Doomsday Virus

Chapter 414: cover

Of course, this final plan will not let others know, including the black light team led by them, because it is still not sure what their consciousness stand is, whether it is completely on the side of the black light virus, or is still for the present. For the sake of humanity.

"You have said so much, and you can't wash away the killing sins in your hands. Although I don't know how you have acquired these abilities, they must be wiped out for killing."

As the ascetic monk Li Qing said this, Xia Leng saw a significant change in his muscles, as if covering the entire body with a layer of gold foil, emitting a faint golden light.

Is this the so-called Buddha's general illumination?

"Your hands are also covered with blood? It's just the difference between evil and good in your eyes, then, what qualifications do you have to condemn those who only want to live, because of your ethereal Buddha, Or is it God? Why do n’t they come to save the world in person, are they afraid of getting their shoes dirty? Hahaha !!! "

Xia Leng said, his face became more and more terrible, and within his double pupils he was again covered with a pure and dark color, and finally burst into a wild arrogance!


The ascetic saw the other party's frivolous attitude towards his belief, and made an angry scream. This time he rushed directly to Xia Leng with his flesh. His speed has completely exceeded the eighth-order hunter Kolin Ke!

But Xia Leng's speed is not bad now, so she stood with a smile on the spot, waiting for the ascetic monk who thought he was a saint to rush towards himself.

It turns out that this group of people is only a double mark. Killing yourself is to help them atone for others. If someone kills others, it is full of sin, and it will be purified regardless of the cause.

What if the legitimate defense missed and killed the wicked? Although there is no such thing as justifiable defense in this era.

In this way, Xia Leng stood motionless, letting the ascetic who had filled himself with murderous intentions with his powerful whip leg [Shenlong swinging the tail] kicked him fiercely on his head.


For a moment, only a dull reverb was heard. The ascetic monk kicked Xia Leng's head completely. The shock wave generated by the powerful collision will even lift up the dust within ten meters of the surrounding!

Just when the ascetic slightly wondered why the other party did not dodge, he found that he had kicked in the past, and the other party was still standing still, and his head was not kicked as he imagined? !

This is because Xia Leng's defensive strength has also reached the strength of more than eighth order of the baptist, and still has not entered the armor form!

Many people are confused by Xia Leng's somewhat thin and thin body, thinking that his strength is the same as his appearance, there is no sense of power, or just a simple speed.

But every evolution of Xia Leng is the comprehensive development of all body abilities, speed, strength, defense, including the ability of the master, and so on. As for the illusory mysterious scholar ability, Xia Leng still has no idea what exactly ... …

Therefore, the ascetic monk whose strength reaches the eighth rank peak and even the ninth rank, his relative strength is at most 6th to 7th rank, which is several levels different from the binge puppet killed by Xia Leng.

So this whip leg came over and let Xia Leng's hair flutter a few times ...

"Are you using all your strength?"

Xia Leng sneered and said that his present aggressive provocation was completely absent from the cold and speechless before.

At this time, the three virus advance teams, who felt the thrilling battle scene under the ground, had already been shocked to be stunned, unable to say a word.

They didn't see clearly the battle process between the two big guys on the surface, but they could see that their boss had the upper hand. In such a short time, the boss actually improved his strength so much!

At this time, they made some envy, jealousy, and hate those overwatch soldiers who stayed behind, because as long as Xia Leng's strength was strengthened, the other virus parasites accompanying him would be "flying up".

Only these virus advance teams, who are far away, still retain their original strength.

Hearing the opponent's sarcasm, the ascetic monk Li Qing did not make any other response, and still tried his best to do all kinds of tricks!

These seemingly ordinary tricks bombarded Xia Leng at a speed of hundreds of punches per second like a storm at his dazzling speed!

Bang Bang Bang Bang! !

The screams of fist and the crackling sound of the collision mixed together, stirring up the ripples of Xia Leng's body.

If a person below the mid-level strength is subjected to this punching speed, within three seconds, it will become a pate of meat sauce that can't recognize its original appearance ...

And Xia Leng, under such a fatal attack, in addition to blinking his eyes with the golden palm of his opponent's hands, he couldn't even move his footsteps, and there was an evil charm on the corner of his mouth. Sneer.

When ~


suddenly! I don't know when the astonished monk's double fists were caught by Xia Leng and could not be pulled out or retracted. I felt my hands were pinched by two cold iron tongs!

But he still didn't give up the attack ~ ~ Suddenly shook his head, the slender braids pulled straight towards Xia Leng's neck, and a sharp burst of air broke out in an instant!

However, he was entangled by a thicker virus tentacle extending from Xia Leng's body, as if two snakes were intertwined ...

"You ... how did you gain this power, are you a baptist!"

When the ascetic monk gritted his teeth to say this sentence, his voice trembles a little, and he lost the calmness of the previous one. It can be seen that he really used his full strength, and he was amazed why the other party would not be affected by his holy light. .

"Why, do you want this power, I can give it to you, so that you can punish evil and promote good in this end time more like a fish."

Xia Leng said lightly with a magnetic voice full of temptation, it seems that there is a kind of magic that makes people yearn for this mysterious power.

"Your hostile power is definitely an evil force that has been bribed to demons! I will definitely not be with your demons !! Uh ah !!!"

The ascetic monk Li Qing made a rant, making the holy light covered by him instantly rise like a fire again!

"Huh, at this time still standing at the commanding heights of morality? Then tell your God or Buddha who you have never met to tell you the hardships you have done for them in your life!"

Xia Leng's eyes also had black silk threads around her eyes, as if she were the pupil of the devil!

Then, a dozen sharp tentacles were stretched out on Xia Leng's back, and the brushes pierced every corner of the body of the ascetic who was bound, and penetrated the blood holes that glowed with golden light!

And when a tentacle penetrated his forehead, the red cloth covering the eyes of the ascetic monk was also accidentally lifted down ...

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