Douluo: The Legendary Hegemony of Douluo

Chapter 101 What I Want to Say

I am a very strange person, and the books I read are also very strange. I admit that whether it is fan fiction or new books that are constantly appearing, they are very interesting.

But I still like some books with big brain holes, which make people think about it after reading it.

I even thought of some unrelated books and connected them together.

This is a kind of detachment, but reading this book can take you out of the original framework of this book.

It's an amazing feeling.

Some people say I am water.

I do water, but what is the purpose of my water? I haven't put it on the shelves yet, and I don't get paid for it.

You didn't spend money to subscribe to my book, and the part about my water is also a joke with you.

Everyone said that I am water, that I am the god of the sea, and we looked at each other and smiled for fun.

But some people use this as an excuse, saying that I deliberately lied to you and treated you as fools.

If I really want water, I will never say it, you can't even find me in the water.

But I don’t want to be like this, I would like to write this kind of thing clearly, I don’t really want to count the number of words, after all, my book is currently free, and there is no benefit for me.

You can skip it, and you didn't pay to watch it.

I just don't want the dry text to fill the whole text, let me have some water to cheer up the atmosphere.

Everyone calls me water, and I can enjoy it too.

But the above is not the point, the following is the point.

I have so many ideas ahead of my time that I don't even know how to write them myself.

One story, one outline, if I had to write ten, it would definitely be ten stories.

I always have a lot of ideas that are ahead of my time, and even I feel too ahead of myself, and no one has ever written like this.

I'm even afraid, afraid that no one will accept what I write.

Therefore, I wrote this book with a particularly sandy style of writing.

This is also from my friend. He told me that if there is a little sand sculpture, the readers may be more tolerant.

But, in fact, I am a person who especially likes to write plots, and I have too many novel and unique plots to write.

These are plots that no one else has written.

In my mind, it seems that there are always inspirations emerging, but I dare not write, I am afraid that you will not be able to accept it.

I'm afraid you will say that I let myself go.

Many plots are unacceptable to people nowadays, such as wearing more clothes.

In addition to the male lead, there are also traversers, which some people can't accept.

They feel that the hero has no advantage, so they are upset.

For example, when I wrote the three time-travelers, many people could not accept it.

I wanted them to stir up the plot and create a new story, but the reaction from readers was strong at the time.

So I had to change the originally designed plot, and even pushed all the plots behind them.

Being accepted as a younger brother by the male lead is no threat to the male lead, and I have developed my sand sculpture writing style to a peak.

Make the three of them look like no threat.

However, some people still can't accept it, the three traversers.

This is my first attempt.

Perhaps in future web articles, such a routine is not new, and someone will succeed in making this routine popular.

But now, I rarely see it written like this, of course the infinite stream does not count.

In your eyes, perhaps this is highly poisonous.

Your first thought is that there are traversers, who can threaten the hero!

And there are so many, how does the hero play?

It's just too poisonous!

Well, if everything is fixed, and the characters in the original work follow the original trajectory, who should the male protagonist hit or hit?

In the end, through foresight and golden fingers, he successfully slapped the characters in the original work.

Finally invincible.

Then the story will be the same, even if you change it, it will still be the same.

For the first time, the male protagonist is a member of the Qibao Liulizong. He found a way to make the Qibao Liuli Pagoda attack, just like King Tota Li Tian.

In the end, he kept getting stronger and beat Tang San, or became brothers with Tang San.

The overall story will not change a bit, if it is another person, it will still be the same.

For example, if the male protagonist is replaced by someone from the Haotian School, he will be replaced by someone from a brand new family.

Even if they become women, they will still have entanglements with Tang San and interpret the story.

Get out of Douluo's original main line, and then show the protagonist's brilliance, weakening Tang San's IQ.

Even make him stupid to give the protagonist a sense of superiority.

This would be a bit more refreshing, but is Tang San still the original Tang San?

I am writing that Tang San did not intentionally uglify, nor did he intentionally beautify.

It is the original him, even I have been reading the original text of San Shao.

Observing and analyzing what kind of person Tang San is, a particularly objective analysis.

