DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 755: Consuming his nameplate ability

()ps: The semi-finals and finals of WGT E-Sports Masters Dota were very exciting. Congratulations to the greedy team!

The hurricane blew for more than two seconds, which was enough time for Zhao Dingguo to switch skills calmly.

When Xu Zhiguo fell, Zhao Dingguo's ball of ice, thunder, fire and earth elements had already been cut. As soon as he landed, an Elemental Judgment was thrown up, ignoring the demon's silence. Afterwards, three super lava elves also appeared and began to attack Xu Zhiguo in conjunction with armor-breaking skills.

Just one second later, Zhao Dingguo's rapid cooling was also activated, which could stun Xu Zhiguo for up to six seconds!

The powerful rapid cooling is far more useful than other skills in single combat.

Coupled with the rapid cooling stun, the lava elf's throwing and armor breaking, Zhao Dingguo began to output wantonly. Although Xu Zhiguo's butterfly dodge rate is as high as 40%, he frequently dodges Zhao Dingguo's attacks. However, with the help of three super lava elves, Zhao Dingguo's output can still achieve certain results. What's more, taking advantage of this period of time, Zhao Dingguo calmly cut out the super-shock sound waves and chaos meteorites!

However, Xu Zhiguo's reaction was really fast. At the moment when the meteorite was about to fall, he seized the moment between throwing and rapid cooling dizziness, switched to the extreme wind wand, and blew himself up!

His abnormal state resistance is indeed very high.

Due to the authoritative judgment of rapid cooling, the effect is not compromised easily, but the effect can be seen by throwing the lava elf, and the stun time is obviously shortened. Although Zhao Dingguo had a feeling before, he still couldn't grasp it perfectly. The released meteorite eventually failed. It seemed a pity, but Zhao Dingguo forcibly contained the super-seismic sound wave that was about to be added.

Successfully blowing himself up made Xu Zhiguo a little proud.

His idea was very good. After the Wind Waker's invincible time passed, the effect of Elemental Judgment would almost disappear after landing. When the time comes, use the surprise attack to jump away directly. If you have an opportunity, the jumping knife will flash to a place where Zhao Dingguo has no vision, and you can trick him into leaving.

However, the raid's displacement is limited.

The moment the wind stick fell and Xu Zhiguo immediately jumped away, Zhao Dingguo used the push stick to chase after him. The super-shock sound wave that my eyes and hands had quickly stopped before was also activated again!

The speed of supershock sound waves. Obviously reacted faster than Xu Zhiguo. He had just landed, and before he had time to make adjustments, he was pushed out by the shock wave. Taking advantage of that one second of loss of control, Zhao Dingguo continued to move. While switching skills again, he predicted the sky fire. The lava elves controlled by him also chased after him and continued to output.

After a short period of more than a second, at the moment when the push effect ended, Zhao Dingguo's aging was given in time. Immediately afterwards, extremely high damage from the sky fire fell from the sky, hitting Xu Zhiguo. This is a sacred type of damage in itself. After being added by the 40% bonus of the master's flame system, excellent attributes and aging, and combined with the electrostatic field, the actual damage is over 900 points!

Just 1 second later. Skyfire adds 100 damage and traction effects. Zhao Dingguo's death finger from the inscription god's armor also hit out at the same time.

The roughly 950-point red lightning, although not sacred damage, also enjoys the damage bonus of aging. Coupled with the reduced magic resistance of enhanced electromagnetic vortex and strife, it ultimately caused 1000+ actual damage. Even at the twilight level, Xu Zhiguo's main body's health is quite high. But if this continues, including the previous hurricanes, basic attacks, and super-shock sound waves, his life halo will still turn red!

If he were to change into a clone, I'm afraid it would be impossible for him to die immediately.

Xu Zhiguo also didn't expect Tianhuo to be at full level and full of buffs. Paired with the powerful Finger of Death, it was really shocking how terrifying a single target explosion would be. Seeing that he was under a strong deceleration effect, he frowned and had to activate the nameplate ability - he knew that he could never die this time. Otherwise, the long resurrection time will definitely allow the natural disaster to break through again and fully occupy the stronghold. In that case, there will really be no way to save the day.

The nameplate ability not only allowed him to enter magic immunity, but also smoothly and randomly fed back a negative buff, allowing Zhao Dingguo to enjoy the slowdown of his own sky fire.


After a short delay, Xu Zhiguo waved his hand and successfully escaped with his remaining health relying on the nameplate's magic immunity, attack, the sacrifice's armor, and the butterfly's super dodge.

"Consider yourself lucky!"

Zhao Dingguo did not expect Xu Zhiguo to be so decisive and failed to complete the kill, which made him a little regretful.

However, after such a scene, Xu Zhiguo should be more cautious if he wants to play such rogue tactics again? As long as this tactic can be cracked, even if he fails to kill, it is worth the trouble, and it will also bring out Xu Zhiguo's nameplate ability.

Overall, this business is still profitable!

After learning that Xu Zhiguo ran away with his nameplate, several members of the Coconut Juice Team felt a little regretful, but they also knew that there was only one chance like this. Without the nameplate ability, next time we face Xu Zhiguo, we can just do whatever we want without worrying too much about anything else.

After waiting patiently for Zhao Dingguo to come back, the five of them continued to advance to the second tower on the lower road as a group.

