Doomsday Wonderland

One Thousand Three Hundred and Twenty-Two Wu Lun had a near miss

"Hello? Is this...Lin Sanjiu?"

Wu Lun's voice sounded weak, and the thick nasal tone made Lin Sanjiu think for a moment that she was crying.

"It's me, are you okay? Where are you?"

The girl on the other end of the phone sniffed and whispered, "No, it's nothing serious. I had a car accident this afternoon and my phone ran out of battery. I'm in the hospital now..."

This was an answer that Lin Sanjiu had never guessed - but as soon as this sentence came into her ears, she immediately interrupted Wu Lun: "Wait a moment."

Now that it was known that Wu Lun was still safe, the urgent pointer immediately turned to the other side.

She raised her eyes and looked at the young man opposite, and the people behind him who were still replaying the same conversation over and over again; at night after three o'clock in the morning, except for the bustle near the bar, other places were always quiet and peaceful, so it was difficult to see this "reverse" How much area does the "band" effect cover?

"I have no ill intentions towards you," she said hurriedly, and heard Wu Lun say "Huh?" on the phone. This young man didn't call her at first, but stayed here waiting for her to show up. This shows that he is full of doubts about other evolutionaries and must not let him retreat and leave again... She suggested: "I just want to find someone to leave with." Companions of this world. If you want to talk, we'll go up."

With that said, Lin Sanjiu pointed to the sky - she had had enough of being under hundreds of cameras along the way.

"Upstairs, upstairs?" The young man was stunned.

"No," Lin Sanjiu said, "On top of the street lamp."

For two evolved people who met for the first time and tested each other, the streetlight was really convenient. Its advantages are obvious: there are no obstacles in the air, so it is difficult to ambush; the foothold is extremely small, so it is difficult to fight; the distance is extended, so it is difficult to make a surprise attack - it is empty in all directions, and if something goes wrong, it can be found anywhere. Escape route.

However, the young man looked up at the streetlight, with a trace of reluctance on his face. He pursed his lips and paused for half a second. When he spoke again, his tone sounded dry and fast: "I'll go up right now."

When Lin Sanjiu used her consciousness to jump up on the pole twice and landed on the head of the street lamp, she looked down and realized why the young man was so embarrassed when they met.

"Send me your hospital address and I'll go find you right away." Lin Sanjiu hurriedly said to the cell phone that was still talking. Before Wu Lun could speak again, she said, "I have something to do here." Deal with it first” and hung up the phone.

For most evolvers, climbing to a height as high as a streetlight is not difficult, but that is under the premise that "the ability does not decline." The young man had obviously been in this world for a while, and his abilities were beginning to be damaged - he stood on the ground and hesitated for a few seconds, then raised his hand and swung a rope towards the street lamp; for the first time, the rope did not touch the lamp head. It fell down, and it was only the second time that it got caught on the hanging pole of the street lamp.

He fixed the rope around his waist, held it with both hands and climbed up the telephone pole. It became more and more difficult as he climbed up. Several times he slipped and almost fell down again. It took him two to three minutes to climb to the top. Even if he came up, it didn't mean he could stand firm; the young man hunched over and slowly sat down on the street lamp, holding the light pole tightly with both hands, and then he exhaled a shaky breath, his breath all gone. A bit too heavy.

His face was green and white, and he didn't know what he thought of. He didn't speak for a while, and just stared blankly at his feet hanging in the air and the earth floating under his feet.

"You won't realize it until you climb once..." He raised his head and smiled softly. "It turns out that my physical fitness has been reduced to this point in four or five months."

The man sitting on the street lamp opposite was her own future - Lin Sanjiu wanted to comfort him, but could not say anything for a moment.

The two were silent for a few seconds. The young man stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. The heads on the road below, like a group of small black bugs, suddenly broke free from the short period of reincarnation they were bound to, and began to separate and gather around, turning around, and from time to time, shouts could be heard: "Where are the others?" ?Who saw him leaving?"

"Very powerful," Lin Sanjiu praised sincerely, "Is this your ability?"

"No, a special item," the young man shook his head and said, "Actually, it is mainly a time attack item for the fallen species. It is just an extra for ordinary people... The fallen species will not be trapped like them. It lasts a long time, and it has no effect on evolvers at all. It is actually a very useless thing, but I didn’t expect it to be of great use after I got here.”

Lin Sanjiu opened her mouth, feeling a little confused for a moment. "Fallen species", "time attack"... She had only been in this world for four or five days, but when she heard the evolver talk about these words, she felt as if she was a lifetime away.

