Doomsday Wonderland

: 474 one master and three servants

The next few days are more tired than fighting with the tattoo.

Even if people are in the last days, the great witches obviously have no glimpse of the quality of life.

Her sheets should be changed every day, the carpet should be cleaned every day, there should be no hair in the bathroom, and even the smell of indoor air has detailed requirements: I can't use air freshener filled with chemical flavor, I need to change it every day. Perfume and flowers.

Eau de Toilette is no problem, the flowers really do not know where to find Lin San wine simply pulled a dog's tail grass into the bottom of her bed, secretly hope that the big witch will not suddenly bend because of the reason for the loss of an earring.

In addition to the big witch's own room, Lin Sanjiu has to be responsible for cleaning the room where the person is full of sleep; after all, dozens of people are crowded together, and there is no sunlight for many years. If they are not cleaned, they will soon stink. When she asked why the big witch had to marry so many living people, the latter raised her chin, and smiled at her with a squint and said, "Hey, you don't know how useful they are. If you can't live alive, Collect more corpses."

It seems that a little bit of reason, Lin Sanshou seems to understand the nod, nodded, while pondering, while rushing to her next battlefield, although not every day must eat, but the big witch will ask for a lunch or dinner from time to time.

Speaking of this, it is quite strange.

The cooking skills of Lin Sanjiu are actually worse than Jishanqing, but the big witches seem to be less picky. It was only after she entered the room with the plate. After a while, she sent the plate out. In addition to being flipped over, she couldn’t see that there was less food. It seemed that she had not eaten at all. However, she is always able to put forward very precise opinions on Lin Sanjiu, such as "the inside of the fish is not cooked", or "it can be less brave when putting salt."

Because there are so many requirements for the big witch, after all the chores such as manicured nails, ironing clothes, and even shoes, Lin San wine found that he did not have time to study the consciousness mechanics and foreign cells. And the other three people have been busy all the time while she is working.

"Four two, the bomb" cleared the cards in his hand for a long time, and blew a white strip on his forehead: "It’s my turn to win once."

Ji Shanqing just raised his head to say something, and suddenly closed his mouth. Put the king in his hand back.

Qing long stayed blind, and it seems that he slowly noticed from the smile of the big witch. Looking back, he found that Lin Sanjiu was standing behind him with his arms, his face was gloomy.

"Smoking and drinking gambling are not falling. You are quite poisonous."

"Small, small gambling."

"Less nonsense, you go to clean the room where the sleeping person is," Lin Sanjiu said as he suddenly extended a white bone tail from behind, rolled up the broom in the corner and stuffed it into the chest for a long time; Looked at Ji Shanqing. Her cherished love for the gift bag was finally consumed at the moment: "You, tie the apron to cook."

The two men glanced at each other and took their brooms and aprons away without a word.

"You came very often," the big witch lazily threw the card on the table and held the chin in one hand: "I can't win this game. You see, it's all phone numbers."

"The big witch," Lin Sanjiu immediately sat down and pushed the cards away: "When can I start to wake up my consciousness?"

The big witch lit a thin, long cigarette and caught it in her fingertips: "Are your evolutionary ability restored?"

Lin Sanjiu thought about it. Although it was a little hard to spread out the palm of the hand, in a vague image, she flashed a few times in her palm, and finally formed a card.

"You are a very talented person who is very suitable for playing cards." The big witch’s eyes lit up and smiled: "Well, consciousness can also be used."

Although the ability to be like the protective field and the consciousness scan can be used, when Lin Sanjiu tries to enter the consciousness mechanics hall, there is still only a darkness in the darkness; don’t say the teacher, even the previous classrooms are not seen. It is.

"The ability can be used, but I still can't open the consciousness mechanics." She opened her eyes and said to the big witch a little disappointed.

"Hey, this is a bit strange."

The big witch said. While narrowing her eyes in the lingering white smoke, the long eyelashes cast a shadow on her blue-gray pupil; this is obviously a face that is old and has five regrets, but she exudes That kind of feminine charm makes Lin Sanji feel a little thrilling.

"Hey." As the big witch suddenly made a snap in front of her, Lin San wine suddenly returned to God with a sudden start, busy sitting up straight.

"Your consciousness is really weak," she squatted on the chair, and the body naturally formed a beautiful arc: "It is a miracle to survive from the starry sky."

"How do you say this?"

"This has to start from the most basic beginning." The big witch gathered the blonde behind her ear. Inadvertently said: "Do you know why there are so many evolvers, but there are so few people with consciousness?"

Lin Sanji shook his head in a dull moment.

"The potential value is the premise and foundation for the growth of all evolutionists. You always know this."

Lin San was busy nodding.

"Well, okay, I don't plan to literate you from the beginning." The big witch smiled and said: "Everyone's evolutionary ability is based on the potential value, just like building a house on the foundation. However, consciousness is not so accurate. Consciousness is not an evolutionary ability."

"No?" Lin Sanji couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Shut up your mouth, look like a fool like this. Consciousness directly realizes the potential value and becomes a force exerted by the will, the spirit, and the mind. Although it is the same as the source of evolutionary ability, it is finished. Another completely different system." The big witch frowned and said slowly: "For example, you have laid a foundation here to build a house, but on the other side someone has directly taken your foundation away, take it. Of course, it is impossible to use steel bars for other purposes. Therefore, people with insufficient potential cannot develop their consciousness."

“So, growth is easier to develop awareness.”

"Yes, you are not stupid. Although the growth potential value is slow, but it grows a little bit anyway, so you can develop consciousness through the extra foundation in the morning and evening. But there are also very few talents. The ultimate person, from the very beginning, has its own potential value, such as me."

