Eagle’s Glory

One hundred and six, imagination of the future

Aigron's letter was delivered to Teresa the next morning.

Teresa opened it almost impatiently, and carefully read what was written on it.

Almost halfway through, she was stunned by the sudden joy.

My God, it's hard to imagine His Highness would say such a thing...and so fast!

She took a few deep breaths, then looked down again, and finally read the entire letter.

"I am more than happy to be loyal to you, Aegron."

She couldn't help but whispered the final signature, and then only felt her heart beating wildly.

With incomparable joy, she pasted the thin letter paper to her chest, and then answered in a low voice to the void.

"Your Highness, so do I!"

She became short of breath, then quickly rushed to the desk in the study, then picked up a pen and paper and quickly began to write a reply.

"Your Highness, your reply has inspired me a hundred times, really! I will never forget this moment! Fortunately, you are not in front of me at this moment, otherwise I am really afraid that you will laugh at me.

But jokes are jokes, I still wish you were by my side right now, let me hug you, and thank you for the sacrifices you made for me.

My God... I should have gone crazy, why would I say such a thing? But I don't want to delete it, I just ask you to keep it alone in the future, don't tell anyone else, just treat it as a secret between us...

Now that you have made a sensible and correct choice, the obstacles in front of us have been completely removed, you need a little time, it doesn't matter, you will have it, I am very happy to wait for half a year, all waiting will only let us happiness becomes more complete.

His Majesty the Emperor is very happy to see this happen, so we will get all the courtesy we deserve, and the whole of Europe will applaud for this great event-even if they are not really happy, it doesn't matter, you can go back to being The whole world has attracted attention, and this will surely be the beginning of your bright future.

I know you don’t settle for the ordinary and want to do something extraordinary, and that’s great! My parents would also like to see an ambitious child as their son-in-law, rather than a waste who indulges in pleasure.

Of course, this is not an easy road to walk. Historical grievances have caused you to bear some malice that you shouldn't bear, but it doesn't matter, I will accompany you, no matter how many difficulties and obstacles await you in the future, we will definitely Will overcome all difficulties until the goal is achieved.

Don't thank me for this, I didn't make this decision out of pity, it was also part of the fun for me! For me, the happiest thing in life is to witness myths with my own eyes, and the happiest thing than that is to participate in the creation of myths with my own hands. Only such a life is valuable.

Your Highness, thank you for allowing me to share the legend of the Bonaparte family. Although I am still young and ignorant, I will work hard to restrain myself and make my words and deeds worthy of the glory of your family. Please believe me!

The future is worth our efforts together.

Theresa, I will take care of you from now on. "

With excitement and excitement, Teresa wrote this reply in one stroke.

From a normal perspective, her attitude was so low that it was almost flattering. It was clear that the shabby surname of the Bonaparte family could not be compared with the Habsburg family to which she belonged, but she deliberately promoted it.

Because she knew that even though His Highness was in a foreign country, he still remembered the surname Bonaparte in his heart, so since she was about to marry His Highness, Teresa was naturally prepared to think of this family.

She knew this was certainly not an easy job.

His Royal Highness's grandmother Letizia is still alive, and most of those uncles, uncles and aunts are also alive.

Although she has not met them yet, Teresa, who has read the previous history, has of course heard that none of Napoleon's brothers and sisters were cheap, and even Napoleon was tortured by them when he was still alive. .

Although His Highness is now isolated from the world, there is no doubt that as he grows up, he will become the leader of the family.

It would be fine if everyone in this "family" still wore a crown as in the past, but now they are obviously of no use and can only become negative assets.

But no matter what, since she has shouldered this responsibility, she must bear this obligation. Since the Bonaparte family will take root in Austria in the future, she must also find a way to take care of these future relatives.

I wonder what the younger generation of this family is like? If you are talented, you can find a way to summon them to Austria in the future and find a career for them. After all, His Highness will also need help in the future...

Teresa's mind was already thinking about the future without even realizing it.

She has never been an optimist, and she does not believe in the survival philosophy of "muddling along and adapting to circumstances". Instead, she likes to anticipate everything so that she can be prepared when things happen.

Since we have already said that we want to live a happy life in the future, the sooner we make plans, the better.

"What are you thinking about? My daughter?" At this moment, a greeting from the side interrupted Teresa's thoughts.

Teresa woke up as if from a dream, then turned her head and looked in the direction of the sound, and found that it was her father.

She panicked for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to collect His Highness's letter to her and the reply she had just written in her hand.

"I don't have the bad habit of reading my daughter's letters." Archduke Karl made a gesture to stop his daughter's unnecessary actions. "Teresa, I just want to say a few words to you."

"Please speak, father, I listen to your teachings." Teresa smiled sheepishly, and then straightened her sitting posture again.

"As far as I'm concerned, I hope you stay with me for a few more years, but... you were confused by that bastard boy." When he said this, Archduke Karl couldn't help but frown. He raised his head and glared fiercely at the person who was not present, "Well, this is God punishing me. I have nothing to say but accept this verdict - but, my daughter, this definitely does not mean that we Next, I will ignore you. On the contrary, you and that boy are too young. Although you are smart, there are still many things you do not understand."

"What do you mean?" Teresa asked.

"The first is the financial problem. You have never experienced poverty, so you lack the necessary concept of money. However, if you want to have a happy life, money is always an indispensable prop - and unfortunately, that kid I have no money on hand, so I have to rely on me to spend money." Archduke Karl said his inner thoughts with a straight face, "I will pay you a large dowry, which will be enough for you to live for a long time, but you cannot sit on your hands forever. Especially considering that he is not willing to be lonely and wants to engage in politics, which is even more of a money-making business... So, Teresa, you'd better learn to count all your expenses now."

