the anger in Aigron's heart.

However, on the surface he remained extremely calm.

It's pointless to coerce and lure the captain, he can't just let himself go, so... probably it's just a matter of winning or losing.

"I'm not armed," he replied deliberately.

"Just now, I took a handful from the person next to me while I was in the chaos." The captain replied.

Then, he took off the saber he was carrying with him, and threw it directly to Aigron, "To be fair, you can use mine, so maybe you will be more convinced..."

"It seems that you have put yourself in the position of the winner." Aigron remained calm, bent down and picked up the saber on the ground. "I think it's overly arrogant."

The reflection of the metal shone against the snowflakes falling in front of him, and it also cooled Eggron's blood vessels.

"It's nothing to be arrogant...Your Highness, I have always said that you are my best student, and you will definitely surpass me in time,

It's just that you are still too young to defeat me. The captain replied, "Your Highness, if you lose, please don't push yourself too hard, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to control it and you will get hurt." "

"It's too late to say these things at this time." Aigron laughed, "I will definitely fight with your life, Captain, you'd better put your own safety first, don't be shy, or you will definitely die .”

The captain's expression froze, and he sighed dejectedly after a while.

"Then I'm sorry, Your Highness. Then you can ask yourself, I hope I can win a little easier."

He already felt His Highness's determination, which meant that he couldn't solve it easily no matter what.

Since this is the case, then Austria is more important than His Royal Highness, and he can only make a cruel choice.

The two drew their swords and confronted each other.

The snowflakes were like elves, falling on them and between them, but they did not affect their sight.

With the help of the dim light, Captain Foresty carefully looked at the "girl" standing in front of him.

The face is serious and delicate, the long golden hair is slightly swaying in the cold wind, the hem of the skirt is also slightly swaying with the movement of the footsteps, and the eyes are shining with a cold light like a sharp blade.

"Hey... It would be great if you were born as a princess, maybe it can save everyone trouble." The captain sighed again, "And you don't have to bear so much pressure, you can go to the princess as much as you want. Find your own happiness."

Aegron frowned slightly.

He has been with the teacher for so many years, and he knows each other too well. The captain is not just sentimental or teasing himself, he is trying to disturb his mind.

Now that the distance between the two of them has been drawn very close, he can assert that if he directly draws his gun and fires now, there is a 90% probability that the other party will be shot.

But...his pride prevented him from doing so.

Now that you have been pointed at by the sword, let's bid farewell to Austria with the sword!

The real sword master holds a sword in his hand and hides a gun in his arms, let you experience it!

"I'd be terrified if I were you," he said slowly. "Because...you know what your opponent gave up for this, and what awareness he has made."

The captain didn't answer, but narrowed his eyes slightly to watch His Highness, and moved slowly, ready to strike at any time.

However, after a while, his eyes slowly widened.

He was shocked to find that His Highness actually handed over the sword from his right hand to his left, then raised it slightly, and pointed at himself.

"My left hand is more proficient - teacher, please comment on it yourself!"

You have lied to me for so many years! ?

The captain was suddenly a little horrified.

When he was His Highness's teacher, His Highness was only seven or eight years old, but it turns out that he has been deliberately hiding from him since he was a child... How terrible.

Before he could calm down, Aigron stepped forward and launched an attack on his own initiative.

As he stepped forward, the snow on the ground made a soft sound like sand, and a half-arc sword shadow waved in midair.

The captain turned sideways, and then swung his sword to block. The two swords collided heavily, and the blades made a crisp whine.

And Aigron turned around, and with the strength of his waist, he swept his sword at the opponent's shoulder again, and then continued to attack the captain.

As the captain swung his sword to block, he secretly evaluated his opponent. He found that His Highness's left-handed sword was almost impeccable in terms of speed, strength, and angle.

It seems that His Highness is not lying, he is better at the left hand.

Now his evaluation of His Highness is completely different, and he is not sure that he will be able to defeat him at all.

With the reflection of the blade, he saw His Highness's expression at the moment.

There was a slight smile on the corner of the other party's mouth, which seemed to be full of fighting spirit and excitement, and there was bloodthirsty cruelty in his eyes. With his constantly moving steps, the skirt and wig are also violently swinging, as if dancing to the god of death.

Then work hard! The captain also made up his mind.

He didn't care about showing mercy anymore, and now he also only had victory in his eyes.

He slammed the sword that was stabbing him away, and then launched a rush attack.

In the middle of the snowy night, the two of them fought with ecstasy, leaving behind all other selfish thoughts.

In order to win as soon as possible, Aigron opened and closed his sword wide, constantly forcing the opponent to block with strength and speed, while waiting for opportunities to find deadly gaps.

