Douluo’s Infinite Devouring

Chapter 795 Killing Prison Dragon Break!

Countless purple lights surged from the body of Thunder God Thunder, forming a purple sea of ​​electricity, and there were even signs of condensed liquid.

"So proficient in controlling electricity, he has already reached the peak state of comprehension of electricity!"

"Extreme electricity, what he has mastered is the ultimate electricity!"

The Lightning Beast suddenly came from behind and said.

"Different from the ultimate thunder, what the ultimate thunder possesses is destruction and destruction, while what the ultimate lightning possesses is creation and disintegration!"

"Then what should we do?"

"And let me meet it!!!"


The Lightning Beast let out a loud cry, and the detonator on its body had condensed a blue light, aiming at the thunderbolt in the air.

"Mine destroying cannon!!!"


A strong blue light blasted towards Lei Zhenzi in the sky, and Lei Zhenzi's expression froze when he saw it.

"Extreme Thunder!!"

"Electromagnetic Fire Rain!!!"

"Crack, crack, crack!!!"

The lightning turned from purple to red, like a dense rain, covering an extremely wide area and covering the entire tenth heaven.

"By the way, what is the opportunity in the tenth heaven? Why didn't I see anything?"

Mingtian shouted and asked the holy tooth mang lion.

"The sea of ​​thunder and lightning, the tenth layer of heaven is originally a sea of ​​lightning and lightning, and there is a natural opportunity for thunder and lightning soul beasts!"

"Boom boom boom!!"

The blue thunders gathered together, forming a vortex, like a blue pond, spinning clockwise.

The opposite is the purple electric light, rotating the electric light vortex counterclockwise, like a sea of ​​electric light!

Lei Zhenzi has a natural advantage here!

"Soul beast, die to me!!"

Lei Zhenzi, who stretched his wings and flew in the sky, his divine power has already approached the combat power of a first-level god. With the blessing of the tenth-level thunder pool and electric sea, this is his home field!

"Purple Electric!!"


A purple lightning bolt was used as a long whip at Lei Zhenzi's fingertips, and he swung it left and right,...

Chapter 795 Killing Prison Dragon Break (Page 1/4). persecution against them. "Damn! This guy!!" "I don't need your help, I don't believe that I can't take down this second-level god!!" Itachi, the god of wind, said angrily, gathering Fengyu again to kill Lei Zhenzi again. "Humph! Overreaching one's abilities!!" "Crack!!!" Lei Zhenzi slammed down the chisel again, and the lightning flashed wildly! ! "Ah——" "It's you next!!" "Boom!!!" The demon of Kongsaki who wanted to sneak attack on the other side was also attacked. "I told you not to be brave!" "Dragon Poker of the Underworld Prison!!" Is it time to praise your opponent?" "Half-demon?" "Is that you? The guy who was wanted by the gods and put on the must-kill list." Lei Zhenzi had also heard about Mingtian's name. "Now that you know my reputation, you should know the price to pay for hurting my companion!" "Look, I'll kill you first, and go to the God Realm to do business! Promotion to the first level of God is just around the corner!!" Lei Zhenzi also crazily looked at Go to hell! ! "Boom!!!" The two sides fought together in an instant, and the thunder and lightning in the surrounding thunder pool rushed towards the battle group on their side. "Change!" The Leigong chisel from Lei Zhenzi's hand instantly became much larger. The Leigong chisel in his hand was originally very small.

It wasn't enough to be used as a weapon, but after it became much larger, it was as big as the clouds in the sky. Lei Zhenzi took the tip of the chisel and used it as a weapon, hitting the sky.



Ming Tian was caught off guard, and the Tian Congyun in his hand was instantly knocked away by Lei Gong, forming a perfect parabola and falling into the sea of ​​thunder and electricity.

"Haha!! Die to me!!!"

"Sin electricity!!!"


Seeing this, the Lightning Beast instantly formed a long beam of thunder and slashed towards Lei Gong in Lei Zhenzi's hand,...

Chapter 795 Killing Prison Dragon Break (Page 2/4). Block this blow for Ming Tian.



"No!! Lightning Beast!!"

Originally, even if Ming Tian lost Tian Congyun, he still had a way to fight back against Lei Zhenzi's Lei Gong Chisel, but he didn't expect the Lightning Beast to be so rushing, and blocked the blow for Ming Tian at a critical moment.

"Ruyi Golden Cudgel!!"


Mingtian held the Ruyi golden cudgel in front of him with his right hand, supporting Lei Gongchi.

Suddenly he sensed something, smiled cunningly, and flew out a few nails with his left hand, they were the heart nails!

"Yang Jian's Heart Nail?! Why did it appear in your hands?!"

Lei Zhenzi, who was still sensitive, dodged in an instant, but Mingtian's blow was just a feint. Just after Lei Zhenzi dodged the nail, Tian Congyun came out from the sea of ​​thunder behind Lei Zhenzi, and unexpectedly The sea of ​​thunder and electricity absorbed all of them, forming a new vortex and slashing behind Lei Zhenzi! !

"Killing Prison Dragon Breaks!!!"


"hold head high---"

The blue-purple lightning dragon split out in an instant, heading towards Lei Zhenzi's back, and the terrifying thunder and lightning instantly engulfed Lei Zhenzi! !


The Lei Gong chisel fell to the ground and penetrated into the ground, revealing many cracks, and the originally arrogant Lei Zhenzi was completely wiped out! !

There was silence! !

"Dead, dead? That Lei Zhenzi is dead?"

"I have no breath, I can't feel it."

Mingxue also shook her head and said.

Kill another god! !

In just a short time, the second-level gods of the God Realm have lost three! Plus a priest!

"Ahem, he's really dead, this kid, I really underestimated him..."

Itachi Kamikaze looked at Ming Tian and said to himself.

Not only killed a god, but also added a super artifact, Lei Gongchi.

"Hey, Lightning Beast! Are you okay!!"

Ming Tian quickly came to the Lightning Beast to check its injuries.

"Uh, Mingtian, I'm afraid I'm about to die..."

"Absorb me and continue on the road, ascend to the throne of Chasing Heaven and become the tenth...

Chapter 795 Killing Prison Dragon Break (Page 3/4),. The next chasing king, defeat the gods! Crush the conspiracy of the God Realm! "Om—" The blue soul mark was formed, and the electric light beast rushed towards Ming Tian's body. "Oh, blessed by nature, blessed by nature, I finally know why the ghost boy king is willing to sacrifice for this guy, it's really... "Itachi, the god of wind, sighed." So, itachi, if you want to come, it's definitely not a loss. Sacred Tooth King came over and asked with a smile, "Go!" Then why don't you? "Didn't I wait for Mingtian to ascend the throne of Zhutian and then accomplish something for him?" " "Come with us, it seems that you are not injured lightly." "Here, come on my back." "The Holy Toothed Mang Lion crawled down, and it was kind to Kamikaze Itachi, and Kamaitachi didn't see it, and lay down on the back of the Sacred Tooth Mang Lion. The injury of Kongsaki's demon was more serious than Kamikaze Itachi's." Seeing that Mingtian rescued them, so powerful, he directly chose to fuse and sacrifice to Mingtian and become his martial soul. Mingtian took back Tian Congyun, and there was a line of dark purple lines on the back of Tian Congyun's knife, I'm afraid it was caused by falling into the sea of ​​thunder and electricity." There are new moves, Tian Congyun is indeed one of the three magic weapons, let's go, I don't know what happened to the guys in the first few layers of the sky. "

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