Perhaps it was because Mo Ye and Sueri were spiritually connected once, and her dream came unexpectedly early this time.

She was floating in the midair of the deserted plain scorched by the scorching sun. Her translucent body weighed nothing. The slender silk floss on the skirt of the jellyfish wafted out. She felt heavy animal blood and human blood from the air. Mixed taste.

What they were looking for, Mo Ye got this information from invisible induction.

These mighty beasts that can occupy the small half-plain unexpectedly didn't fight each other, they were groping towards the direction where Sueri was.

But it is a pity that there is not only a distance between them and Sueri, but also the human kingdom and army.

This army belongs to Gold's banner. They are well-dressed and guarded in this plain area. They are also ordered to search for fish that slip through the net. So the people with the black robes of Sueri will go to another place from time to time. Migrate in one direction.

If the beasts want to come to this area separated by the army, they have to collide head-on with the group of humans. They may win, but they will also forge feuds with humans because of this. They will never die, the strongest king of humans, Gore. De will not allow them to occupy the plains...

This is the beginning of Warcraft Chaos...

Mo Ye retracted her gaze from the direction where the distant beasts were. She no longer paid attention to their movements and floated into the canopy where Sueri was.

During this period of time, Zueri has recovered most of his physical injuries because of his excellent recovery ability. At this time, he had a cold face, staring at him with a fierce beastly gaze, still sitting next to him tenaciously, and perseveringly wanted to teach him the blond boy Yarlin.

Mo Ye found this scene a bit funny when he looked at it. Sueri was obviously an impatient Yallin who seemed to be chattering, but he should also know that the person in front of him was his savior. He didn't directly attack the opponent, even if It's a beast and it won't avenge the existence of saving itself.

He just wanted to scare the opponent away with murderous eyes, but unfortunately, this approach was useless.

"...Fuck." Sueri squeezed a hoarse word from his throat.

Actually learned it?

Mo Ye raised her eyebrows slightly, she floated in front of Sueri, looking at Sueri, who was wrapped in a black robe that was almost the same as Yarlin, and looked almost like a human being. Perhaps it was at this time, under the guidance of the mysterious Yallin, that he learned to act like a human, and learned the human language.

She used opals to connect the future Sueri. Although his words were a bit unnatural at that time, they did not make people think that there was anything wrong with his words.

"You can actually speak? Let's work harder and try to learn all the daily conversations. You can be Sueri!" Yallin opened his eyes in surprise, his enthusiasm soaring, after all, his teaching object Sueri really learned languages ​​from him!

Although it's just a word, it's also progress!

Sueri should already be able to understand what Yallin said. Anyway, his facial expressions became tighter, even developing in a ferocious direction. His throat was already purring vigilantly, and his sharp tiger teeth were slightly overflowing. Lips as a threat.

Mo Ye watched Sueri's study career with great interest. From his resolute disobedience to the end of his cold appearance, he could only maintain the default of his cold appearance, and then he could silently confide a few human words to express his own. Intentions, among them, Yarlin, a persevering young man with a big nerve, is simply indispensable.

Seeing Arlin coming out of the canopy, she was dragged by other people in black robes to a place where Sueri could not see her. They asked Arlin, "His Royal Highness, what is the attitude of that barbarian now?"

The barbarian in their words was Sueri.

Sueri, who can't speak or dress, and behaves like a beast, is not an uncivilized barbarian in their eyes.

"Don't worry, Sueri has learned the language now, and his relationship with me has gradually drawn closer... He will help us, trust me!" Yarlin smiled brightly, his gray-gold eyes naturally There is no haze, as if there is no problem with my own words.

He really believed that everything he said would develop as he thought.

Whether it is Sueri, who has been in his control, or his plan of rejuvenation, or his plan of revenge against Gold.

It seems that Yarlin is not exactly as sunny and naive as his appearance. He has extraordinary wisdom and strategy. In his plan, Sueri, who can fight against Gold, is the most indispensable part. .

So he can endure Sueri's cold eyes and the oppression of his invisible coercion. In the end, as he thought, Zueri had put down his guard against him, and Zueri was able to act according to his wishes.

The brilliant smile on Yarlin's face became clearer. He soothed the survivors of the old country, and then went back to the canopy again, leading Sueri in his way.

Mo Ye followed him back to the canopy. Zueri sat on the sackcloth ground in the canopy. He keenly sensed that someone was about to enter the canopy, so he turned his attention to the canopy very vigilantly. In the direction of the curtain door, he didn't let go of his vigilance until he saw that Yarlin was coming in.

Sueri had been domesticated by Yallin unknowingly.

He put down his vigilance, and gave his trust to the seemingly bright plotters. The beast will not reveal his fragile parts to the owner, but he has already acquiesced to the opponent's action of touching the fur.

It's a pity that this master only wants to lead the beast to the Colosseum and make him an invincible blade. This sharp blade will eventually sway at the master's enemy, even if they lose both sides, the blade will shatter.

Moye watched Sueri gradually dress up the appearance of human beings from beasts. He learned how to wear clothes, how to make simple food, how to respond to Yallin’s questions, and how to bear the vigil of this subjugated team. Task.

Sueri’s expression is always cold. He sits in the open space of the night, in front of the campfire burning in the camp, and the flames of the campfire illuminate his handsome face with a layer of light.

Today is his vigil.

Two thousand years ago, there were dazzling stars in the night sky. Mo Ye sat beside him peacefully. Sueri stared at the beating flames of the campfire in a daze. Mo Ye raised his head and looked at the incomparably gorgeous sea of ​​stars, also in a daze. .