The captain, on the other hand, has a steady style, paying great attention to defense even when attacking, constantly using skilled blocks and footsteps to defuse the opponent's offensive.

Aigron knew that he hit the teacher hard psychologically with his unexpected left-handed sword, and at the same time his left-handed sword made the opponent very uncomfortable, so the opponent had already fallen into a disadvantage, so he could only stick to the defense and wait for his strength to be exhausted.

The fight between the two entered a stalemate for a while.

To the Captain's surprise, His Highness's offensive lasted longer than expected, perhaps because of the mental trauma, he had already fallen into madness, and almost desperately wanted to defeat himself.

Secretly frightened, he braced himself to resist, looking for all possible loopholes that could be exploited.

Under his gaze, His Highness took another step forward, stabbing himself with the sword without reservation.

The captain hurriedly raised his sword, and then pressed down heavily when the blades intersected, causing the opponent's sword to slide towards his guard, intending to strangle the sword in this way.

Eggron, who sensed the captain's intentions, suddenly lowered his shoulders, and then heavily jumped with his sword towards the captain's chin.

And the captain just stepped back sideways, dodging the sharp blow.

This is the moment!

Aigron knew that when the captain made this blow, he would immediately take a step back so that he could quickly defend against the enemy's counterattack.

This action captain has been used thousands of times when the two of them are in class, and it has almost become a conditioned reflex.

Everything was predicted, he had already lowered his body, lowered his knees forward, then closed his eyes, exhausted all his remaining strength, and stabbed obliquely towards the front left with incomparable vigor.

At this moment, blood burst out, and the originally snow-white ground was suddenly sprayed with a layer of red dye.

The two of them stopped moving.

Captain Foresty lowered his head slowly, staring at the cold blade piercing his belly.

"Beautiful... What a beautiful blow." The pain made the captain's face contort, and blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

But even so, he squeezed out an ugly smile, as if he was pleased with the student's progress.

Aegron said nothing, he let go of his hand and did not draw his sword.

Obviously, if he drew the sword from the captain's body now, the spurt of blood would quickly cause the captain to bleed to death.

Of course, even as it is now, he may soon die in the ice and snow.

The excitement that burned in his blood during the battle had dissipated at this moment. He looked at the teacher standing in front of him speechlessly, with a calm expression, even a little indifferent.

Under his gaze, Captain Foresty knelt down on the ground, breathing in pain, covering his wound.

His hands were soon soaked in blood, and his chest heaved violently because of the pain, but even so, he didn't let out an ugly moan.

As expected, he was a true swordsman, and he refused to lose his dignity even if he was defeated. Aigron couldn't help feeling respectful in his heart.

How can it be possible for two people to have no feelings for each other after they have been together for so many years?

But...that's the price to pay.

"I won." He said quietly.

"Yes, I lost... Your Highness, you defeated me in a head-to-head confrontation." The captain endured the pain, looked up at His Highness and said tremblingly, "In this case, I will keep my promise, you can go... I wish All the best of luck to you in the future, and I hope the price you pay now will prove to be meaningful in the end... in the end."

Aigron didn't walk away immediately, but continued to stand still and look down at him.

He picked up the sword the captain had just used from the ground, then cut a piece of cloth from his own skirt, threw it in front of the other party, and signaled him to bandage it himself.

"I won't say sorry to you, because this is the choice of the two of us—but, Captain, I wish you good luck, I hope you can survive, and I hope we will meet again one day."

Then, he raised his hands, straightened the wig that had been scattered during the duel, and prepared to leave.

"Your Highness...!" Just as he was taking steps, the captain who was on the ground uttered a soft call. "Can you... can you not start a war against Austria?"

Even when you are on the verge of death, can you not forget your motherland? It's really admirable.

Aegron turned his head, and then showed a gentle smile.

"It depends on God's will, but... I hope not."

Then, he turned around and left without the slightest nostalgia.

Everything was thrown behind him, whether it was snow or something else.

When he reached the end of the alley, as he expected, there was a carriage parked here.

He approached the carriage, and soon heard a call full of surprise.

"Your Highness!"

Following this call, the girl Chanel walked up to him, and said to him with great joy, "You... you finally came here, I thought... I thought something happened..."

Then, she was surprised to find that her master was in an abnormal state at the moment—the skirt was covered with sword marks and blood.

At the same time, Aigron also collapsed and fell to the ground.

The battle just now consumed almost all of his energy. In the midst of the cold wind and heavy snow, he just wanted to sit around the stove and take a good rest.

"Yeah!" she screamed in horror. "Are you okay!"

"It's nothing, Chanel...it's not my blood." Eggron replied with the last of his strength, "I'm just a little tired, help me up to rest."

Chanel hurriedly grabbed his shoulders.

Aegron closed his eyes slightly.

He really needs to rest for a while.

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