"I've thought of this a long time ago! So I'm already learning, Dad." Teresa couldn't help laughing. "I will study how to run a family business. Although it is destined not to be as interesting as literature, but I will be patient, and please teach me well when the time comes."

"Do you think of yourself as a contributing party?" Archduke Karl was a little dissatisfied, "He has to learn too!"

"Your Highness should focus on greater causes and not be trapped by annoying numbers." Teresa replied with a smile, "Besides, if I hold His Highness's purse, then His Highness will rely on me. , you have to discuss everything with me in the end, right?”

"Hey!" Archduke Karl understood. "You are thoughtful. Well, I will set the conditions. The ownership of the dowry is in your hands. You can pay him as much as you are willing to pay."

After a pause, he changed the subject again, "Next, let's talk about political issues. You know, because of his father's problems, many people dislike him very much, both inside and outside the empire. Even if I want to support him , it is impossible to completely eliminate internal and external hostility in a short period of time. If you are by his side, you must pay attention to holding him at all times and let him learn to be cautious in his words and deeds! Because this is his only way out, and he has to spend Put more energy into changing other people’s perceptions than others.”

"I will, and I will also restrain my words and deeds, and I will not let myself cause trouble for Your Highness." Teresa immediately replied, "Father... I have actually carefully considered what is best for Your Highness. Your Highness is now the biggest The advantage is that he is still young, only in his teens! He can kill Metternich, the Tsar and the King, Wellington... everyone who is still hostile to him! Time stands on his side That side, so we don’t have to worry at all. We can manage property while doing good deeds, and accumulate popularity in this way. Today is very different from the past. The most valuable currency in the political market is popularity. As long as we accumulate enough Popularity, no one can ignore His Highness. For example, His Highness can use your power to obtain a charter from the empire to engage in trans-Atlantic trade. I heard that the cotton there is very valuable, as well as tobacco."

When she said this, Teresa suddenly became a little shy, but she still forced her courage, "At the same time, if...if we are lucky enough to get a few children bestowed by God, then I will teach them to be the cutest and the best. children, and then we will do our best to marry them to various royal families in Europe and complete Napoleon's unfinished work. As long as everything goes well, then... who else will oppose His Highness taking power?"

Hearing Teresa speak out what was in his heart, Archduke Karl was stunned.

He didn't expect that his daughter had already thought so much. God knows what she was thinking about while hiding in the study?

Should I be happy for my daughter's intelligence? Or should she feel pain and sorrow that she gave her heart to others so soon? He couldn't explain clearly for a moment.

The battle-tested commander, at this moment, couldn't help but once again hated the young man who wasn't there.

"That's right, he can boil everyone to death, and of course he can boil me to death." Grand Duke Karl said sullenly, "I don't know how many years I have left to live, how long I can take care of you, I just hope everything goes well for you Bar……"

"Dad, don't say such things! You know I didn't mean that at all." Teresa protested to her father, "I have grown up, and Albert will grow up soon, and you will have children and grandchildren around your knees." It’s been a lot of fun!”

"That can't be called fun." Grand Duke Karl shook his head, and then his expression became serious again, "Teresa, I have one more thing to say before, please remember it well."

"Yeah!" Teresa nodded.

"Teresa, I like you very much. I have been obedient to your wishes since I was a child. Since you really want to become Madame Bonaparte, then I respect your wishes and do my best to make your wishes come true. Archduke Karl said word by word, "But, after all, I am a prince of the empire, and my direct descendants are also members of the royal family of the empire. Our interests will always be tied to Habsburg. If the Bonaparte family in the future If it conflicts with our basic interests, then even if we love you again, Abbott and I will not show mercy, because this is what we must do."

"Okay... Dad, I understand," Teresa sighed dejectedly, but still accepted the reality, "But I will do my best to prevent this from happening. After all, His Highness relies on us, doesn't he?"

"It looks like this now, but who can be sure about the future?" Archduke Karl sighed again, looking a little uninterested. "It would be best if everything went so smoothly, but I also have to consider the worst. situation. Teresa, I know your character, so if this really happens, I will not ask you to stand on our side, but you - you can't use family affection as a weapon to blackmail us into siding with him. Bian, I was afraid that you wouldn’t understand, so I made it clear to you beforehand, so you remember it.”

Theresa was silent, and after a moment, she nodded slightly.

"Okay, let's stop here. Christmas is coming, so I shouldn't say any more depressing words." Archduke Carl regained his normal expression, and then made a gesture to his daughter, "Trey Sha, you go pack your things, and we will wait for your Highness over there. I hope he is sensible enough and knows how to treat you."

"Your Highness is so smart." Perhaps recalling the letter she just saw, Teresa replied with a slight blush, "You don't have to worry about me in this regard."

"Then, while I am still qualified to order you, I want to order you to kiss your father." Archduke Karl glanced at his daughter and sighed, "Theresa, at least don't think about anyone else now!"

Looking at her father's stubborn expression, Teresa couldn't laugh or cry.

"Dad...why do you always have to compete for no reason? I love you just as much." She complained softly.

However, she still obeyed the little old man's willfulness and kissed her father's cheek gently. "Okay, are you satisfied now?"

"I'm not satisfied, of course I'm not satisfied! But what else can I ask for?" The old father sighed again, "I hope everything you do is worth it."

Then, he left the study.

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