"...I've been a little aware of it since I connected with you last time. Are you stupid, Sueri?" Mo Ye suddenly recovered. She looked at Sueri next to him and gave him a personal shot. Attack, he couldn't hear it anyway.

"Humans are very complicated, and I can predict what the relationship between you and Yarlin will become in the end..."

Mo Ye looked at the beast of Sueri quite pleasing to the eye, his character was simple and easy to understand, as long as he was tamed, he would become very obedient.

It's like a wolf dog that looks fierce, doesn't play coquettishly and refuses to pet, but unconsciously wags its tail to its owner.

"It's so pitiful, Sueri...but you can become a **** in the end. A little predicament here shouldn't stop you?" She paused, remembering the last time I was in contact with the talkative Sueri, and endured again. I couldn't help muttering, "It seems that after two thousand years, you have become a god, and you don't have any intentions. It's still the same as now."

Only Sueri, a beast, can persist in not changing his essence for more than two thousand years.

"...I'm leaving, see you next time, Sueri."

Mo Ye felt the premonition that she was about to leave, she softly bid farewell to Sueri two thousand years ago, and then glanced at the direction where the mighty beasts were already very close to Sueri.

The strong smell of blood permeating from that direction can even be smelled by ordinary humans in the camp.

They crossed the long human front and finally reached their destination.

Mo Ye floated gently into the air, and was wrapped in the familiar darkness.


The protagonist of the second dream is the squirrel devil as Moye expected.

This seemingly cute and small squirrel will become the squirrel devil who crushes the entire forest when it encounters danger again.

Mo Ye didn't want to provoke it again this time. This underground forest, which was originally like a world of wonderland, had collapsed nearly half of the area after the last few rounds of the squirrel's madness. Numerous tree shades were broken by the roots, but new green shoots gradually grew on the broken stumps, and the vitality of nature appeared on them.

She floated in the air, letting the countless slender silk flocks hanging down from the jellyfish skirt on her body gather all kinds of information around her. These translucent silk flocks slowly inserted into the invisible void. Ye perceives the location of this area.

One side of this basin is actually connected with the Mobu Plain. It is on the other side of the deserted area of ​​the Mobu Plain, almost facing away from Marcia across the deserted area.

The distance from here to Marcia is much closer than the distance from Rhine to Marcia.

Mo Ye's view that the second dream is limited by distance has not been overturned, but there is no other evidence to verify the truth of the view. However, she now mastered the specific position of the bearer of the other heart of beasts besides the wild boar king.

This is excellent news. She floated up to a very high altitude and looked down at the forest basin below. The edge of the basin hidden by countless ancient trees was a strange layer of white rock.

The color of these rock formations is closer to the pure white color of white jade, but they are only unusual in color, nothing special, just ordinary rocks.

Mo Ye floated in the air for a long time. During this time, she had figured out how to find a way from the Mobu Plain in Marcia to come here, and she was once again wrapped in darkness.

She regained consciousness and lay in bed for a while before reacting. She was now back to Marcia instead of still on the cliff of the underground black market.

Marcia was already getting colder and there were gusts of cool breeze. She opened the window and blew the cool breeze coming from the ocean, watching Marcia's people coming and going to the lively market, thinking about what she would do next what.

She needs to connect to Sueri's Spiritual Sea again and ask him how to eliminate the human heart... But now she has just gone through the exhaustion of the Spiritual Sea, and she still has lingering fears, this one needs to be relieved temporarily.

There is Xiali as a guard over the cliff, and there is a very capable Ullil. She doesn't need to worry about it, she just needs to wait for the villa to be completed.

The **** of humanity and his Holy See, she can only come to cover the water and earth now, she can't go to the home court of the Holy See by herself, and she can't deal with Gold, the **** of humanity.

Anyway, it is impossible for all the people from the Holy See to come to Marcia to make trouble for her, as long as there are not many people coming, she should be able to handle it.

By the way... isn't the bubble going to sail again? She and Harles are going to catch up with the gathering of the Pirate Mutual Aid Association. It should be the matter of the past few days. They are about to set off.

Mo Ye immediately decided to go to the black port of the Pirate Mutual Aid Association to see the bubbles off!


This is the tenth day that Mo Ye gave away the bubble.

The pirate mutual aid gathering, hidden on the mysterious island of the ocean, should have already opened; Moye’s villa built on the cliff is also about to be completed, and Marcia’s cold winter is about to arrive.

There is an ocean border that is nearly a week away from the mainland, and that deep sea crevice that all foreign races cannot cross, the crimson wave is constantly surging into the border from the waters outside the border.

The border can stop living aliens, but it cannot stop the flow of ocean water.

Countless sea monsters are surging under the red tide, they are clustered with a huge group of black tentacles, like a king who embraces himself!

This group of sea monsters composed of black smooth tentacles was also intercepted outside the border.

It stretches out and is wrapped in the center of countless groups of tentacles. Compared to other tentacles belonging to its own, it is several times larger and horrified. The lower limbs left behind by the split of the Seagod, this one belongs to the Seagod's tentacles and is controlled by it. A little probing towards the wide rift in the border.

It was not dragged into the deep sea crack, and the place where the tentacle touched came a slight sound, like a broken glass——

The frontier was temporarily opened up by the power of Poseidon.

The sea monsters under the red tide were excitedly surging in the crimson water. They quickly got into this rift that was gradually repairing themselves, clustered with huge and terrifying tentacle monsters, and entered the interior of the border!

They swam to the mainland with great speed!

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