DOTA’s Madness

Chapter 720: New Origin Core Fragments

ps: Congratulations on your collection exceeding 20,000, I will update it tomorrow. {{{(\u003e_)}}} In addition, within one day from now, all new book reviews will be added. Because there are not many elites, only one will be given to each person. Re-issuance will not work. Friends who want elites can come.

"This is a sinkhole!"

After seeing these four characters and looking at the glacial lake in front of him, which was about a thousand meters in diameter, Zhao Dingguo already knew where this place was. That's right, the original core crystal that possessed mysterious power in ancient times and eventually led to the bloodline of more than a hundred heroes on the main plane fell here.

In other words, the predecessor of this ice lake was formed by the collision of the original crystal nuclei at that time.

From this perspective, calling this glacial lake a sinkhole is very appropriate and absolutely correct. So, it seems to have been clear how to obtain the original core fragments.

When the original crystal core was shattered, most of it was eaten by the ice frogs, and the other half turned into hundreds of small fragments, forming the first generation inheritance of each hero, but countless smaller fragments were still scattered everywhere. After so many years, those fragments that were easy to search for have long since disappeared. The only remaining fragments are probably in this icy lake that will never freeze?

Seeing an expert who had arrived before him soaking in the ice lake, Zhao Dingguo thought about it and jumped in.

Contrary to his expectations, the lake in the far north ice field was far from as cold as he thought, but gave people a cool and comfortable feeling. As if sensing something, something seemed to be flashing at the bottom of the clear lake water. Finally, with the induction of the power of Zhao Dingguo's bloodline. A small fragment of the original crystal core finally floated up from the bottom of the lake under the pull of an unknown force and came directly to him.

The magical crystal that gives rise to the bloodline of all heroes is a rare treasure.

It has been precipitated under the ice lake of the far north ice field for thousands of years, and the pure energy inside can be integrated with any bloodline. If it is absorbed by a specific bloodline with a high degree of fusion, a stronger improvement effect will occur.

Note: This fragment is thinner than the thinnest rice paper!

Seeing this piece of debris floating up on its own, Zhao Dingguo knew that this should be his harvest. It's a pity that its size is too small, and it is certainly incomparable to the fragments obtained in Carlo Vinci's secret realm. Even the first time he fused seemed bigger than this.

Although a little disappointed, Zhao Dingguo immediately integrated.

Since the fusion of the automatically attracted fragments with Zhao Dingguo was extremely high, there was no need for a melting potion, and the energy inside was directly absorbed by him. Driven by the bloodline's own desire for the original crystal core. Even without Zhao Dingguo's deliberate guidance, he eagerly absorbed the bloodline power in his body!

A large ball of gentle energy instantly poured into Zhao Dingguo's body.

Zhao Dingguo remembered clearly the first time he fused the original core fragments. The massive amount of energy was like a tsunami, and in just two or three seconds, he felt like he was full. But after two experiences, this energy can only be said to be just right for him now. Even after absorbing it all, Zhao Dingguo still had a vague feeling that he still had something to say!

The nameplate then gives a hint.

"Super god user with ID 037205, congratulations on merging the original core fragment and raising your bloodline training level to lv15. This is limited to the rules contained in this fragment. Your Ice Wall skill will be additionally strengthened."

Summons a large-scale ice wall in front of the supplicant. Enemies who enter the ice wall for the first time will be stunned for 1 second, and will be continuously slowed down thereafter.

No more~

After completely absorbing the fragments of the original crystal core, Zhao Dingguo looked at his improved strength. What should he say? While I was happy, I felt a little bit dissatisfied!

The first is to raise the bloodline level to lv15.

This improvement is in terms of price/performance. It's a little bit useless, because Zhao Dingguo himself has already reached level 14. In other words, as long as you win one more death team battle, you can steadily level up. Look at it this way. This time it was actually just an extra level. However, considering that the bloodline level is currently the biggest limitation for him to improve his strength, Zhao Dingguo is quite satisfied with this enhancement. After all, it is equal to two more skill points.

If you include the terrifying bonuses from soul equipment and inherited equipment, Zhao Dingguo's ice and thunder elements have not changed and are still at level 5. However, he strengthened all his newly acquired bloodline cultivation to the fire and earth elements. Now, the fire element level has been raised to lv5, and the explosion has been further enhanced. The earth element has also been upgraded to level 4!

For Zhao Dingguo, it is very critical for the earth element to reach level 4.

Because, based on the special nature of the petitioner's bloodline, the elements involved in some skills will undergo qualitative changes when they both reach level 4. Just like the lava elves, when ice and fire are at level four at the same time, two lava elves will be summoned, whereas before there was only one. In the same way, for the strengthened Skyfire, an instantaneous stun that ignores magic immunity will be added after the pulling, which is equivalent to giving him two interruptions that ignore magic immunity.

