Douluo: The Legendary Hegemony of Douluo

Chapter 679: Land of the Extreme North!

The next day, the emperor and his lovers reached a kind of unity, and they invited the world to participate in a drinking party.

It's dark now and the sun hasn't risen yet.

The city of Red Night is full of luxury, and there are only three people in the private room on the upper floor of the bartender.

The emperor and his lover wanted to use Huo Yuhao's words, such as his cultivation, realm, and how old he lived.

There seems to be an indescribable characteristic in him, no matter what he can't feel the soul power in his body.

The two of them didn't know his level, and they had never seen him release his martial soul.

And Huo Yuhao's answer to these questions was always, "I don't know."

have no idea?

This is obviously to fool the two of them, but the two of them didn't expect to be able to tell the world.

In the early morning, when the wine was over and the sun had just risen, Huo Yuhao looked at the fish-belly white in the sky, "The sky is Hao, the Taihao Empire..."

The faces of the two were serious. The Taihao Empire was a great cause established by the Heavenly Emperor in ancient times when he unified the Douluo Continent.

Can be quite touched by this, Huo Yuhao's identity can't help but remind them of the founding ministers of the Taihao period.

It is said that at that time, the Holy Spirit Cult or the Kingdom of Taihao once had one master, two guardians, two holy sons, three cuts, four phases, twelve saints, three six heavenly gangs and seven two evil spirits.

Although all these people died in the end, they were all fabricated into a book by someone with a heart.

Everyone's legends are recorded on it. Although they are all made up, a large number of readers still enjoy talking about them.

The emperor looked at Huo Yuhao, "It's early in the morning, I have a few new beauties here, how about..."

Huo Yuhao turned his head and left, "No need, I'm in a hurry."

As he said that, Huo Yuhao stepped forward in one step, and countless gold soul coins flew out and gathered into a netherworld.

Huo Yuhao directly entered it and disappeared in place. With the emperor's more than 400,000 golden soul coins, his demand for money has reached saturation.

Now the screen changed, and Huo Yuhao stepped through the portal and came directly to the extreme north.


In the extreme north, there is snow all year round, and thick snow mountains have piled up, and every step you take, you will sink a lot.

Huo Yuhao turned back to the size of a child, he exaggerated in one step, and walked with difficulty on the land of the extreme north.

At this time, Tianmeng Bingcan's voice suddenly came from Huo Yuhao's mind, "Which..., what should I call you..."

Huo Yuhao's expression was calm, "It's called Yuhao."

Tianmeng Bingcan nodded blankly, "Oh..."

"Which, here are a few of my old times, if I persuade them, I can make them your wisdom soul ring..."

Huo Yuhao nodded, "I know, I will not let go of any of the three hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts in the extreme north."

. . .

Tianmeng Bingcan didn't know what to say, this person was still scary, "Then..., where are we going now?"

Huo Yuhao looked towards the huge fortress in the distance, "Go and find the chariot."

Who is the chariot?

Tianmeng Iceworm didn't dare to ask whether this guy was Huo Yuhao, and his attitude towards Tianmeng Iceworm was extremely cold.

Tianmeng Iceworm could only succumb to his lust.

Tianmeng Iceworm regretted it. When he entered Huo Yuhao's body, he felt that something was wrong!

Just like what he said to Tianmeng Iceworm at the beginning, "Welcome to hell."

Tianmeng Bingcan wants to cry but has no tears, 'I want to leave, but I can't, I want to cry, but I can't shed tears. '

And when Tianmeng Bingcan complained alone, Huo Yuhao had already arrived at the center of the extreme north.

Endless wind and snow blew on his tender face, and a giant wolf with white fur directly attacked him!

Huo Yuhao opened his spiritual eyes, and his mental power gathered into a spike that directly penetrated the white wolf's brain.

Looking at the city of steel in front of him, the towering city walls are all made of seamless metal.

Its snow-white color seems to blend in with this extreme north.

Huo Yuhao gently stroked the metal textured wall, a red ray swept across, and suddenly an indifferent machine sound came.

"Warning, you have stepped into the restricted area. If you try to enter, you will be shot regardless of whether it is human or animal."

"Warning, you have stepped into the restricted area. If you try to enter, you will be shot regardless of whether it is human or animal."

"Warning, you have stepped into the restricted area, if you try..."


The voice kept yelling, Huo Yuhao ignored it and continued to perceive the structure of the wall on his own.

His spiritual eyes and martial soul were activated, and his spiritual detection directly enveloped the entire city of steel.

However, rather than saying it is the city of steel, it is better to say that this is a huge machinery factory!

There are advanced soul guide equipment everywhere, and countless equipment have completed a high degree of automation.

And among them are hundreds of machine beings assembled from soul guides.

Huo Yuhao memorized all the soul guide structures in the whole factory at a glance, and he tried to carve a mark on the wall.

Soon, the annoying sound disappeared, the inseparable walls began to slowly pull up, and the factory gate opened.

Huo Yuhao entered it, and various advanced soul guide technologies even surpassed the current Sun Moon Empire.

As we all know, Tang Sect is famous in the Douluo Continent for its hidden weapons. In the era when soul tools were not developed, all major sect organizations were scrambling to customize hidden weapons for Tang Sect.

However, with the advanced soul tool technology brought by the Sun Moon Continent, the status of hidden weapons began to decline rapidly.

The composition of the hidden weapon is really precise, but the power of the soul guide is extremely great, far surpassing some hidden weapons of the Tang Sect, and it is easy to make.

Soon, a technological storm swept across the Douluo Continent. After all, the Tang Sect could not resist the surging tide, so that it was directly washed away.

Over time, the two sides gradually came to a stalemate, and Douluo Dalu desperately learned the soul tool technology from the Sun Moon Empire.

However, the Sun Moon Empire has fallen behind in cultivation because it believed the words of the first leader and advocated the technology of soul tools.

This also caused the people of the Sun Moon Empire to rely too much on soul tools, and their own strength was far inferior to the soul masters of the Douluo Continent.

So a strange phenomenon appeared, the people of Douluo Continent were learning the technology of soul tools, while the people of Sun Moon Continent were learning the cultivation method of Douluo Continent.

Such an interesting phenomenon is indeed a legend in mainland China.

And the factory in front of Huo Yuhao has even manufactured artificial humans. This kind of advanced soul tool technology is dozens of blocks away from the Sun Moon Empire!

When Huo Yuhao walked into the factory, no one paid any attention to him. All the artificial humans were doing their own work.

Huo Yuhao scanned around. The place was terribly big, and there was a huge pothole below the ground.

The factory is arranged down to twenty layers, and the bottom layer has only one project, which is to continuously extract a blood-colored liquid from a certain stone.

This is exactly the same liquid that the emperor injected into the soul beast in the arena.

But when Tianmeng Iceworm returned here, it reminded him of many things, "This...isn't it the place where he died, and it's also where I found the ice marrow..."


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