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Mortals become gods through training, but the question arises, if Xiangpa is a mortal who has been trained to become a god, why does he still look down on people so much?

Forgot your roots? Or is there another reason…….

Vegett was just curious and didn’t think too much, after all, it didn’t matter to him.

“The question of who is stronger than the innate god or the acquired god, put it aside for the time being, the next question, can mortals become mortals again after becoming gods?” Veget asked.

The power of God, Vegett only wants to use it, does not want to become a god, if he turns to the path of God now, it will also go against the original purpose.

Veget is here to challenge God as a man, not to lead people to challenge God as a god.

If Veget becomes a god, no matter how challenging it is, it will change its taste…

Hearing this question, Bardos laughed, raised his scepter and pointed at the elephant Pa, who was lying unconscious on the ground.

“If the gods can be transformed back into humans, the life span of Lord Xiangpa will be consumed long ago, and the gods of the day after tomorrow are the sublimation of a level of life, Mr. Veget, have you ever seen a creature that can regress and evolve?”

Do you have? In fact, there really is, Veget really wants to give an example of Sharu to refute Bardos, but after thinking about it, forget it, after all, people are now mentors, and it is better not to do things easily…

“Levels and life, kind of interesting.” Veget laughed, which made him suddenly realize something.

The appearance of the super red state is more like the norm, and the super blue is similar to the Super Saiyan, does this mean that it can be used as the norm in the future?

Very interesting development path, in fact, it is simply ridiculous, super red is the real Super Saiyan god, and super blue is just a super saiyan with the breath of gods.

A real god state, a pseudo-demeanor, but the divine state is not comparable to the pseudo-demeanor, is it ridiculous to say?

However, there is still a point of wonder, why did Goku, who has completely mastered the super red transformation, not become a god?

This is a big problem, maybe Veget will have this kind of problem in the future…

“In the future, you will also master the power of the acquired gods, and I am looking forward to how the universe will react the moment you become a god or have the power of a god.” Bardos said with a smile, his pretty face full of mystery.

“I don’t want to be a god, if I just use my power, then I can.” Veget replied with a smile.

It’s good to be human, God or something, let those who like to be bound do it, Veget prefers his freedom to God’s responsibilities…

Theocracy reigns, Veget doesn’t like such a world, and if you live in a world bound by other creatures all day, no one can be truly happy.

Bardos heard this kind of words gracefully. He said, “It’s best if you have this kind of thought, so that I don’t have to worry about affecting the balance between the gods after you become a god, I don’t care about you, I just know to do my duty now…”

The God of Destruction, the God of Realms, and the Guardian God of Angels are the basic gods in the universe, each god has its own relative duties, if there is another unknown ultimate Saiyan God, then the balance between the two is completely broken, and what will happen at that time is difficult to judge.

In fact, this kind of worry is completely unnecessary, because in addition to the power of the god realm, Veget’s desire to become a god is completely zero, so there is no need to worry at all…

“In fact, there is a strange creature in the universe, their power is powerful, their level is also high, like a god-like existence, but they are not gods, do you know why?”

Bardos chuckled and asked Veget, the smile on her beautiful face was too mysterious to understand what was going on in her heart.

Why? Veget probably guessed that he did not master the method of becoming a god, and there were few that he really groped out by himself, no matter how good his understanding was, the method and direction were wrong, and he could only think about becoming a god, and it was difficult to do.

For example, the Super Saiyan God who was accidentally bumped out of the year…

Unfortunately, there is a certain gap in the talent of those who became gods back then, otherwise what Planet Vegeta in the seventh universe would look like today, it may be similar to that of the sixth universe.

All good-hearted Saiyans.

Simple, kind, but also belligerent, a little like silly emptiness, easy to be deceived …

“Don’t say why, I still have some points in my heart, but I want to hear your answer.” Veget replied.

“Before becoming a god, a set of cultivation that enters the god system, the cultivation of the world king god is mainly the mind, and the destruction god, the combat effectiveness and level should rise simultaneously.”

Beji nodded, did not feel anything, and said, “I reiterate once again, I am not interested in becoming a god, and it is okay to know more about the power of gods, but for the way of becoming a god, this is completely unnecessary.” ”

“Isn’t it bad to know more? After all, no one will dislike their own strength too much…”

“No need, I understand very clearly how many pounds and taels I have now, and I don’t need to understand those useless things.” Veget said categorically, looking unusually resolute.

has been following this woman’s thinking, who knows if she will take the pit in the next second?

Therefore, the question is still asked by Veget herself, she only does her job well, and answers well…

Bardos saw that Veget insisted on not wanting to, and could only give up the thoughts in her heart, because she could not be satisfied, and the woman could only sigh in disappointment.

Women’s curiosity is often the most terrifying existence, affecting the balance is only verbal, in fact, Bardos himself said before, she really wants to see what Veget looks like after becoming a god, how strong will it be?!

However, Veget didn’t want to do what she wanted, so he continued with the questions he had to ask…

Thinking of the question he wanted to continue to ask, Veget’s face suddenly sank, “Among the gods, on the surface, there are gods of destruction and realm kings, and you angels, but I don’t believe that there are no gods higher than you, below the great gods, above you, there must be other gods!” ”

Hearing this question, Bardos was stunned for a moment, and the smile on his pretty face slowly put away.

“This question, after you are strong enough to become stronger than me in the future, I will consider telling you, but I can tell you clearly that there is, and there are many more!”

To be a person always has to leave a line, being a god is the same, the Bardos Gang only helps the point, as for how much to help in the future?

It all depends on how strong Veget will become, and if it is really strong to a certain extent, then it is not too late to tell him again…

Becky nodded, knowing that there was it, and there was no problem with the others not knowing now.

The gods in Dragon Ball Super are not as simple as the simple two gods of the God of Destruction and the God of the King of the Realm, and the dragon god Sarama, who has not yet appeared, is a simple example.

PS: Recently I am renting a house and starting a full-time life, and if I don’t update it now, I will starve to death. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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