You want to see the protagonist crush Tang San to find a sense of superiority, but what I want to write is not a group of people circled around Tang San.

Tang San is not the only Douluo.

But everyone likes to see it this way, so I can only write it this way, because the reader is God.

So I designed a lot of plots between the hero and Tang Sandou.

I know you will have a lot of rebuttals to my words.

Because this is the main line of Douluo Dalu, if you know what's going to happen, then what's the point of the novel?

Only continuous innovation and exploration of those new unknown plots I think is the most interesting.

If Chen Xiuer followed Tang San all the time, she would be completely merged into the main line.

Is this interesting?

Multiple traversers will inevitably trigger a particularly terrifying butterfly effect, thus disrupting the subsequent plot.

It's not even what you hoped for. You have all thought about the plot, and it's up to the male lead to act.

But is it interesting?

If I knew the plot of the novel, I would never read it.

The plot I want to write is to make people sigh after watching it. This person has such a big brain, such a feeling.

But the reality is always cruel, no one thinks this way, they all look at the plot with colored eyes.

I also understood.

Only the author can treat each character equally, and readers will naturally follow the protagonist's heart after watching the protagonist for so long.

I have too many novel ideas, but I don't see anyone else daring to write like this, so every attempt scares me.

Until I read a comic, in which there are other people besides the protagonist who have a system, and even many people have a system.

At that time, he was also questioned, but he was a great god, dared to innovate, felt ahead of the times, and dared to be a leader.

And I don't have his boldness. When I write the heroine, I am always afraid.

No one has written about it, at least I haven't seen it.

So, I don't know if you guys can take it, I've been watching your reactions, reading your opinions and comments.

I even promised at the beginning that there would be no time traveler, but when I wrote about the heroine.

I broke my promise.

The heroine must be this setting, and it can only be this setting! If not, then I would rather not write about this heroine.

I suppressed too many ideas, and someone asked me to write an original one, but I was afraid that nothing would sink into the sea, and I couldn't make any waves.

When I write a character, I hope that he has a characteristic that others do not have, so that people will remember him.

Instead of forgetting after reading it, I can't even remember the name.

I chose this name not only because I thought it was funny, but also because I hope everyone can remember him.

Instead of just laughing it off after reading it.

If I really find a heroine in the original book, I always feel that she can't keep up with the protagonist's advanced thinking.

In this way, as you said, it is better not to have a heroine.

Only when she is truly on the same standpoint and angle as the male lead, can she keep up with the male lead's thinking.

A time traveler, the soul of a modern person, people from two different worlds, it is possible to fall in love.

But I think that the thinking of a modern person and the thinking of ancient people cannot be integrated at all.

Only the heroine, who is also a modern person, can face the male protagonist's radio waves.

You say I am water, I think it is nothing, after all I am really water.

Someone persuaded me to kill the heroine, there is no need for such a thing as a heroine.

But in that case, I always feel that something is missing.

When I write the hero, I always think of such a picture.

In the yin and yang Taiji diagram, the male protagonist is lying in the yin black area, but there is a trace of white in the middle.

However, I always feel that there is incompleteness, and there is a kind of incomplete beauty.

You say dark protagonists don't need such a thing as a heroine.

But when I write characters, I really write from the perspective of my heart.

Will the hero not be lonely?

The darker a person is, the more he longs for light.

The more ruthless people are, the more fragile their hearts are, but they hide their fragile selves.

A ruthless person is not ruthless from the very beginning, but the more injured and numb, he will naturally become ruthless.

Chen Xiu has no bottom line, he can do whatever it takes, this is his character, but he also has his pride, his joy, anger, sorrow, and joy.

I can read it, I want to say thank you, this is the first time I have written out what is in my heart, and I have written these words for a long time.

I don't dare to be the first in the world, I don't have the courage, if everyone can't accept my innovation.

Then I will rewrite the clichéd plot, delete and rewrite the heroine, or even not write the heroine.

I put away all my brain holes, coincided with Douluo's frame, and made all things reasonable.

Become what you want, become the same as other Douluo fans, after you finish watching.

just have fun

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