"Endless means"

"972." The big witch is still so natural when she praises herself: "Ordinary evolvers. Even rarely more than 50."

972 Lin San wine poured a cold air, suddenly remembered Lu Ze, could not help but secretly sigh for him unfair.

"Although the potential value of growth is not digital, it is estimated that in general, it will increase by seven or eight points a year." The big witch raised her chin and said: "Once you have the first consciousness, you can Through constant practice, let your own consciousness grow more and more, have you ever experienced it?"

Lin Sanjiu thought about it, and he was busy with it; she was at the station station in the month. It does increase the consciousness with the compression method.

"Well, this involves two characteristics of consciousness, one is quality, the other is quantity." The big witch is a good teacher, even if the attitude is careless, the content is still clear: "The increased consciousness through practice, of course It means that its quantity has increased. What are the benefits of your question?"

"The amount of quantity determines what kind of correlation ability you can generate."

"In order to facilitate your understanding, we use numbers to refer to it. For example, if you have 00 consciousness now, even if it is consumed, you can slowly recover to 00 over time. Then your ability to generate conscious mechanics for you. The biggest can only consume 00 consciousness."

When the big witch said this, she glanced at Lin Sanjiu and found that there was only one piece of the face on the latter.

"There is nothing I can't understand." She sighed. "For example, your protective field only consumes 50 consciousness each time you open it, then you can generate it smoothly because your quantity is enough; but if there is another A ability to consume 20 consciousness each time you open it, of course you can't generate it. It's expensive. It's also powerful, so if you don't have enough, you won't have any great ability."

Lin San’s wine blinked and made a “snap”. Busy asked: "That quality?"

Her voice just fell, and suddenly she only felt awkward, and she was caged by weightlessness. Before she reacted to what happened, Lin Sanjiu and his chair were together with some invisible power. Far thrown out, "squatting" and slamming on the ground, shaking the frame on the wall and shaking a few times.

However from beginning to end. The big witch did not even move her fingers.

Quite awkwardly crawling up from the ground, Lin San wine couldn’t help but look surprised: "What ability did you use?"

The big witch did not answer, but just turned her eyes and her eyes just fell on the curtains behind the Lin San wine. The curtains suddenly closed and obscured the outside world.

"This is quality." The big witch looked at Lin Sanjiu and smiled. "When the quality is improved, it means that your consciousness is stronger and more powerful. Your quality is not good, and the amount is normal. I ask you, When you don't have the ability to use a protective field, what is your consciousness?"

"I will let it go so much." Lin Sanjiu said a little.

The big witch seemed to be stunned by this answer. After she paused, she spit out two words: "Waste."

"That me"

"When I just threw you, I used consciousness." The big witch shook her head and sighed. "As long as the quality is improved, your consciousness can be more and more done. The highest level is said to make a person's heart. I want to get things done and it can also help you not be confused by the ability of the mind class."

Lin Sanjiu suddenly thought of a cat doctor and a soul family.

"Between the quality and the quantity, it is impossible to balance; after a certain degree of development, only one of them can be specialized. Of course, you are too low now, and you are far away from that step." The big witch knocked with a red armor. Knocked on the table and stood up gently.

"Then what should I do next?" Lin Sanjiu was agitated by her words, and I wish I could temper my consciousness immediately: "Now the teacher has not yet woken up"

"Don't worry, you have to know that although the common sense I just told you is very important, it is not directly related to awakening the teacher." The big witch spoke and lowered her blue-gray pupil. Just looking straight into the eyes of Lin San wine.

"Ah," Lin Sanjiu.

"The more you know your consciousness," she whispered as she whispered, her long fingers slowly slamming the wrist of Lin Sanjiu: "When I attack you with the most intense means, the more you have May match me in the right way."


Lin Sanjiu had only one word to spit out, and suddenly felt a pain in his mind, and the vision became dark in the future; if the son-in-law’s consciousness was quietly sneaked into her body, then the big witch did not hide her. The squally showers and the rushing battles

It is like losing the protective shell, and even the spirit and the soul are exposed to the attack; the shouts of the unconsciousness of Lin Sanjiu even penetrated the floor and faintly passed downstairs.

Ji Shanqing and Qing Jiu stayed at each other and looked at each other. They didn't look good on each other's faces. However, no one went upstairs to see if the situation was early on the game. The big witch had already reminded them.

"I said, "Although I have been downstairs for a long time, I still have a broom in my hand for a long time: "Why do they say that you are not a person?"

At first glance, he was trying to divert attention. When he was not looking for words, Ji Shanqing would not honestly pay the bill. He replied, "You are not a human."

"You are so lucky, there are no fans in my neighborhood." Qing Jiu left a yawn.

Ji Shanqing ignored him and walked into the hotel kitchen. He took out a hard fish from the refrigerator. This is still Lin Sanji who went to the nearby lake in the morning. He slammed the fish on the chopping board, and he said unhappyly behind him: "If you follow me, don't mess things."

"You can't move me if you ask me to move," he kept his arm on the door for a long time.

Perhaps the faint screams of Lin Sanshui are always revolving, and Ji Shanqing is a bit distracted; he smashed the fish head and irritatedly left two tiger teeth for a long time: "Don't whistle"

After staying for a long time, he immediately straightened his body; when he paused, he whispered, "I don't have it."

Ps: Thank you, Ami, long chrysanthemum, bird sen, sss97654, kasa lure, Zuo Pingyu, etc., everyone’s rewards, 荇児, 落樱未央, 公子书香, probably gunda purple evil Ji and so on, everyone’s monthly ticket leaked today. More, because I am anxious to go.


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