Although the heroes of the Imperial Guard tried their best to delay, the tower was eventually destroyed due to the consumption of Zhao Dingguo's lava elves. However, at this time, the tower that Zhao Dingguo and the others were on the road to was finally taken away because Xu Zhiguo's clone flew over. Seeing that the troops on the top road were quickly brought to the second tower, Zhao Dingguo and the others who began to intimidate the guards on the high ground on the bottom road also felt the pressure. You know, this is still the result of Clockwork frequently using enhanced lighting rockets to help, otherwise it would be worse.

The advantage of a flying geomancer in leading the line in a death team battle is really too great.

It seems that we need to find a way to break through the bottom lane as soon as possible.

However, the high ground of Konoe is not so easy to get to. The opponent has Chao Xi's refresh and press the formation, which is very powerful whether it is the second move or the first move. Moreover, the hero Chaos Hunter has a Kraken Shell, unlike other heroes who can kill instantly with one set. In most cases, Chao Xi can be released smoothly.

The four teammates are all good, but they are not enough to take the lead on their own. They still have to sell it themselves!

However, after the guards delayed and flew to the middle to attack Xu Zhiguo, the immortal shield on Zhao Dingguo happened to disappear. Without his second life, Zhao Dingguo didn't dare to rush forward rashly. Because this time the Necromancer is big. Once his frost barrier is destroyed, the Necromancer will probably kill him instantly as long as he gives a big attack.

This percentage skill doesn't care about Zhao Dingguo's blood volume!

Zhao Dingguo knew very well that once he was killed, Xu Zhiguo and the others would immediately launch a full-scale counterattack. Unless Xu Zhiguo can be replaced, as long as he is still there, the four members of the Coconut Juice Team will not be able to stop him. Out of caution, after some hesitation, Zhao Dingguo decided to retreat temporarily. It is really not a wise choice to attack the high ground guarded by the opponent's refresh ultimate move Chao Xi.

On the contrary, luring the snake out of its hole is a good idea. Stand back a little distance to see if any enemies come out to lead the line.

Zhao Dingguo had used this little trick a lot in previous team battles, and maybe it would work wonders some time.

Of course, since we were luring the snake out of its hole, there was no need for all five people to be there. The Queen was the first to TP back to the second tower on the top road to prevent Xu Zhiguo's clone from advancing. Others retreated to the wild area near the second tower of the guard's lower lane, waiting for opportunities.

Without the ability to nameplate, and being under his own tower, Xu Zhiguo had the idea of ​​taking the risk to kill the Queen of Pain, but he was worried about the quick support of Zhao Dingguo and others, so he finally decided to pass the main body over. As for the situation where the bottom lane seems safe but is actually deceptive, Xu Zhiguo is also a seasoned master. Before Zhao Dingguo and the others are clear about their positions, he will definitely not let his teammates easily go to the high ground.

This stalemate lasted for nearly a minute. Seeing that there was really no chance, Zhao Dingguo could only temporarily retreat with his teammates.

The battle entered a brief period of peace.

Zhao Dingguo and the others were walking together as a group, hitting the jungle from time to time, and at the same time consolidating the strongholds they had already occupied. After Xu Zhiguo and the others took their troops out, they occupied a stronghold near the mysterious merchant on the upper road, and then began a group confrontation.

At this time, no one dares to be alone!

Around several major strongholds, both sides began repeated feint attacks and maneuvers. If Zhao Dingguo and the others did not fall for the trick, Xu Zhiguo and the others would turn the feint into a real occupation. If Zhao Dingguo and the others are dispatched, Xu Zhiguo's clone will take the opportunity to dribble the ball from the wing, alternately leading the line with flying shoes and flickers. However, because Xu Zhiguo and the others consciously and proactively avoided 5v5 team battles, they failed to fight in the end despite several encounters.

Relying on the advantage of the clone's ultimate move and moving back and forth between the stronghold and the military line, Xu Zhiguo and the others successfully took down the second tower of the natural disaster on the top road and the first tower on the bottom road.

For the defender who is at a disadvantage, this kind of flexible mobilization and containment has been done very well.

However, just because Zhao Dingguo and the others did not do much in these two minutes does not mean that there is really nothing they can do. They are just replenishing their economy and looking for possible opportunities while waiting for the refresh of the second-generation Roshan.

That's right, I'm just waiting for this Immortal Shield!

Simply not taking the initiative to attack the opponent's high ground does not mean that you will be afraid of fighting in the field. The current overall strength of Zhao Dingguo and others is to stabilize Xu Zhiguo. With at least four strongholds in hand, plus an economic and level lead, if Xu Zhiguo and the others dare to come out to fight, Zhao Dingguo is sure that they can definitely be wiped out.

So, as Roshan refreshed, Zhao Dingguo began to kill quickly under the protection of his teammates.

When the agility and speed were activated, combined with the lava elf, and the silver-level hero badge (immortal) was switched, the damage to Roshan was greatly increased. Zhao Dingguo's killing speed was as fast as the wind. Although Xu Zhiguo knew that he was not suitable to stop him, he was still frightened by Zhao Dingguo's speed.

The experience of successive kills, occupying strongholds and meat mountains has raised Zhao Dingguo's bloodline training level to level 23.

At this time, with the additions of various souls, inheritances, and fields, Zhao Dingguo's actual skill level has exceeded the limit, and ice, thunder, and fire have reached the capped level eight. In this case, several skills have received new enhancements. Coupled with the newly acquired Immortal Shield, Zhao Dingguo finally gained the confidence to charge into the opponent's high ground!

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