The skill Frost Barrier will also undergo qualitative changes.

After the earth element reaches level 4, Zhao Dingguo will have two elemental shields. Moreover, when the first elemental shield disappears or is destroyed, the second shield will not take effect until Ya-Invincible's one-second barrier is triggered. This is equivalent to doubling the duration of the Frost Barrier and interrupting the enemy's output rhythm twice.

There is no need to say more about Zhao Dingguo's significance.

Anyway, when I'm on the road, I just turn on the passive trigger whenever I have nothing to do. It's the biggest talisman. No matter how Mu Se Yongye comes to fight, unless it is all kinds of sacred damage, and it happens to be just in time for the barrier to activate, it will be impossible to kill him instantly!

However, this enhancement looks great, but it is actually left over from the previous two original core fragments. Zhao Dingguo naturally obtained this enhancement simply because of his level improvement. Therefore, judging from the degree of improvement of the original core fragments this time, it is still a bit useless. As for other skill enhancements, Zhao Dingguo can only say that they are average.

It stuns the ice wall for an extra second. It neither adds additional damage nor ignores magic immunity. It can only be said to be better than nothing. If the enemy has any flickering skills, or directly turns on the black and yellow face, the extra second of stun will be useless. Unless you encounter the kind of melee combat that lacks cutting skills and equipment, and you rush into the ice wall without black and yellow, it will be somewhat useful. But in fact, the deceleration of the ice wall itself is already very powerful. Even if it stops for one more second, it will not bring about a qualitative change.

Of course, if this second of dizziness can ignore magic immunity, the value will increase a hundred times.


After studying the enhancement, Zhao Dingguo continued to soak in the ice lake for a while, but without any gains. Even if he wanted to dive into the bottom of the lake and explore manually, he could not see any trace of debris at all, which made him feel a little sad.

Could it be that this trip to the far north icefield is over and we have to go back home?

Even if I count the time, I have almost reached the limit of staying in the main plane, and I will be forced to eject. But after finally getting here, Zhao Dingguo was always a little reluctant to leave. After all, every super user can only come once a year in the middle of summer. Moreover, looking at the momentum of the Burning Legion's invasion, I'm afraid it won't be until this time next year that the decisive battle will begin. Before that, it is necessary for every super user to make every effort to improve their own strength.

Zhao Dingguo hesitated for a moment, feeling that he couldn't let it go.

He has now just arrived at the location where the Origin Crystal Core was located, but this is still not the North Pole. Mentor Jiaruo specifically told them before leaving that if possible, it would be best to go all the way to the core of the Arctic ice sheet.

It doesn’t look like it here~

Thinking like this, Zhao Dingguo jumped out of the ice lake, returned along the original path, and came to the first coordinate sign. Here he looked carefully for a while and finally continued walking north.

He wasn't sure what lay ahead, but as long as he continued to go north, he couldn't go wrong!

After walking like this for more than 20 minutes, Zhao Dingguo gradually saw the footprints that had not been completely blown away by the wind. This proved that there were other masters who came here before him, which made him feel refreshed.

Zhao Dingguo sped up and caught up. When he once again crossed a natural ice bridge hundreds of meters in the air, he knew that he had arrived at his destination, and the real North Pole was ahead of him. However, if you want to get there, you must pass through the last barrier, the ice storm circulation!

The outermost ice storm does not happen all the time. Generally speaking, it is activated every once in a while. Although the intervals are variable, there are generally traces to follow, and the duration is also limited. Basically, any expert with enough strength can successfully get through it.

Some experts who are slightly less powerful but have good luck can also rush in.

However, when it came to Zhao Dingguo's current position, Ice Storm changed. It is no longer intermittent, but is spinning spontaneously at high speed like a tornado. This ice storm barrier tightly enclosed the center of the Arctic Icefield. And the power is greater than before, and it lasts forever.

Only masters with sufficient strength can break in.

Now that we are here, what else can Zhao Dingguo say? Stride forward!

After sorting out his spare skills, Zhao Dingguo encouraged himself and walked into this terrifying ice storm circulation. After taking the first step, Zhao Dingguo felt a strong wind sweeping over from the right, blowing him in a clockwise direction. The ice cubes inside were also densely packed, and some healing or damage appeared from time to time.

Because he was used to the straight-forward ice storms before, Zhao Dingguo chose to force a breakthrough in the middle.

However, in the first few steps, he could still withstand it with the help of more than 100 strength attributes. But the farther inside, the stronger the ice storm's turning force became. Finally, it took him half a circle and forced Zhao Dingguo out of the circulation. After trying three times and failing, Zhao Dingguo knew he must have made a mistake somewhere.

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