"It's great to meet another evolved person again," she couldn't help but let out a long breath, her whole body feeling slightly warm. "I've only met former evolved people who became ordinary people."

"I've met them too, maybe three or four." The young man regained his composure, and his voice came from another lamp not far away. The two of them were standing and sitting, both above the light and under the darkness. They could only see a vague outline of each other. "It seems that the bigger the city and the more people there are, the higher the chance of an evolved person appearing."

"You know a lot about this world?"

"In the past four or five months, I have been looking for ways to maintain my ability. In the process of searching for information, I have gained some understanding of the world." The young man spoke clearly and in a soft voice, "My name is He Huan. "

"Lin Sanjiu." Out of politeness, she also reported her name.

The young man nodded, as if he didn't know where to start. Lin Sanjiu asked: "Do you want to stay or go?"

He Huan shook his head, as if he was looking at an underachiever who had not yet mastered the content of the class. "You make it sound like we have a choice... Judging from the previous records I found, we can't leave unless you can successfully create an apocalypse in this world."

It seems that all evolvers who want to leave after understanding the situation will think of this method immediately.

"No, maybe there are other ways." Lin Sanjiu stared at him and asked, "If you were really willing to live in this place honestly, you wouldn't tear down my missing person notice. right?"

He Huan laughed and rubbed his neck, his messy hair being blown in the face by the night wind.

"What can you do?" he asked.

Lin Sanjiu explained his idea of ​​sending a message to the outside world, and then explained: "However, all the external communication tools I have are unusable now, so I need to gather more people. work together."

"Just need to send a message to the Twelve Realms...?" He Huan pondered for a while, and when he raised his head again, his eyes were shining brightly in the night.

"If you just send a message, the possibility of success is much greater than destroying the world." He was obviously a little excited, and he spoke much faster, and asked: "But what happens after the message is sent?"

"Someone will come to pick me up." Lin Sanjiu said word by word, "No matter when I can send the message, as long as I send it out, someone will come to pick me up. Then everyone can go with me ."

"Really?" Although He Huan looks gentle and gentle, his temper is admirable. After just thinking for a few seconds, he climbed up from the street lamp pole and said decisively: "I did it! No matter what If I don’t do it, my abilities are gradually disappearing... I might as well try my best."

Lin Sanjiu breathed a sigh of relief. "Aren't you afraid that I will lie to you?" she asked.

"In this world where everyone will degenerate into ordinary people sooner or later, those who come first may deceive those who come later, but the reverse does not make sense." He Huan not only made a prompt decision, but also seemed to think very quickly: "You can also lie to me. It's only good. Now that my abilities and items have begun to be completely damaged, I am no match for you. If you come for my external things, just grab them. Other than that, you and I are the same rope. Why do you need to lie to me if you are a grasshopper?"

It seemed that she was really lucky. The first evolver she met was not the kind of person whose logic and reason were obscured by paranoia - Lin Sanjiu thought a little thankfully. At this moment, there was another commotion on the ground beneath her feet; she looked down and saw that in the river of light formed by the street lights, the unique warning lights of police cars were flashing and swimming over from a distance.

The shadows of the people at the door of the bar suddenly stopped circling and rushed to meet him.

"Why did you deliberately ask them to call the police?" He Huan lowered his head and looked at the noisy people below for a while, then UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett thought of this question.

Now that she was in contact with Wu Lun again, Lin Sanjiu naturally didn't need to go to the [ ] bureau to watch the surveillance video; she took out her phone and took a look, and found that Wu Lun had indeed sent a text message with the hospital address and ward number. information.

"It's a long story, but I don't need it now," she answered briefly and asked, "I have to find a normal friend I met here. If you don't mind, you can talk to me Let’s go together and we can have a nice chat on the way.”

He Huan had no objection to this. The two of them waited above the street lamp for the crowd below to disperse, and then returned to the ground, avoiding the bar. At He Huan's suggestion, the two of them hailed a taxi - and they were worried about the taxi. The vague feeling of discomfort was all because of Wu Lun. Now that he knew that she had just had an accident, Lin Sanjiu really couldn't find any reason not to use this very convenient means of transportation.

With He Huan's special item, the two entered the hospital easily. Wu Lun was placed in a double ward. Because it was too late, the lights were turned off long ago. Lin Sanjiu called out softly, "Wu Lun, it's me." When he pushed the door open, the light from the corridor spilled into the dark ward, illuminating the bed near the door and Wu Lun's bed. Two sleepless, black hole-like eyes.

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